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Everything posted by Aludlam

  1. Hi, Can anyone tell me the general format for this dvd? Is it like sitting in a Latin class? (like MUS for math?) Divided by and corresponding to the lessons in the book? I just opened my Prima Latina books and my eyes started crossing. I want something that will ease my teaching time (littles under my feet) --- not that I won't be involved with it, it's just that we would ALL sit down and watch it together. My littles love watching big sis's MUS. Not to mention that the only latin I know came off a one dollar bill. Any help in this would be appreciated Thanks Angela
  2. Well, I finally ordered my Miquon stuff. I've waited for two weeks for the stuff to get here, and the Annotations and Diary are back ordered! WAAAHHH!!! So, I've got a bunch of student books, rods and Notes to Teachers ... with no idea what to do with them. I wanted to get started on this stuff (stamping my foot really hard!). I've got an 8 year old, who needs math help. It's not fair, It's not fair, It's not fair. Thank you for listening. Angela
  3. I have Hannah's free book and it is wonderful. How would you compare it to Living Memory? (as far as grammar stage memorization goes) thanks Angela
  4. Thanks for responding! Can you tell me how you use it? Also, do you think that it is something that you could have compiled yourself? And since you love it, I'm assuming that you think it's worth the cost. :) Thanks again Angela
  5. This thread is quite old, but to all of you who originally posted to this thread almost a year ago .... How do you like it now? AND Are you still using it? :001_smile: thanks so much Angela
  6. I don't have a lot of advice to offer here, as I looked into this thread to answer some questions that I have. :001_smile: But, that being said ... I do have a little pearl of wisdom (that has already been mentioned in this thread). I had heard before from several people that they skipped ETC 4 and came back and did it later. I kind of thought that was ridiculous. The books are numbered for a reason, aren't they ;). Well, we just finished book 4 yesterday, after months and months of struggling. I never thought we were going to finish it. She started book 5 today. She did like 8 pages of it. We will finish it pretty fast. If I had to do it all over again (and I will b/c I've got two more coming up), I would have listened to the advice ... skipped ETC 4 gone onto ETC 5 and picked up ETC 4 later. Just my 2 cents Angela
  7. We've only been using level 1 for about a month. It's the only grammar program that we've used. What I really like about it so far is that the pages are "clean". So many other things I've looked at have been so full of writing that I couldn't stand to look at them, let alone teach from them. kwim? GWG is very simple (thus far), "learning" at the top of the page and "doing" on the bottom and back of the page. Anyway, that was a big plus to us (me). Angela
  8. I'll look into it. We're not looking for a curriculum. Just some fun books for 8yo, 4yo, 3yo and Mama to enjoy. angela
  9. We're enjoying Growing with Grammar. We've only had it for about a month. It's pretty simply and straightforward. Angela
  10. Well, they did watch it this morning, but I didn't :glare:
  11. Where can I look to see what all the Hive levels are and what they mean? Hive minded larvae, etc, etc, etc thanks Angela
  12. So, we were putting away the laundry and my 4 year old pipes up and says,"If we only had a pulley would could get the laundry upstairs faster." I just smiled, because I knew she had seen something about pulleys on t.v. I said, "We're going to learn all about them in science ... someday. We'll learn all about levers too." (At this point I think I'm pretty smart b/c I'm channeling 12th grade physics) My eight year old pipes up and says, "And don't forget about the incline plane." I just stop and look at her ... where in the world did she ever hear about that? (while I'm thumbing the note cards in my head) Anyway, so we need some fun physics/physcial science books to read (well, they have to be fun for ME to read to them!) We like the Let's Read and Find Out, All About, etc. books. Also, any supplies that would be fun for us to play around with. I would love to hear any suggestions you might have for us! thanks Angela
  13. I have seen previously that people have listed for sale a used WWE with the teacher pages only.... I was wondering what exactly are the student pages? Are they just lined pages? What about the copywork, is it written on the student pages or can you also find it in the teacher pages? thank you in advance, all you home school mom and dad's who always come through and answer my from left field questions! Angela
  14. Oh my goodness, I didn't even know there was a teacher book and a student book. I just thought it was like a story book that you read and at the end you knew the multiplication table. Oh boy, more research for me! Anymore help would be VERY welcome. Thanks Angela
  15. Hi, I've seen Times Tales mentioned on here in different forms - meaning I guess regular, deluxe and then supplements? I really don't know what I'm talking about here (part of the problem). I see on Amazon that they have "Times Tales Times tables made easy by Trigger Memory Sys" list price $29.95 amazon price $19.77. We are about to start the times tables --- Is this what everyone is talking about? :confused: thanks so much Angela
  16. Thanks. I was wondering if I was missing something here. Angela
  17. I've seen that lots of people recommend and use geometric solids. Please connect the dots on this one for me .... what do you use them for? Are these just the set of wooden shapes that you find on RR? Are they just for the 3-D effect? My dd8 learned her shapes from a workbook, but we are really looking to ramp up our math manipulatives (dd4 and ds3 following). I'm placing an Amazon and RR order this week and wanted to know if I should add these to our list. thanks Angela
  18. So do you think it would be better for me to just take some time with her now and teach her the notes, etc instead of the actual playing? We would probably be looking at lessons for next spring. I may not be making too much sense b/c I'm holding a sleeping sickie in one hand and typing with the other.
  19. If you have time, could you please look at your puzzle and tell me what the state of Mississippi has written on it? The pic is too small on Amazon to read. That's our home, just curious as to what it says, b/c it looks too low to be Jackson. Thanks so much Angela
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