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Everything posted by countrygal

  1. I really like SWR for my son who struggles with reading but loves to write. I was frustrated that he couldn't transition to books (even basic BOB books.) THEN CAME Reading Lesson Through Literature!!!!!!! He gets to spell and practice reading his word lists (we do timed 'contests' so he learns to read faster.) Then he gets to read a story that only has words that he knows! The phonograms are underlined and syllables hyphenated. Can you tell I'm excited!? (I'm sounding like an infomercial!! sorry!) My 9 yo can finally read and asks to read that book!! I also like R & S English and The Miller Stories series of books.
  2. If the one sick is old enough to understand and you have 2 bathrooms, have him quarantined to a room and have 1 bathroom the sick room and the other bathroom is the healthy bathroom. The sick and those who clean up after the sick are not allowed in the kitchen. Unfortunately, these viruses can live for weeks on surfaces (teddy bear, carpet, etc...) Bleach, bleach, bleach. Even with all that, most will likely end up sick. Don't eat much, then you won't have much to puke up.
  3. :grouphug: I'm sorry you are having such a hard time (sounds like an understatement.) Jesus is God's son. God came to earth as a man. He came because He wants you to know that He loves you so much that He was willing to live the life of a human, full of suffering, for you. For everyone. He understands, He's done it. Sometimes it doesn't feel that way, especially when someone you once looked up to lets you down. Jesus didn't come to earth to be with the righteous, to be with kings and 'holy' people. He was with sinners - the people society rejected. The point I'm trying to get at is God loves you for you. You can't let God down. He knows you better than you do! Most Christians get to a point in their lives when they are angry, hurt, mad, confused that they don't know what to do. Not wanting to listen to praise songs is okay for now. God's not mad at you. Keep praying, even if you don't have the words. This story from Luke came to mind: 15And as he reclined at table in his house, many tax collectors and sinners were reclining with Jesus and his disciples, for there were many who followed him. 16And the scribes of a the Pharisees, when they saw that he was eating with sinners and tax collectors, said to his disciples, “Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners?†17And when Jesus heard it, he said to them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.†Do you know of someone else that is a strong Christian? Please reach out to them and tell them you a struggling (not just with Christianity, but that you have a lot of bad things going on in life right now.) You need some support. Being alone only makes it worse.
  4. I just asked DH this morning "How can people live in Canada?" We dairy farm in northern US. We know concrete poo - especially when it freezes to the manure spreader. You have my sympathy.
  5. My son had one on top of his bald baby head and I had several cashiers ask me if it was gum. Yes, my baby chews gum and he got gum stuck in his non-existent hair. Oh wait, I put the gum there. I was saving it for later. My grandmother is a hermit, but I decided that she may like to see her great grandchildren before she dies (my mother warned me that she probably doesn't care.) I was sitting talking to her with a child on my lap and she asked me "Do you know how you got those?" I'm like "Got what?" "Those!" and pointed at the child on my lap. No, have a medical degree but I can't figure out for the life of me why these miniature humans come out of me every couple years. I wish I would have said that. I did tell her "We wanted a big family, now we have our big family." I only stayed 15 minutes.... sad. I also had a lady at church tell me there is a way to 'fix that' and pointed at my pregnant belly. RUDE?!
  6. I use to try to ration the kids' candy to a few pieces a day. Now I just let them eat it all and get it over with. No more weeks of candy... ugh. And I only buy a few, quality chocolates to put in their stockings.
  7. I have read that xanthan gum can cause GI distress. That's probably not what you want to hear! I wonder if guar gum or if there are other acceptable substitutes that wouldn't do that.
  8. Try and get your kids Tamiflu for prevention! It works! Hope you feel better soon. My dh was really sick with it :( He was scaring me with his difficulty breathing.
  9. We had it. :( Tamiflu worked wonders in my 2 year old and she got it the day of her illness. It may be worth getting if you have young children or others susceptible to getting really sick. I was amazed at how well it worked. It can be taken for prevention.
  10. Colby or Colby/jack, pepper jack, and a flavored cheese of some sort - like something with apples or cranberries.
  11. That's cool! I always feel so sad for the trees that get cut and never end up being a Christmas tree. (I know, something's wrong with me.) I'm glad someone is giving them to people for free.
  12. I live the rural, country life. It's kind of neat that a lot of people know each other (and are related through marriage to his neighbors second cousin...) I do get a little creeped out that people know me and I don't know them. But it hasn't been in a bad way ever. I worked at a small town hospital and my husband's last name (now mine) is unusual but distinctive so people remember it. Many, many people I took care of recognized it and asked if I was related to 'so and so' and then would go on about how they know them. I always thought that was neat. They seemed to like 'knowing' who was taking care of them as well.
  13. I've started thinking it skips generations. My parents and DH's are hoarders. Both of us don't want to live like that, so we are purge-ers. Our kids though don't like getting rid of anything. And they get upset if I get rid of ANYTHING. So my guess is that they'll be hoarders because their mother is scarring them for life. They are young so I'm still hoping to teach them to keep what's best and important. Probably part nature, part nurture/learned.
