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Everything posted by Bree

  1. I was checking out Math mammoth the other day and they sent me a link for drilling multiplication. I think I will give it a try. Here's the link.
  2. We tried SOTW 1 for my 1st dc K year and it was too much. We are going through SOTW 2 now and it has been a lot better. DS is just starting 3rd grade and does great with it. My 6 year old listens to most but she loves the extra books we get from the library most of the time :)
  3. I look at something and I want to use it and buy it...I have wondering eyes ;) lol I don't even have a K student right now but saw a post on FB for MFW K program and was like that looks so cute, I want it...it's sad...
  4. I am strong in math and could teach algebra, geometry, etc... all day but SM really teaches differently than we were taught in most American schools so one thing I have found is sometimes you learn along with your dc how to do things and at times I just teach concepts a little differently than the HIG suggests ;)
  5. It took us a 1 1/2 years to get through Ancients. We are going a little faster in SOTW 2 this year :)
  6. We did WWE1 in first but didn't start WWE2 till 3rd because of the dictation and it has been a lot better fit so second time around I would have no problem waiting till 2nd grade to start WWE1 or doing it slowly over 2 years. I think for us I want to spend time mastering handwriting in first before going into a writing program again.
  7. draw in mud and sand :) My dd is like that. We have had to work in very slowly school work with her. Leapfrog letter factory helped and breaking up school in chunks. Doing a lot of science experiments.
  8. I am addicted to amazon and since I have 4 kids I will reuse most of them anyway ;) So we buy most and borrow some for fun when we get around to it.
  9. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Hannah_hs_helps then under files and history
  10. I guess a better way to rephrase was if we stick with SM for the long haul and use say Discovering Math after finishing 6B is there a certain grade I should start that? or do I need to finish all the SM Primary books before hitting pre-Algebra, Algebra etc.,.
  11. So ds loves Singapore math but I think we are at a point where we need to slow down. We are about half way through 2B at the end of his 2nd grade year. I am just wondering what level should I be able to get through during the next few years, say if we did 2B-3A for third, 3B-4A for fourth? Not quite sure what I need to aim for. Thanks :)
  12. My ds loves SL Sci but he is an experiment junkie so we are throwing in Adventures with Atoms and Molecules with it and he loves that. I think if I hadn't already gotten SL Sci I would of just used the WTM suggestion for sci and done Atoms and Molecules.
  13. DS did about half and then dd did to about lesson 30. I probably will do the same thing with dc3 because I liked how 100EZ starts blending at first then jump into TRL.
  14. Thanks. I went ahead and got the MCP and we will try it out and see how it goes :)
  15. So I've been going over some math with ds and I think it is mostly the word problems he is having trouble with. Should I look more into working with that or would it be better to look at a program with less word problems?
  16. So I've been going over some math with ds and I think it is mostly the word problems he is having trouble with. Should I look more into working with that or would it be better to look at a program with less word problems?
  17. I have 4 kids, they are still young, but we did 2 guides last year and I think Core C from SL alone is taking more time to complete than the 2 HOD guides.
  18. Ds is on Singapore 2b about half way through and he has hit a wall. He is getting about 2 or 3 problems right a page. We go over it afterwards and review concepts before he does his work but I am thinking we might need to move away from SM, any suggestions?
  19. My kids wanted more science...they are little science junkies :)
  20. We have TKD 2 days a week (under contract so must do) We are starting a church from home so we do have church Wednesday and Sundays but it is in the home so I didn't count there. Also have piano but it is here at home and on a TKD day.
  21. We did around 2 hours, maybe 3 on really heavy days.
  22. I am loving SOTW this year. We have always used Sonlight and I am throwing in most of Core C along with where it fits in according to the AG for SOTW 2 this year, but the flow is so much better to me with SOTW. Sonlight always feels a little choppy to me :)
  23. No! :) I'm not even very good at a 9 A.M. appointment unless I don't have to have the kids along ;)
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