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Everything posted by Aludlam

  1. The thing is ... I understand it all on paper -- the notes, how long to hold them, etc - but I've never been able to tell that info to my fingers! We will be getting professional lessons in the future, but I wanted to do some home learning first.:001_smile: thanks Angela
  2. Is the M&D money the same size as real money? I've been looking at this set, but couldn't tell. Also, does the wooden tray come with a lid? thanks so much Angela
  3. Thanks! That's one of the ones I've been looking at. Angela
  4. I do know how to read music. I can play just fine for my own enjoyment ... other people's enjoyment is another matter entirely. My main problem, always has been, I have no sense of timing - none - nada - neltch. Would not even know how to play with a metronome. My piano teacher used to set one on top of the piano and I loved to watch it tick back and forth --- but that was about it. Any suggestions as how to address this? Any programs that will help me with this? You are all so awesome to take your time helping with this! Angela
  5. I've been looking for a good DURABLE USA map puzzle. Anyone have one that they love? I can't make up my mind. I've been looking at Amazon, b/c that's were I get most of my stuff. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! thanks Angela
  6. These are all great suggestions! How about Pianimals? I've looked at it a little. It seems kind of cutesy, which my kids would really like .... but is it a sound (:lol:) piano program? thanks Angela
  7. I'm LOVING this thread as well! We are leaning towards some more relaxed studies as well. What are the best hands on things you've tried (ie. games, manipulatives, videos)? We need some more "learning is fun things!" Angela
  8. I don't even know where to begin! HELP!!! I know my dd8 needs and wants to take piano lessons. I took lessons for a few years as a kid. I don't even know where to start looking for a program ... and what about theory??? I would like to find something that would easily transition into actual lessons with a teacher if she chooses to go on. We will be using a keyboard (already have one). Please give us suggestions along with what all we need to purchase (ie extra theory books, etc). Thank you so much Angela
  9. Help me understand why we need geometric solids? Is if just for the 3D effect? The only ones I see on Amazon seem to be pricey. thanks Angela
  10. :lurk5: My dd8 has the same issues. I always feel like I've done some sort of injustice to her .... I'm just not sure what. Waiting on someone with more experience to chime in. Angela
  11. Sometimes, I worry about me. :laugh::laugh::laugh: thanks!
  12. Help me find the page of needed materials in MM.... PLEASE! I just bought this last night and I don't see it. thanks Angela
  13. I laughed until I was crying for real. My mom never sent me a box in the mail. She use to save all the stuff up in big black garbage bags, and load the trunk up when she came for a visit. It would take me a week to sort out all the "gifts". My girls loved it because there was always at least a dozen toys from the thrift store in there. I lost my mom about a year and a half ago. What I wouldn't give for one more of those bags. Angela
  14. Thank you! I've got one on my list for The Mart. Angela
  15. I do not know what I would do without this board. thank you all so much Angela
  16. Hi, I've really been looking at AAS (we are revamping a lot of our hs). At the end of the day, what supplies (books, boards, cards, etc) do you need to teach AAS? also, I've seen the letter tiles on the website. I already have a bucket of letter tiles (non-magnetic) --- Could I just use those? Thanks so much Angela
  17. Spycar: Why non-connecting rods? (I've never actually seen the rods, just curious) thanks Angela
  18. I've been looking into this program this week. Does anyone know of a good place (read cheap) to buy the books? Also, I know you need c rods. Where to get those? I've heard you can't use MUS blocks (which we have) is that right? thanks for the info Angela
  19. We actually watch it together 2-3 times. Then I sit down with her, the blocks and some good old scratch paper. It just seems like I'm (she's not either) not getting anything from the video (or the TM). I know lots of people have great success with this, but like I said for us something is missing. I have realized through this that I am not a "mathy person." I can do calculus all day long, give me one good example of anything and turn me loose .... but don't expect me to understand what I've done .... I can just do it. KWIM? Angela
  20. What is the HSBC discount and how do you get it? thanks Angela
  21. For the ones who used Singapore: Did you supplement it with another program? I've heard Miquon? Angela
  22. I'm just beginning to look at this program (comparing it to Singapore, making a switch from MUS beta). For those who print out in b/w do you feel that you are missing something with not having the color? Also, how many times can you print it off? Can you buy once and print if off for all your kids? thanks Angela
  23. I'm looking at switching from MUS to either Math Mammoth or Singapore, would you elaborate on why you prefer MM? (2nd grade dd) Thanks Angela
  24. You are all so awesome for answering! I'm in the position of first time homeschooler (although we have been doing it for two years) who still just hasn't found the right fit. I am really tired of trying and changing. That is why I truly appreciate your input. I would love to find something and stick with if for a while. We are in the beta book of MUS, but it just seems like there is a link missing ... the one between my kid and the video screen! :001_smile: I have been looking at Math Mammoth and Singapore ... and until yesterday had never even heard of most of these upper level math programs! (I know that's quite a few years away.) Thank you so much for your time Angela
  25. My little is in 2nd grade, but I wanted to ask this question to the parents out there who have already taken their children from the beginning to college level maths .... If you knew then what you know now, which math program would you have chosen from the beginning and stuck with? thanks Angela
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