  14. I am in the upper Midwest. My dh just tested positive for influenza, I don't know what type. Him and our 2 year old were the last to go down with it, but DH was the worst so we took him in wondering if he something bacterial on top of it (coughing up brown and green junk.) The MD said he just had a cold but I asked if colds cause a 103 degree fever and body aches so bad... He's like "Well I guess we could test him for influenza even though I haven't seen much." Momma was right. Who knows how many he has seen that he told had 'colds' that really weren't. Either way, dh and the toddler got Tamiflu, so hopefully that helps.
  15. Last year my dd had the flu mist and developed a fever for 1/2 a day a couple days after she got it. No one else got sick from her. I still think it has a possibility of spreading but that's just my own feeling. Hopefully he recovers quickly and no one else get sick. It's hard to know if that's what it is or if he picked up something else. My guess is it's the flu mist.
  16. I would also talk to other moms in the carpool as they may not be aware of their child being in danger. That is unacceptable. I wouldn't worry about burning this bridge. In fact, I'd probably light it myself!!!!
  17. I saw Michelle and Jim Bob at a conference for mothers and she spoke on gentle speaking. She trained herself to whisper or sing when she was afraid she'd get too angry. She is nice. And Jim Bob has really fluffy hair in real life. It's nice, too.
  18. Well this is my first thanksgiving having to be GF - but I made some killer gravy in my gluten days! I was going to suggest cornstarch because that's probably what I will use, as I have used that in the past as well. I think tapioca would be my next choice. I haven't used it but it is neutral in flavor. I can't tell a flavor difference when I've used corn starch. I know what you mean though... it has a smell when you cook it with the fat. As far as fat goes, I would use drippings if you have them tomorrow, as that will give you the best flavor. Other than that I would use another saturated fat, like palm shortening or coconut oil. You will get the best flavor if you add drippings to the gravy. I have just scraped the pan into my already made gravy - you don't have to start with the drippings if that is easier. Good luck!
  19. Sorry you don't have many answers - some doctors are so frustrating. Did he say anything about sensory peripheral neuropathy? I've finally discovered that gluten gives me neuropathy/restless leg syndrome (all over my body though!) - but I also have autoimmune thyroid issues so that is a contributing factor as well. Sugar is inflammatory for me, too. :( Boo. Hopefully you can find some triggers and then find some relief. Diet changes and lifestyle changes are hard and take time, but hopefully they will work for you. Don't give up!!
  20. That was appalling. But if she didn't want to swim, why did she even put a swim suit on? Just my thought.
  21. The Family Man - with Nicolas Cage , so sad but I keep watching it! Christmas Vacation with Chevy Chase Beauty and the Beast - Disney cartoon It's a Wonderful Life Anne of Green Gables Pride and Prejudice (Kiera Knightly version) Austin Powers (did I say that?! so disgustingly funny...) Love's Long Journey and Love Comes Softly (Others past those are meh...) I don't think I can even sit through Sci-fi type (Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, etc....) EXCEPT Spaceballs which makes fun of those types... lol
  22. I'm just trying to clarify for a bit of understanding. For many Christians, their faith is a way of life. It defines what the believe, affects just about everything they do, and if this man is struggling to believe or is doubting what he believed is true his whole life, he's probably feeling like his life has been a lie and/or he doesn't know how to continue on with life if he abandons his faith. Maybe he doesn't want to admit this to his wife, because it can be devastating to her. Therefore, it is easier for him to withdraw and escape into work in an effort to protect his wife. Other ways of affection may not come easily to him naturally to begin with, then with this personal battle inside him, it's nearly impossible. If this is the case, he does need a GOOD pastor to help sort out his feelings. One that lacks understanding into the doubts people feel at times or when they are depressed don't help, they do make it worse!!
  23. I haven't read all the responses. Workaholism is an addiction just like gambling, drinking, etc... except it is generally accepted by society as a good thing. Many men who are depressed are workaholics, it's the way they 'escape', just like an alcoholic goes to booze, etc... I'm saying this because she needs to look educate herself on how workaholics think and why they do what they do. She can approach the situation a little better. I don't think the recovery rate is very good for workaholics either, just like other addictive behaviors. Sounds like he is in need of help, but you can't do anything for the unwilling. Very sad situation. Maybe he has other people in his life that can help him? Sometimes someone else would have a bigger influence - church elder, brother, work boss, etc... to help him get help.
  24. so, does this mean Adam wore the first kilt? It must have been a striped kitty = ancient plaid. I went to a parade this summer with a 'band' of kilted men playing bagpipes and drums. They were only cute from the waist up. I wonder what bet they lost from a drunk buddy that ended them up in such a situation. There were some lookers, not just oldies! Again, only from the waist up. Pale legs with black hair - ick. Beware: giving stuff to a local thrift store that your mother gave you for Christmas last year will probably mean you'll get it again for Christmas this year. True story. And she won't even realize it. So hard to keep a straight face. I wonder how many times an item is recycled through a thrift store and sold and resold. That's something worth creating a useless, money-wasting scientific study over.
  25. You described me. I knew something was wrong with me about my phonics obsession! (and trying not to torture my children... while I insist the curriculum I want doesn't exist!) :001_rolleyes: I need to learn from you. Thanks for the PP comments as well. Informative.
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