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Everything posted by NancyNellen

  1. My oldest 2 completely self-plan (I supply them with a copy of their TOG history and literature assignments and how many math lessons to do each week). My 11 year old plans her own history and literature. I plan her other subjects. My youngers receive an Excel spreadsheet at the beginning of each week. Days across the top, subject along the left, and then each day filled in with their assignments for the day. This way they can work ahead if they desire, but the whole week is visible to them. It also helps with my record-keeping because I simply make any needed adjustments at the end of the week, print, and file.
  2. Usually either Minestrone soup or Chicken Corn Chowder w/ french bread, salad, and cookies.
  3. Excellent food for thought, ladies. Thank you. It's the essay writing that he's had he least experience with. Excellent idea about checking into the practice tests, as well. He's really gung-ho to do it, but I want him to have the best possible chance to succeed. Thanks again. Keep the thoughts coming!
  4. Well, he would take the AP course next year (10th), and the exam at the end of the year. He has a very solid History background and reads historical fiction and biographies voraciously. He also watches TTC history lectures for fun. What do you think?
  5. I am considering having my oldest take this course next year in lieu of TOG Y2. He eats and breathes US History, and would enjoy it, I'm sure. I am thinking that getting some of the more impressive looking (but easier for him) classes out of the way will free him up to spend more time on the upper-level maths and sciences in 11th and 12th, which are more difficult for him. This child has aspirations for the US Naval Academy. Thoughts? For those of you whose children took the PA Homeschoolers class, did it prepare them well for the AP? Thanks!
  6. Thank you all for this helpful information. My oldest has been aiming for the USNA for a few years now with a desire to become a Marine officer. We've discussed ROTC options, as well. I really appreciate all of you taking the time to explain the in's and out's and to give your advice.
  7. Ummm, I think I may have missed something, too. Just to clarify, I think all of your responses were gracious. (I have been on these boards since 2001...I know a harsh response when I see one! And these were not harsh!) As far as my post, I was responding specifically to this section of your OP: "i was just reading the 2nd ed. of TWTM and cannot understand why SWB insists on formal grammar from 1st grade on up, repeating and reviewing each year. this just doesn't make sense. when i read ruth beechick's opinion on this subject, she makes total sense. but, oh my, what a different mindset!" All of the grammar I have ever done with my grammar stage folk (and I am about to begin my 5th go-round) has been memorizing and identifying. None of the particular curricula we've used has ever required that abstract concepts be understood at this age - only memorized. And I will say, it has helped immensely at the higher levels of grammar that we needn't learn definitions and rudimentary aspects of grammar, for they have already been memorized. Now we can fully understand and USE them intelligently. I hope you can take this post in the manner it is meant: to be helpful and to answer your question re: why SWB advises grammar work in the younger grades. Have a great night,
  8. :iagree: But ultimately, you are their teacher and know your students best. However, I don't think memorizing noun/pronoun/verb definitions, lists of prepositions, etc. is particularly abstract.
  9. Grace to You has all of John MacArthur's sermons. We also like: John Piper CJ Mahaney Paul Washer David Platt Rick Holland Our fellowship group leader, Rich Gregory, is a new, young pastor, but we have been very encouraged and convicted by his messages. Find them here: http://www.gracechurch.org/ministries/about.aspx?ministryid=28 Look at the bottom of the page under Recent Media.
  10. Tentative plans for next year: Math: Chalkdust Geometry History/Bible: TOG Year 2 - R-level English: TOG Year 2 lit./CW-Herodotus Latin: Latin for the New Millennium II (maybe? - I'd love to farm this one out) German: OSU German II Science: Miller/Levine Biology - maybe w/ DIVE Cd's Elective: P.E./Health and maybe a continuation of his Intro. to Linguistics course
  11. Expository with a smidge of topical thrown in. Of course, John MacArthur is my pastor, so we get mostly expository. (Last spring he hit the amazing milestone of having preached through EVERY NT verse in his 40+ years at this church!) I believe that expository preaching more clearly defines what the Scripture says. Then, as believers, we can apply the Scriptures to our lives.
  12. I send everyone to their rooms to read/play quietly and then exercise. Hard. Usually I feel much better when I am done and then I have some energy/focus to get done what I can.
  13. This is me. My husband works away from home M-Th, and I would be lost without my elliptical. It has been SO worth the investment. I bought a great model through Overstock.com and had it shipped for $2.95! I use it 5-6 days a week and have lost 23 pounds since August. Also, while I would agree that weight loss requires smart eating choices, I would add that I tend to happily make better choices when I am exercising regularly. My body feels energized and I know how hard I am working my body, so I tend toward better choices. Just wanted to present that idea.
  14. Honestly, I think the quality of the youth group will always mirror the quality of the church. Where there is Biblical integrity and a sincere desire to serve the Lord and bring Him glory in the teaching of His Word and shepherding the brethren, there will be Biblical integrity and a desire to serve and honor Him in the youth ministry. When that is not the case for the leadership and the teaching of the church, well... Of course not all of the kids in my children's groups are saved and there to bring glory to God, but I can say that the majority of them seem to be...at least there is very, very little inappropriate behavior. (Also, I would add that not all parents who attend church are there to learn about God, but that's another story :-)
  15. I guess I come at this from a different perspective, as our church has a great, extremely well-run youth group. I see it as a nice way for the church to come alongside us, the parents, and reinforce what we are teaching at home. Our church has a large seminary on campus, and the high school program is staffed by seminary students and their wives, as well as older couples from our church, and many parents. The girls sit on one side and the boys on the other for the main teaching time. Then they break out into small groups, again girls with two female leaders per group, and boys with 2 male leaders per group. Each group has 10-12 kids. The teaching is solid, they read fantastic books (Bridges, Piper, Ryle, MacArthur) and discuss them. It is heady...and a great way to foster godly friendships. The parents are encouraged to attend with their children whenever they wish to...and many do. I guess I just want to say that not EVERY youth group is evil. (You might assume that reading this thread.) There are some that actually have the spiritual interests of the child at heart. And there are many parents who, in allowing their children to participate, are not "abdicating" their parental rights or side-stepping their duties. They are thankful, instead, for the godly influences of other believers in their children's lives. (Disclaimer: I am SURE there are not-so-great, and maybe even downright AWFUL youth groups out there, but let's not throw that baby out with the bathwater :-) That said, I would NOT allow my daughters to attend a youth group led solely by an 18-year old boy.
  16. My 14 yo has a queen because his room doubles as the guest room. He likes the bed but the trade-off is sleeping on the floor of his brothers' room when we have guests (4-6 times a year).
  17. So far, my plan goes as follows: History/Literature: TOG Year 2 (D-level) Math: Dolciani Pre-Algebra, LoF Intro. to Algebra Writing: Classical Writing Homer B w/ Harvey's grammar Latin: Latin for Children Primer C Logic: Art of Argument Science: Apologia General Science (maybe?) Memory Work: Scripture memory, IEW poetry Music: Piano
  18. ds(14): "I would like to be a Marine officer." dd(13): "I don't know what I want to be.I would maybe want to be either a paramedic or a book critic." dd(11): "I want to have my own horse stable and maybe be a vet." ds(8): "I don't know." ds(5): "Ummmm, a firefighter."
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