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Everything posted by Aludlam

  1. :lurk5: WE might be raising the same child. I call mine a "light bulb" learning. YOU struggle and struggle and struggle and then one day she justs "gets" ALL of it. We are only just know making Great strides in reading (rising 3rd grader). We currently use MUS. It's a love/hate relationship. I own Miquon, MM, and some Horizons. I just purchased the Liping Ma book that everybody has been talking about, but it hasn't gotten here yet. As for the math facts, we conquered those by stopping all math instruction for a couple of months and worked ONLY on those. I do print lots of drill sheets from Donna Young. I have never timed her, just seems like a lot more added stress. I just give her a reasonable amount of time to do the sheet (about the same amount of time I give her to do any worksheet). I wish I could give you some real advice--- but then again I need some for myself! :grouphug: Angela p.s. I vote for C.
  2. I also wanted to add that I purchased a stethoscope from Amazon ($10-15). It was a great purchase. You can listen to all sorts of stuff and your heart too! (lol) I think they sell them at Walmart too. Angela
  3. We have started WWE1 recently (dd8). Lately, I've been wondering if I shouldn't go back and read the Complete Writer (so that I might actually have a better understanding of what we are doing.) My lazy question is .... If I listen to the audio lectures on writing at Peace Hill Press, would that be essentially the same info? ("Mom can't I just read the Cliff notes. It's the same story ... only shorter and better!" :001_huh:) I have so many on my "to read" list ............ Angela
  4. Truthfully, we've never met one in the series that we didn't like. Angela
  5. These are just some of the ones we used. I'd give you the whole list, but I didn't mark which ones we did/did not like. So, I'm only listing the ones that I know we liked. Body: Sleep is for Everyone - Paul Showers Hear your Heart - Paul Showers A Drop of Blood - Paul Showers The Skeleton Inside of You - Paul Showers What Happens to a Hamburger - Paul Showers My Five Senses - Aliki Germs Make me Sick - Melvin Berger Why I Sneeze Shiver, Hiccup and Yawn - Merlvin Berger Inside the Human Body Magic School Bus- Joann Cole (We also watched several MSB videos) Weather: What Will the Weather Be? - Linda Dewitt Air is All Around you - Franklyn Branley What Makes it Rain? The Story of a Raindrop - Keith Now I know Clouds - Roy Wandelmaier Snow is Falling - Franklyn Branley Feel the Wind - Arthur Dorros I Can Read about Thunder and Lightning - David Cutts Tornado Alert - Franklyn Branley Tornadoes! - Lorraine Jean (We also watched several MSB videos) (We also did several drawings and copy work from Draw Write Now Book 2) We really like the Let's Read and Find Out books. Hope this helps you some! Angela
  6. They must have sent you mine! I still haven't gotten one yet. :tongue_smilie: Angela
  7. Can anyone review Nick McCarty's the Illiad? I have seen a used copy online and can't seem to find any reviews for it. My little is in 3rd grade, but this would be a book I would read to her. thanks Angela
  8. Hi, I had surgery yesterday, so I'm a little loopey --- but you can request catalogs from Sonlight, Winter Promise, Heart of Dakota ... and lots and lots more. You can then use those catalogs as great reading list. I agree with the Core Knowledge. You can usually get it from the library. Also, if you haven't read the WTM, you really need to. It's a great read. Also, are you looking for Chrisitian or secular? Knowing that could help us steer you towards other things. Have you looked into math yet? Like I said, I'm really loopey, so I hope this made some sense. Angela
  9. I wanted to add that we are in "deep like" with: GWG, WWE and AAS. If you have someone struggling with spelling, I would check out All About Spelling. There are some great threads about it on this board. Angela
  10. We use WWE, but not FLL. SWB does talk a little about this on one of her youtube videos. You might want to watch that. Angela
  11. Thanks! I'm going to print that out, so I'll have it in hand for next time. Angela
  12. For you out there who have read both the older and newer editions of Liping Ma's book Knowing and Teaching Elementary Mathematics --- Are there any real differences? I'm looking at purchasing an older/used copy. Would I be missing anything? thanks Angela
  13. Have you looked at the Let's Read and Find Out books? There are some great ones on chemistry topics. Also, have you looked at the books for NOEO? We're piecing together a short (yet hopefully sweet) chemistry curriculum. Doing science the WTM way is not working too great for us (one topic for a whole year). We like to work on something for a couple of months move on and then come back. Angela
  14. I've decided to purchase a set of solids. Would you please help me??? I Have no idea of how to post links (if someone want s to hijack the thread with directions for this ---- please feel free!). I want to get a set from Amazon (free shipping), b/c I have a gift card. It seems like the choices are primarily wooden, plastic or foam rubber. thanks so much Angela Meant to type "geometric"! lol
  15. Can anyone speak of the differences between the old edition and the new edition of the book? I'm looking to get a used copy. thanks so much Angela
  16. To those asking about ages, this is our house: My 3ds loves to watch them, just because. My 5dd really likes to watch it and has a loose understanding of everything happening. My 8dd gets it. Hope that helps, but every kid is different. Angela
  17. Not to hijack ... too much, but does anyone else have any favorites that they would like to share? Angela
  18. I have to agree with MUS. You can also print drill sheets for free from Donna Young. If worksheets aren't his cup of tea how about flashcards or one of those hand held games or a computer game? We just stopped all math until we pretty much had all of them down. (weeks and weeks -- but it was worth it to us.) We also randomly (quite frequently) add a page of drill to our scheduled math sheets. We're always waiting on the light bulb over here. Angela
  19. I have no really good advice, as mine just started grammar a few months ago (2nd grade), but we really like Growing with Grammar. I got it used in very good condition here on the board. Angela
  20. Our whole family likes it. We got the set for a really good price from Amazon. Angela
  21. Thanks. That's the one I have in my Amazon cart. Just waiting to hit the check-out button. :001_smile:
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