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Everything posted by scbusf

  1. To answer some question ...... He has always had difficulties with the actual fine motor part of handwriting (although, he has trouble with most fine motor tasks) and he also has problems with getting his thoughts onto paper. I was only considering ASD because the Psychologist brought it up as one of the things she assesses for. The checklists she ran were: Autism Spectrum Rating Scale, Personality Inventory for Children, and Achenbach Child Behavior Checklist. He definitely has rigid thinking, and emotional regulation issues!!! No achievement test. If he has Dysgraphia, I'm sure he has both - fine motor issues and difficulty getting thoughts onto paper. But maybe I've been reading too much into everything and it's the ADHD causing these issues. Thank you everyone for your thoughts!!!! I agree that these can be tricky diagnoses and there is so much overlap!!! I think the accommodations he needs - and what we've already been doing are: quiet place for doing work (this is very difficult in our house!!!!), using a computer to type assignments, and he will probably need to be able to use an electronic device for notetaking in the future.
  2. DS is 11, fairly bright, and was diagnosed with SPD back when he was 5. I also suspect that he has Dysgraphia, but we've never had him fully evaluated. He is very easily distracted and he can hyper focus on something he wants to. We finally had him see a Psychologist and she ran some tests. I knew that she wouldn't diagnose Dysgraphia or anything like that, but figured it was a good starting point. My main purpose for doing this now was to get a formal diagnosis (if there was one) and start documenting a history of accommodations in case he needs them in college. Conner's Continuous Performance Test II - 79.92 WISC-V Full Scale 113 Verbal Comprehension 106 Visual Spatial 119 Fluid Reasoning 118 Working Memory 125 Processing Speed 98 Also, various behavior, Autism, and personality checklists. Based on all of that, she diagnosed DS with ADHD - Primarily Inattentive and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. She said her opinion was that he is not on the ASD spectrum. The anxiety diagnosis was a bit of a surprise to me, but I know all of these things can overlap. Her recommendations are to start therapy with him to work on Executive Functioning skills, social skills, and coping skills in general. She also said she'd refer us to a Psychiatrist if we wanted to discuss meds, which we don't at this point. At this point, I'm thinking we don't need to pursue a Dysgraphia diagnosis - we can get him accommodations with the ADHD diagnosis. And I know that ADHD can cause issues with handwriting and schoolwork in general. I guess my question is - Does this all seem reasonable? Do any of you see anything in those WISC scores that need further investigation? She did say that she thought the Full Scale IQ score wasn't accurate because the processing speed one was so much lower than she would expect. I'd appreciate any input anyone has! Thank you!!! ETA: Psychologist IS supportive of homeschooling. She said we'd be able to accommodate him much easier than being in school. Pretty much why we homeschooled in the first place.
  3. *raises hand* I have finally admitted that I need to stick to boxed mixes. I have ADHD and I tend to not be very exact with measuring things, which of course, doesn't work for baking! Also, I eat gluten-free, and GF baking is extra-finicky. I also tend to get distracted and let things get crispy. Although, our new Alexa is helping with that situation!!!!! Now I just have to tell her to set a timer - I don't have to remember to actually set one.
  4. My feet aren't ruined. I was on pointe for a couple of years in middle/high school.
  5. When I was in my early 20s, I lived in an apartment, but I went to my parents’ house for Easter dinner. When I walked in the house, my mom was nowhere to be found, the turkey was on top of the stove cooling and one of the cats was feasting. We still laugh about that!!!!
  6. Yes, one day of parking is good at all 4 parks for that same day. We just went to Orlando and stayed off prpoerty, but we only did 1 park per day. We got there as soon as each park opened and stayed the entire day. Disney Outlets - Our favorites are called Disney Character Outlets. There are 2 of them - both at Premium Outlet Centers. One is really close to Disney. The other is about 20 minutes into Orlando.
  7. My DS says there’s a way to turn off the Xbox login thing. I’ll ask him in the morning how to do it.
  8. I love Plan to Eat!!!!! If anyone wants to add me as a Friend, my username is scbusf there, too.
  9. Thanks, everyone! Lots of great info. And now that I think about it, stimulant meds are out for DS because he has a heart murmur. So I think we will work on EF strategies. Lord knows, I could use those, too. LOL
  10. You should ask your guests what type of coffee they prefer. There are so many options and if they're super picky, then they may not like what you choose.
  11. DS (age 11) is seeing a Psychologist right now and she did a bunch of testing this morning. This all started because he has previously been diagnosed w/ SPD and I strongly suspect Dysgraphia, although no formal diagnosis. His schoolwork isn't getting any better, and if he needs accommodations in college, I figured we should take advantage of the fact that we've met our out of pocket max for the year and get some testing going. So she hasn't scored everything yet, but after the testing this morning, she said DS definitely has Inattentive ADHD. This is truly a surprise to me. Although it really shouldn't be - I've suspected for a couple of years now that I have it. And DS definitely has issues with staying focused, but I figured it was because there's just always a lot going on here. My youngest DD (age 7 - adopted from China) has ADHD - emphasis on the Hyperactive!!!!! Not sure we want to jump to meds (DD7 does take meds, but's it's been a LONG road with her), but where should I start? Books? Websites???
  12. I think I probably have this. I hate talking on the phone because I can't SEE the person I'm talking to. If I ever answer the phone while I'm still in bed, I'm one of those people that has to put my glasses on before I answer the phone. Repetitive noises make my brain hurt. I always say I have supersonic hearing - I can hear things no one else can.
  13. I use contacts1st.com I'm not a Costco member.
  14. Oh wow. I love this!!!!! My kids are younger than high school, but I will definitely be keeping an eye on this.
  15. I lived in the DC area during the sniper situation also. So scary. I will actually be near Tampa in a couple of weeks - I need to remember to ask my mom what the local talk is. She lives in a town just outside Tampa.
  16. We do enter through the front door about 90% of the time. We sometimes use the garage, like right now, since my keys are missing.
  17. I have a friend that is a counselor at https://www.betterhelp.com
  18. My DD was born June 1. Cutoff for public schools here is Sept 30. I have her in the grade based on her age, which would be minus 5. But we don't care too much about "grades".
  19. Seriously. Same boat here. I love the planning part SO much. But then the reality of 3 kids with various learning disabilities hits and WHAM. Nothing I planned works.
  20. How old is she? I have 2 DDs with (now repaired) cleft lips and palates. My older one, age 9 1/2, has a pretty significant underbite. We are hoping that using braces and headgear can help her avoid jaw surgery. Both of my DDs were adopted from China and their clefts were repaired later, so I'm sure how that effects things.
  21. Same boat here. There are not enough hours. I keep finding all these amazing activities and they are so fun! But I have 3 kids at home, with various learning disabilities, and I feel like I am neglecting them. Next semester, I am only teaching 1 class, and in fact, I am co-teaching it. My friend is doing all the lesson planning!!!!!!
  22. I have friends and family in Plant City, Lakeland, Orlando, and a few other places. I think I've heard from all of them and they are all fine, although most of them have no power. Several of them have lots of tree limbs down, but no major damage.
  23. Ugh. I'm in Virginia Beach. I really don't want it to come here. But I really can't imagine what will happen if it goes to the Gulf. No good options.
  24. I am tutoring a homeschooled 11th grader and she is using MUS Algebra 2. Math is not this student's strong suit and it is definitely not her favorite. Does anyone know of extra resources I can give her to help her make it through? She does want to go to college, and she knows that Algebra 2 will have to get done. I have told her that it's OK if it takes us longer than a year to get through it. But I don't have time to research and find extra help for every single lesson. Is there anything out there that would line up nicely?
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