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Rose in BC

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Everything posted by Rose in BC

  1. Yay Canada. It was a 4 a.m. wake up for us here on the west coast but we weren't disappointed!
  2. Lanny I just came on and saw this post. Thank you so much. I will read through what I can. Yes I've seen a rheumatologist and have been officially diagnosed. I agree with your friend...I was completely blindsided by this as well. Your kindness in going out of your way to ask your friend is very much appreciated and timely (I'm under the weather and we have solid arctic outflow winds blowing through our valley. All things that add to my pain.)
  3. Haha! Love this thread. Yay Canada! And sorry...he's your baby, baby......
  4. Well I guess I knew the answer probably wasn't Mexico :). I do live in a wet climate...combine that with cool and it does seem to exasperate pain. For me stress seems to be biggest trigger....and I have a lot of that. My dr did say that he's had patients go into complete remission when life circumstances change (positively).
  5. hmm, interesting. My dr is actually from South Africa so maybe he's referencing his experience there. But I agree with you, I think he was either grasping for a solution or maybe he was trying to be funny,
  6. That's funny Jean. All my family lives in the lower mainland (Vancouver suburbs). They are always beckoning us. And soon, we may give in... we live so far away. But at this point in time I'm the breadwinner so I've got to find a job :). Interesting about heat . . . admittedly we live in a mild climate so I don't think we've had excessive heat since I've had fibro so I can't comment. And the dr did say its a crazy syndrome with so many varieties. I guess I globbed onto the Mexico line because of all the snow on the ground :).
  7. Saw dr today for my continuing battle with fibromyalgia. As a side note he mentioned that fibro is almost never seen in warm climate countries. I don't think its too practical for us to move to a warm weather country but it was an interesting comment. And I do notice the winters are harder on me.
  8. Yay Canada. I happen to have a day off today. . . I'm almost embarrassed to say that win brought tears to my eyes. The game was playing everywhere in my small town , , at dr's office, at grocery store and of course at home.
  9. The aura I get last 30-45 minutes, is manifested with floaters in my eyes...at start of aura I take 2 ibuprofen and 2 Tylenol which seems to ward off severe headache. Even though I've had them for years, it still is weird to me every time it happens.
  10. When my parents retired and moved away, we bought the house I grew up in. My parents had seven kids and we had two cousins living with us. We have three kids and find the house small. My mom says it's because we have way more stuff than she ever had. I think she's right. It's 2300 sq ft, two bathrooms.
  11. Hmm, interesting. I do often have sinus issues...usually headache/facial pain accompanies it. I think I may see dr next week. Thanks for idea.
  12. It's interesting to read people's experiences. It's true, Jean, the problem with fibro is it's so different for everyone. Pain is number one problem. I have a new area of pain now (past month). My teeth hurt. Not toothache pain, just all my teeth ache. (I do have TMJ and it's different than that. I can't even stretch properly now because getting down or up from floor is so painful on my arms (and legs). I walk most days which helps I'm sure but by the time I reach my house my legs almost feel like buckling under pain. It's so discouraging. Thanks for all your responses.
  13. I did enjoy the afternoon. The crowds are back but the teens have plans tonight. I've decided to continue my day of leisure until bedtime :). I have developed some serious health issues this year that I'd really like to reverse. it was interesting to read everyone's responses. If I think about it, I think I come by my restlessness honestly . . . my 86 year old, German mother still prides herself through her work.
  14. I have fibromyalgia. I've had it for a few years but in the past couple months the pain I suffer seems to be increasing. I take amitriptyline, 20 mg, at night to help me sleep. That's all I take for the fibro. I'm curious what others do. I try to walk every day, which isn't easy in winter. But some days its so painful. I see lyrica is sometimes prescribed. Anyone have success with this drug?
  15. My life is a constant state of chaos (at least it feels like it). I work full-time, homeschool, and have two special needs kids. Yesterday I took the afternoon off work . . . I was just feeling burned out. I went home and really did nothing. . . read, watched two movies, ate ordered in Chinese. Today my house is empty because dh took son snowboarding (which is an hour away from here). they'll be home at dinner. My dd is at work. I am listening to an audio book while knitting, and preparing dinner . . . my new weekend favourite: pho. I will walk dogs after I finish my tea. The problem is I'm always thinking I should be doing something . . . like cleaning the house, etc. Are you able to enjoy down time?
  16. I am so sorry to hear this news. Leukaemia has touched my family. I will pray for your family.
  17. Besides all the positive comments above, it's therapy for me. I love knitting. Socks offer enough variety in the knitting and are compact enough a project to complete before my ADD kicks in :). (And easy to transport).
  18. I've never given birth but have three adopted children. Six weeks after we adopted our newborn dd, I went to dr fearing I had cancer or something because I had felt a lump on my breast and was unwell. I was visiting my mom out of town so went to her dr, baby in tow. He immediately declared mastitis. I told him baby was adopted. He said the brain was a powerful thing and the experience of our newborn was triggering the brain to think I was nursing. So I had mastitis having never given birth. I'm sure this is not what's happening to you :).
  19. Having said that I could sure use a trip to Miami to smoke (ok I don't smoke), drink and listen to jazz :).
  20. Hmm, we are coming up to our 26th anniversary and have experienced many trials in past five years....dh lost his job of 21 years due to mill closure and two special needs kids that have put us through things we could never have imagined. It is stressful on a relationship for sure but we've survived this far...and we still like and love each other.
  21. Wow you guys! Thank you. We had an unbelievable day today. My boy is safe. He's not living with family but is still in same town where my sister, her husband, and my adult niece (where he lived briefly) and adult nephew are loving my boy. Connecting with him weekly, etc. so that's good. He is in a social services youth shelter that he really liking. I'll briefly mention he is keen on cutting all ties with us including guardianship. He's 16. A very broken boy. I don't think he can know the ramifications. However, his age gives him a lot of autonomy....I didn't realize how little we count as parents. We were in court today trying to preserve guardianship. After three times before judge, it was decided we will meet again within 45 days to work out an agreement. Our son doesn't want a relationship but he cannot know the long term ramifications. But his will plays strongly into judge's decision. We learned a lot today. Cried a lot today. Couldn't believe this could happen in our case where child isn't in an abusive home. (Also was shocked that all this happened in open court. In our small town. I guess I figured family matters were discussed in private. I'm so naive.) The positive side was we had a VERY compassionate and kind judge. I can't believe how kind. And we have another kick at arguing why losing guardianship would be a detriment to our boy. And, if you can believe it, while I was in one court room my dh was in another working out an extra judicial agreement for some mischief my eldest FASD boy was in trouble for. But that went super well. Community hours and apologies...he broke two windows. So no record. I felt like we were a tv show. And in between, I hosted an international delegation for lunch (part of my job). :). It was a roller coaster of emotions. Down, down, up for work, down...... Again, I'm touched by everyone's support. I know people were praying for us.
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