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Everything posted by scbusf

  1. Our GE electric dryer is 12 years old. For the last year or longer, it has been shutting off in the middle of a cycle. I think it's overheating and shutting off. Last week, it started squeaking. Google tells me it could be a bad roller or bearing somewhere. An appliance repair place charges $70 for the diagnosis, and then obviously, the repair. Or we could just buy a new one. We do have a little extra cash right now. If we buy a new one, I just want something fairly basic, no frills, just a dryer. Thoughts?
  2. We bought our current sofa on Wayfair. We picked it out in person at a local furniture store. Then saved ourselves $400 and ordered it on Wayfair!!!! Bad Reviews - People with bad experiences are more likely to post a bad review than people with good experiences are likely to post good ones. So read them, but take all of them with a grain of salt.
  3. White chicken chili w/ cornbread Crockpot Pork Tenderloin Asian Grilled Chicken Potato Soup Red Beans and Rice
  4. I must be unusually sensitive, but it does hurt for me. It's not too bad, but it's definitely pain. But then it's over and I go on with my day.
  5. I took Algebra 1 in the 8th grade, also. I made it to Calculus in 12th grade. I always got As in math, and I teach math at the college level now, so it all worked out. I currently have a 6th grader who is excellent at math - makes sense because his dad is a computer programmer and I'm a math professor!!! Anyway, he was getting bored in math, so I started him in Algebra this year. HOWEVER, we have been going very slowly and it will take us at least 2 years to get through it. Right now, we are taking a step back and focusing on some fraction work. Long story, but we jumped around math curriculum with him, and fractions didn't get covered enough. I do think it depends on what path the student wants to take - if they know. I tend to want my kids to take things slowly and just be kids - but then all of my kids pick up on things quickly and get bored.
  6. I have a Sienna and love it. I do HATE the leather seats. Yes, easier to clean, but so hot in the summer. We got this model honestly because of the power lift gate (back door to acces cargo area). Honestly, that is just something that was important to me. My kids are 7, 10, and 11, and a couple of them are too short to reach that door. So I wanted to be able to hit the button in the remote to close it. DVD - my kids use their own devices on trips and we don’t use anything just in town.
  7. I do, but I haven’t watched that episode yet.
  8. Does anyone have any information about what this new curriculum will be? I am switching one of my kids to Singapore, but I'm not sure which edition to go with, or if we should wait for the new one.
  9. My 7 year old DD struggles with anxiety and ADHD. She picks up math very quickly - Math Mammoth is too incremental for her. She isn't interested in Beast Academy, which, honestly is just as well. She gets frustrated very easily and melts down. So what is a get-it-done mastery-based math curriculum that would fit this kid?
  10. 2 of my 3 are nonstop talkers. My ears and brain constantly hurt.
  11. Things I won't give up or cut back on: A/C Internet - I teach online, so it's necessary and my job doesn't reimburse for it. Brand name Toilet Paper
  12. A while ago, I had a package from an Amazon driver left on my porch but he didn’t ring the doorbell, he just put the package down. I was home, so I went out and got it. I checked the tracking info and he had updated it and posted a picture of the box on the porch. However, it wasn’t my porch in the picture!!!!!!! I did send a message to amazon letting them know that I got the package, but the picture was wrong. I never got a response, so I don’t know if it helped. I just wanted to let them know so they could do something if they wanted. I’m sure the driver mixed up the pics he took or hit the wrong button.
  13. The incontinence made me think of a tethered spinal cord. That would explain the gait issues. I'm not sure it would explain the fatigue or speech issues, but it may be worth adding it to your list.
  14. For a few days now, I've had an off and on sharp pain in my lower back on the left side, near my waist. It only lasts for a couple of seconds and there doesn't seem to be any pattern to it. No other symptoms. I had a migraine last night, complete with nausea and chills. But it was just like other migraines I've had, so I'm pretty sure that wasn't related. Could this be the early signs of a kidney stone? I've never had one and I've heard about the awful pain, which of course I'd like to avoid if possible!!!! What can I do? Drink lots of water?
  15. On Monday, I cleaned up a dead mouse in my dining room. One of my cats had killed it - I’m assuming. It was messy and gross. Today, I rewashwd a mildewy load of laundry I forgot about in the washing machine. Today, I am at counseling appointments for 2 of my kids.
  16. I finally got an Instant Pot. So far, I've made hard-boiled eggs, Chicken Tikka Masala (OK, not great, but fine), and baked potatoes. What are your favorite recipes?????? Or favorite FB groups or blogs?
  17. Last year I was really sick, suspected flu, but I wasn’t interested in Tamiflu. After almost a week, the coughing was so bad that I did go to the doctor. They tested for flu and it was positive. I wouldn’t have gone if I hadn’t needed something for the cough. Also last year, I took my asthmatic kid in because she was wheezing.
  18. One of our cats is about 2 years old. She LOVES food. Like, puffy-heart loves food. At least once a day, she throws up a few minutes after eating. It doesn't seem to matter if we reduce the amount of food. We've tried a couple of different dry foods - right now, they are eating Iams Hairball Control and Weight Formula. Any ideas? I'm tired of cleaning up cat puke.
  19. We are doing the Bookshark free Unit Study. Lots of crafty things here: https://www.mamaslearningcorner.com/winter-olympics-huge-list-unit-study-resources/
  20. Here are a few that have been hits for that grade level at my co-op. Secret History - A look at spies, codes, and espionage throughout American History American Girl History - using the American Girl history books to learn about history and do crafts/activities Harry Potter Science Chronicles of Narnia Expedition Earth (Confessions of a Homeschooler)
  21. I'm so glad you went in! I hope the ER is able to see you quickly.
  22. I agree that Urgent Care is better than nothing. I also get the medical bill situation. We have a high deductible plan and we had so many bills last year - we met our out of pocket max somewhere around June, but I didn't actually pay it all until last month.
  23. I have finally figured out that we do best here with curriculum that has a schedule already done. Or Do-the-Next-Thing. Some current things that are working well (knock on wood!!!!): 6th grader Apologia General Science w/ the Notebooking Journal Uncle Sam and You Figuratively Speaking Easy Grammar WWS 1 4th grader Writers in Residence Pentime Handwriting Math Mammoth RSO Chemistry 2nd grader Growing w/ Grammar RSO Chemistry
  24. I believe she has an active lease with an apartment complex. I'm not sure when it's up, but I can definitely ask.
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