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Everything posted by Aludlam

  1. :lurk5: Sounds interesting..... Hope you get a great reply!
  2. Thanks for answering. I have a question about the flashcards: Are they something that I could easily make, or do you recommend purchasing them? thanks again!
  3. My husband is about to starting teaching golf to our children. We are going to treat it like any other school subject (mainly to make sure that it gets done too!). Anyway, I'm looking for kid books and videos about golf (or something that he could use as a spine - he plays golf, but has never taught anyone to play). These would mainly be used for cold/ rainy days. Daddy works a lot of hours, so sometimes he won't be able to take them out, but they can still have a golf lesson in the house (kwim?). He's very excited about this, so I'm trying to provide him with as much support as possible. (He's always helped me do everything with hs, but this is his first time to be completely in charge of something.) Any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated. thank you!
  4. Please help me set up my plans for Prima Latina. 1st of all we will not start until week 13 (we're finishing up ETC first, PL will take the time slot). 2nd - we own the teachers manual, student book, cd and dvds. My plan was originally to watch the video and do one lesson per week. After looking into the tm this morning, I'm now wondering if we need to also listen to the cd? Also, does anyone recommend getting the flashcards or Lingua Angelica cd? Thanks so much for all the help. I'm working really hard trying to get ALL of our plans for the year on paper. I know you all know how that is !!!:willy_nilly:
  5. We got a big bag of large wooden beads from the craft store and use left over yarn or shoe strings. If he was a little bit older, I would direct you to Dollar Tree b/c they have these little plastic containers of foam beads which come with a large plastic needle and nylon thread. My kids string and resting them over and over. One of the best $1 I ever spent. Your little guy might still be too small (but you would know better) b/c the pieces are small and quite "chewy".... (my dd3 - you get the picture :glare:) hth
  6. I love your file box! Would you share where you got it and perhaps how much it cost? I just purchased a crate this weekend, but I LOVE your box!
  7. Thanks! These look good. Anybody else know of any other great sites?
  8. Does anyone know of a site that has printable fairy tale/ nursery rhyme coloring sheets or activities? Thanks so much
  9. I was just in Dollar Tree. They have USA maps which look to be about the same size and quality of regular poster board. I didn't have time to really look at them, but I know several people have inquired about cheap places to buy maps. $1.00 for a wall map, not to shabby! HTH
  10. My kids love The Storykeepers. I just looked and some of them are on youtube. hth
  11. I'm interested in the grade levels for Horizons too. Bumping to keep this thread going! :001_smile:
  12. I'm sure she will chime in at some point, but Merry has been such a help to me. I hope she won't mind if I share the links to her blog. It has been such a help to me setting up my AAS. Her photos will help you bunches. Thanks Merry! http://www.thechatterbee.com/profiles/blogs/getting-organized http://hopeismyanchor.blogspot.com/2008/09/spelling-progress.html I'm terrible at getting links to work. Hope these do!
  13. They are non-consumable. You only need one set --- period!
  14. I just bought - The Complete Book of Maps and Geography from School Speciality Publishing from Sam's club for $6.86. I haven't really gotten into it but it has 352 pages and is a workbook. HTH
  15. Have you checked in your bible. I have a timeline in my bible (biblical and secular events). I use a Life Application bible.
  16. It was pricey. But thankfully I was able to get ours used. It was still pricey, but I compared it to actual art lessons and boy was it a bargain then! :001_smile: Seriously, it has a GREAT resale value on here and on ebay. It will be moving on to a new home when we are finished. That being said, I have heard great things about Artistic Pursuits and Meet the Masters. I plan to look into some of the other ones mentioned in this thread. Hope you find something that you like and something you can use!
  17. Sounds good. Just an FYI, we got a magnetic dry erase board at target for $20something dollars. We hung it in our school room for AAS only. Hope you enjoy the program!
  18. Hi, There are several posters on this board who know lots more about this than I do, but here's my 2cents. I would put them both in level 1, but not together. If your 3rd grader has had good phonetic instruction, then he will fly through level 1(like in a month), go pretty fast through level 2(a month or two), then slow down a bit at level 3. Your 1st grader would probably be a good fit for level 1. So, in your situation I would order all 3 levels. You can find them used here on the boards, but I just ordered my level 3 from RR (and of course you can order them directly through AAS website). I am no expert on this, but have been given LOTS of advice on this board. We love AAS. My dd8 always ask to do it.
  19. I read it in high school. I really don't think I would have understood it until then.
  20. Ohhh nooo. It causes spontaneous "ballet" dancing. :rofl: We love to listen when we are folding clothes, etc.
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