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Everything posted by countrygal

  1. MMM they have good food. Too bad gluten makes me sick now - I miss Famous Dave's!!!! Eat some of their ribs for me. Better yet - get the whole garbage can lid and have a little of everything!
  2. Our pediatrician hands out sheets of paper on safety for that age that they are at (everything from fire hazards, drowning, choking, strangers...) But you can't help people who don't care read it or listen to it and change their behaviors. That's about as much as someone else can do to educate others to reduce accidents. Accidents happen to the well informed and prudent parent as well as the careless. I would refuse an invasive questionnaire and find a different pediatrician that respects you and your wishes.
  3. :grouphug: Taking care of a baby is draining before you add in health problems. Your in the really hard part - weeks out and not feeling much better. It will get better! Don't be afraid to ask for help. Find someone to watch the baby and go to bed early or take a nap.
  4. I have hashimotos and it does take a long time (months) to feel like a normal person even when your labs are normal. I went through this after several pregnancies. (Pregnancy and nursing hormones DO NOT help!) I have been angry that everyone else seems to have no problems like I do - then I am mad at myself for being such a wimp because many people have it so much worse. Some days are just cruddy - but I bet, in time, you'll feel better. It takes a long time to heal and regulate metabolic and immune system problems. Take care of yourself and try not to be so hard on yourself. One day at a time. It's hard to take care of a crew of young kids even when you are not ill!
  5. Our laundry was in the basement and once I found a small snake under a pile of clothes on the floor. We also farm so I've pulled coffee mugs, wrenches, pop cans, and syringes (with needles) out after washing DH's clothes. Also, I just pulled out an exploded diaper that was washed in the washing machine - what a mess! That was the worst of all... rinsing clothes in the bathtub to get little gel beads off.
  6. But what about the (switched) child of the mother wants her biological child back? Does she not care about her? I feel sorry for her if that is the case. Sounds like the father doesn't want her either. I have nightmares about this kind of stuff.
  7. Well I don't think they should be in the community or in jail, so that only leaves one option that probably isn't too popular. OP - sorry about the stress! My first thought was to build an 8 foot privacy fence!
  8. I thought I was developing MS over the last couple years because I had a lot of numbness which was increasing in my left foot and needles in my toes as well as the tips of my ears. I also had worsening restless leg syndrome that turned into neuropathy I think - it was in the legs, hands and arms, shoot from my spine and in my face. It was be tickling feeling and sometimes numb. Some nights worse than others. I took mag/calcium supplements, vitamin B supplements but I couldn't figure out the trigger until I was researching celiac disease for my daughter who has abdominal and growth issues then I realized I had a lot of the neurological and skin (I have the DH itchy rash) symptoms. I also have autoimmune hypothyroidism and the dr. said it was that that caused my nerve and muscle weakness, even when my labs were ok. I went off gluten and lost a ton of water weight within days (I had pink pee for a week after because of the toxic fluid) and my restless legs went away! Even DH said "What the heck did you do!" He couldn't believe it. I looked so different. Never I thought in a million years that would be my problem and it isn't cure for everyone's ailments but it is rather easy to try out to see if you feel better and you'll notice within days. I agree with cleaning out your diet of artificial things and try supplements. A nutritionist told me it's best to take your B vitamins balanced (all 7) or you can become relatively deficient in the others. Shaklee has a good supplement that has all of them. Improving diet usually will see improvement slowly over time. I hope you the best. Stuff like this is scary :grouphug:
  9. Heights. I get dizzy just trying to get close to a railing a story high. Of course flying gives me nightmares. I liked it as a child but the turbulence as an adult isn't as much fun! No 'weeeee'.... I have nightmares about it. However I do survive all my plane crashes in my dreams. House fires.
  10. Someone told me the owl idea, too. But I don't know if it works. Sure worth a try!
  11. Haha... the Easter Bunny at my house is demented. She hid the stuff so well and spent over an hour looking for it last night since she forgot where she put it.
  12. Maybe this is what bothers me... people (grandparents, friends, and the like) make comments like, "We fed that to you..." or "We ate that all our lives and turned out just fine" while they suffer with chronic illnesses and complaints, pop anti-depressants and TUMS. I'm afraid I may not be able to bite my tongue one of these times! (Also, I'm not saying that all chonic illnesses are food related.)
  13. I'm just starting to realize things don't agree with me. Is this a natural part of aging? Does everyone who eats what they want are really in denial of the things that bother them? Are they not in tune with their body or think how they feel is normal? I lived on breakfast cereal more than the first 2 decades of my life, now not eating it (eating soup and eggs) means I don't crash one hour later! I recently put my daughter on a gf and no sugar diet (she's allowed raw honey only) because of reflux, digestive enzyme deficiency and many symptoms that scream celiac although her test was negative (poor growth, dental problems, chronic stomach pain, etc...) Yet grandma brought over jelly beans... and I let her eat one... now she's hacking on 'gunk' in her throat that just went away on her new diet!!!! Why do I feel like I have to please everyone else? All the grandparents are so 'offended' that they can't buy cookies and candy for my kids. "But it's only a little!" DA##IT quit bringing my kids junk!!!!! Look what one jelly bean did!! Time to lay the law down. Grandpa asked, "well, can't she have whole wheat instead?" REALLY?? I think the hardest for me is explaining things to other who are the ones WHO KEEP BRINGING IT UP! I haven't had to deal with eating at other peoples houses with dd yet - fortunately she has never liked other people's food anyway!
