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Everything posted by Aludlam

  1. Hi, I thought I'd add a fossil set for some hands on study for next year. Has anyone ever bought any of the sets from RR (or anywhere else for that matter)? If so, which ones and what are you thoughts about them? thanks Angela
  2. You have been so kind to help me so much. I thank you, and my littles thank you! Angela
  3. Thank you! Have any idea about the pencils??? thanks Angela
  4. Thanks for answering. Are these just regular sharpies, as in the ones you get at Walmart or a special drawing sharpie? :lol: Thanks Angela
  5. Ok, I need some help picking out more of our Atelier art supplies. I'm trying to find "Drawing Pencils Beginner's Model". I can only assume that this means a cheaper beginner drawing pencil. If someone has the time would they please go to RR and look up "pencil" and then pick out suitable drawing pencils for us to use. (dd8,dd5,dd3 - so they don't need to be fancy - at all!) thank you, thank you, thank you Also, What is a "Marking pen fine-lined black felt tip"? Is this like a sharpie or plain ole regular thin like black crayola marker? Thank you all so much! I would be lost without all your art help! Angela
  6. We started Mindbenders (beginner) last year in second grade. It's my littles favorite part of the day --- in fact I use it as "leverage" to get her to finish up her work. "You better hurry up, or we 'might' not have enough time to work on logic today." :001_cool: Angela
  7. I'm trying to get our stuff together for our first year of Atelier. The paper on the supply list is "White Drawing paper 12"x18", 60#". RR sells a paper that says the same thing except it's 80#. Would this paper work? We've got a DD8, DD5 and DD3 who will be using this. Also, it says that we need newsprint for "warm-up paper". Would just regular old paper, paper - you know "paper" work for this? I haven't read into the lessons. I've just gotten this info off the supply list. Any insight, education and/or suggestions would be welcome much thanks Angela
  8. Hey, Wait a minute! I was about to write that post! The reason I original asked is b/c I am trying to for the first time ever purchase everything I need before the start of our school year. DD8 is a going to be starting 3rd grade in August. We did AAS1 at the end of this last term. I already have AAS2, but was trying to decide what else I would need. (It looks like she will have no problems with AAS2). I believe I'm going to go ahead and get AAS3 to follow AAS2, and hold off on AAS4. That seems like a really doable spelling year. Thanks so much for the great answers! Keep them coming! Angela
  9. As for the 45 letter lessons, are those the one page a day type of lesson? thanks Angela
  10. I'm glad you had wonderful success with T! I'm trying to figure out if it is necessary, or if we could go straight on into C. Have you looked into the C book? thanks Angela
  11. So, "C" doesn't teach the actual letter formation (for lack of a better word!)? I was concerned about that. Does anyone know how many Lessons/weeks are in level T or C? thanks so much for all the answers! Angela
  12. So, by the end of 3rd grade you had finished Level 5? Angela
  13. I too think that MUS might be a good fit for him. The simple black and white pages are a huge plus. We have used MUS for 2 years (dd8), but are moving back to Horizons b/c my little wanted colorful pages with a spiral approach. Angela
  14. Hi, This is just for discussion: How long did it take you to finish the entire series? What grade was your child in when he/she completed book 6? How many levels on average do you complete in a year? Do you feel that it is on grade level? (ie. level 3 is essentially 3rd grade work) I know many people set a timer and teach spelling until the timer goes off and then begin again the next day. I totally get that. I'm just looking for broad generalizations. I've got the long term goals planning itch! :tongue_smilie: Thanks so much to all who answer this! Angela
  15. We are about to start multiplication. This program sounds really great, but I'm not sure exactly how much of the "multiplication table" it teaches. Also, if you order it off of Amazon, do you get everything that is needed? I see the words "deluxe" and "added the 3's and 4's" thrown around on this board sometimes--- Somebody please tell me what to get and where to get it! thanks Angela
  16. Thank you for answering. We used book A for a reason for handwriting when my now 3rd grader was smaller. As with most things, I tweaked and essentially she has my exactly handwriting - which I say is closest to ZB. I assume that was the style I was taught in school. Anyway, while looking at the samples for "a reason" I noticed that there was lots of talk about "transition". Could you explain this to me, or at least point me to which book I should purchase for her? She has beautiful manuscript handwriting, but has never been introduced to cursive at all. thank so much Angela
  17. We are just about to start 3rd grade and CURSIVE! We have used ZB for print and planned to use it for cursive. If anyone has used the cursive books for A Reason for Handwriting, what style of cursive do you think they are closest to? Thanks so much Angela
  18. That's what I thought, but just wanted to be sure. Thanks for answering this question and past ones about AAS. :D Angela
  19. Thanks so much for the great suggestions and the link to the old post! :001_smile: Angela
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