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Everything posted by Bree

  1. I love Horizons :) My dd is doing well with it and I think it is plenty advanced. My ds who is in 3rd was a little more delayed when it came to writing so Horizons overwhelmed him. DD on the other hand loves to write so Horizons was a great fit. I think Sonlight switches over to TT because they say 7th and up TT is so strong so I guess they just recommend starting with their first level and continue working up. We did TT3 for ds his 2nd grade year and it was fine but we covered most the stuff in Singapore math 2. Sonlight still carries the other math programs just TT is their first recommendation.
  2. My girls are bedwetters. The oldest, 6 is a heavy sleeper and only on rare occasion will this happen. The other one who is 3 is working on staying dry through the night so she still sleeps with something on :)
  3. Tristar makes a really good one. My cousin sold them one summer so my parents have one. They are expensive, but you can get them second hand for not too much and they still work really great :)
  4. I dropped phonics in 1st grade and ds does fine. Also HOD dictation follows a pattern by clumbing words together like -end words or -ain words so I think if you just wanted to continue with the HOD spelling list and dictation you would be fine unless you see your dc struggling with spelling.
  5. We started a few weeks ago lite but plan on hitting full force this week as long as nothing major gets in our way :)
  6. My dd is potty trained except for when she sleeps and I am wanting to switch her back over to cloth diapers till she is totally trained. I haven't had one this old still in diapers so not use to them being this big. Anyone have a good suggestion for a 3 year old for naptime and overnight. I have cloth diapers still just not her size ;)
  7. You only need the workbook for 1A&B. There are activities that are scheduled into the guide to replace the textbook and HIG. I have them also because we used SM before HOD, but if you were following the guide I would only get the workbook.
  8. I always struggle with low iron and exhaustion I was always stuffing myself with the iron rich foods but it never seemed to help much :( One thing that really helped me was finding I had a Candida overgrowth so I went on a Candida diet and added probiotics to my diet. Pretty much eliminated grains and sugars from my diets and upped my proteins. The first time in my life I actually had energy and my iron levels went up.
  9. On the way to church last week there was this couple walking down the sidewalk holding hands, they were probably in their 80's and could barely walk...too sweet :)
  10. I let my 8 year old earn time. Probably about 1 hr a day. I have the computer set up in the kitchen where I am a lot and where we do school so I can keep an eye on what he is doing. He knows where he is allowed to go and do.
  11. So our therapist wants me to come up with a list of responses and consequences to use for dd when she acts up. Truthfully we pretty much send her to time our right now. She had also talked about her doing something kind for the person she harmed etc...Can you guys give me any wisdom maybe what you do :) Like I said right now we are pretty much she misbehaves and then goes to timeout :)
  12. We really enjoyed TT the year we did it. DS actually requested to go back to Singapore math though, he likes workbooks for math more, so we switched back. Did you let him go through a sample lesson on the computer? You can still be involved in his math lessons if you want to and use TT. I only did 1 level so I didn't get too into it, but it seems to me like you would probably want to work with memorizing facts 1 on 1 still.
  13. I know ToysRUs use to sell wood carving kits for kids that used a Styrofoam type of wood and the tools weren't sharp. There were a ton of YouTube videos that showed different projects too, but I can't remember exactly the name of the product :)
  14. I think I would let her come home for the next week if it was the heat that was really getting to her, like starting to make her sick etc. It's been really hot here too and if I was out in it all day I would be miserable. If it was the activities that weren't that much fun and more of the reason then I would make her stick it out.
  15. Could it be Candida yeast overgrowth. http://www.nationalcandidacenter.com/candida-self-exams/ There's an easy way to test for it at home for free. I tested positive because I was always having stomach issues, and my dd was also positive for it so we added probiotics, hers are sprinkled in greek yogurt and we have eliminated a lot of the foods that feed it. At first it made it worse feeling, but after about a week we have felt so much better.
  16. I would recommend maybe using something like Reader Rabbit for math on the computer. We used it a lot my sons K year and he learned a lot and became a wiz with counting money. If you feel like he isn't ready to go to the next level for Saxon math then maybe take a semester off it and use another program to fill in a little time. We did Singapore math 1 for our K year and I wasn't ready for her to start 2 so we are filling in with Horizon 1 some and Miquon and Fred to give her a little time to mature. I pushed my first harder in the math department and it only caused me misery ;( This time around we are still doing well with math but I am not pushing as hard. I totally have an addiction to coffee though because of math stress ;)
  17. My dd has issues with this. My other kids are like me very mellow :) We are seeing an OT to work on her anger management and it has been very helpful. She also has SPD so I know certain things will set her off, but she is learning techniques that help her to calm herself down and it is very helpful. If there is throwing and screaming it might not be bad to at least check into a screening. I really didn't want to do that but my dd started hitting me and her little sister and that isn't ok with me and she is getting to big for me to have to wrestle her into time out. Anyway, one thing that is helping a lot for us is acting out situations that set her off and working on following directions but more in a play setting. Also when she is getting upset she will go to her room and do some type of activity to help release her anger, coloring, talking to her stuffed animals, squeezing a ball, or ripping up old paper. When I can get her to do these before she explodes we usually can avoid a big tantrum :)
  18. If it were me and I hadn't met my 180 days I had to do I would keep going till I hit that but I would probably lighten the load and just do the essentials like Math, reading and some writing. If I had finished my required days I would just pick up in the Fall. A lot of the programs you are using can be done in 3rd or 4th so I wouldn't worry about that. Usually the beginning of math is review so you might be fine dropping math a little early too and starting the next level in 4th grade.
  19. Can you use the $5 off code from another Sonlighter? No coupons around here :(, still not as good as a coupon though.
  20. Get involved in sunday school or small groups if they have them. Also you could volunteer in the nursery, something that is always needed anyway. Some of my favorite people I've met are those that have worked alongside me in the nursery :)
  21. After a few years of going back and forth with my dd I finally did it. We are just starting to work with a therapist and the full formal evaluation will be in November. I will say I finally have so much peace going through with it. My dd has sensory issues and even just being there a few weeks has helped a lot. I think my red flag was when my 3 year old could handle things my 6 year old couldn't, she gets overstimulated pretty easily :(
  22. AAS has gone well with both, and HOD has gone good for my 2nd though oldest prefers SL more :)
  23. :banghead: That about sums up my day with my dd who's 6 with ADHD and has sensory issues :) I know for my dd she concentrates more when we do different activities like wrapping her up in a blanket tight like a burrito and rubbing her back, she's sensory seeking. I would probably try to find some of the SPD forums or websites and check on different areas that might help in that aspect. I know for my dd when I am able to meet her sensory needs she is able to do better in school.
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