  14. I'm going to keep this short. DD6 had a biopsy of her small intestine and has deficient digestive enzymes (all except lactase, which was borderline normal.) She 'apparently' is not celiac, so what else causes this? Google is not helping! (I think it's celiac personally.) Her GI (who I'm not happy with!!) said she doesn't know what causes it and gave me a FODMAP diet for her to follow saying it'll probably help her 'feel better.' I'm going to call her back Monday with a TON of questions and DD's regular ped. is going to refer her to a bigger facility if this GI doesn't know why her enzymes are this way (she is not growing or eating well at all.) I'm just too antsy to wait and y'all are so smart I'm sure someone has answers :) Thanks.
  15. DH pronounced the city Regina (in Canada) rhyming with vagina.... I told him "Don't say that it public..." he really thought that's how it was pronounced.
  16. Ok, maybe this is a farm thing, but I say manure as man - OO - er Lot of locals just say mun- ER They are SO wrong, even if they've farmed their whole life.
  17. Thanks for all your understanding and replies. I guess my main fear is that the omeprazole will be a cover-up for a bigger problem. The GI said we'd wean her off after 6-8 weeks. But I'm afraid it'll come back and I won't find out if there is a culprit food or foods. Her GI called today (surprise!) and said the biopsies are all normal, so no eosinophilic esophagitis thankfully. I think I'll do the medication and hopefully she'll start eating better once she feels better. I'm scared to take out gluten because the alternatives are not nutritious. She does eat cheese and yogurt on occasion although that has been less than she use to. She hasn't drank milk in over 2 years. The chiro is a good idea. I know one at church that I could talk to. I was thinking of seeking a naturopathic doctor of some sort but not sure what. Even a nutritionist can talk all day long about what she should eat but that doesn't mean she'll eat it. It's just frustrating. I feel something else isn't right, but the doctors don't see it.
  18. I've posted before about my dd who is almost 6. She's seen a GI who I am underwhelmingly impressed with... seems like she already knew what was 'wrong' with her before doing any tests. She referred her to behavioral therapy for feeding therapy - which she very well needs. However, I'm not sure what good therapy is going to be if everything she eats hurts her (read on...) The food list of what she eats is dwindling. I pushed for the EGD because she complains of swallowing, stuff stuck in her throat, gunk in her throat, and spits food out more frequently in the past couple months (although started over a year ago but has gotten worse.) To me she looks like a celiac child to me although blood tests were normal (slow growing, tired, craves only bread, chronic stomach pain- 75% of days she complains of it since she could talk. She even has dental enamel defects on her baby teeth and I found a chipped tooth this week. Can a non-celiac gluten sensitive child have growth issues without celiac-like intestinal damage? I've had other people comment on her size and thinness - yet the doctors think she's 'fine'?) She found 'mild reflux' because of nodules in her esophagus (I could see them on the pictures before she even mentioned them.) I don't think reflux in a child is 'normal' no matter how 'mild' it appears. How can visible damage be 'mild'? How can it be 'mild' if it effects her every time she wants to eat? She stated that she took biopsies of all the areas she was in to test for eosinophils and other damage all though she said everything else looked normal. It'll take a couple weeks to get results back. Mean while, she wants her to be on omeprazole. I feel like that's a bandaid. Yeah, maybe it'll help heal her esophagus, but once she gets off of it, it'll come back unless we find the culprit. Does all conventional medicine just rely on pills?? This ped. GI acts like "She has reflux, deal with it." DH says I need to figure this out on my own with an elimination diet. I would like to try gluten free and possible milk free to see if it helps. I'm scared though - what is she going to eat? She eats no fruit or vegetables except canned pears, only breakfast sausage and occasionally baked chicken (once a month maybe?). She doesn't even like most crackers. I want her to have no sugar as well. If I de-gluten her, will her taste for other things come back? I don't know where to start: Meds for 2 months and see the GI again or do a drastic diet change? I asked for allergy tests from her ped and 2x with this GI but no referral (I'm going to call her ped. and insist.) I don't really want to find other doctors at this point. Has anyone helped their child with reflux? Thanks for listening.
  19. Yeah.... I think the longer you go without sugar the harder the crash is after you have something. Both sugar and carbs do that to me, but sugar more so.
  20. I'm sick of doctors who don't listen and think it's all in your head, and searching for one that takes you seriously or can actually stick all your complaints together to come up with the diagnosis. Weeks for a referral. Wait weeks for a test. Wait weeks for another referral. This system bites. I hate how all doctors feel like all mothers are over-exaggerators of their child's health condition. Does my child have to be a skeleton or blue before someone does SOMETHING? Being nice doesn't get you anywhere either apparently. I hate cooking for people who won't eat it and complain about it. I'm annoyed that my only time to myself is spent grocery shopping. Why do I do this? Nobody apparently wants to eat it anyway. I wonder if putting doritos and cookies on the table for every meal would actually make everyone more happy. and ... I HATE WINTER! I also think I'm just an idiot. Do I actually think I can effectively homeschool 5 children? I can't even keep them all dressed and someone is always crying. Always.
  21. We take our showers together every night with few exceptions. Have for the past 10 years. Go for walks, campfires (we live rural), star gaze, a lot of stuff at home like that. Occasionally we'll go hiking somewhere or out to eat. We talk a lot about everything.
  22. I thought buying these would be easy! What do you prefer and why? There are too many choices. I'm afraid of not having the right amount of each. TIA!
  23. I had an uncle of mine as my just started 1st grader to read the Pizza Hut menu (my sister told me this because he did it when I left the table.) I consider it not normal. It is about intent. You could teach your child to say "I only perform for cash." Maybe he'd make some money (it'd be funny to see if someone pays him...)
  24. It is so sad. There is something about the look in her face depending on what's on the table - disappointment, maybe fear. Yesterday she asked me (crying), "How come everyone else gets what they want to eat but I don't?" I think she meant that everyone else is enjoying what's on the table and there is nothing she likes, so she thinks she was left out. So I gave her toast with butter, what she wanted.
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