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Everything posted by NancyNellen

  1. The previous poster did a great job of answering your questions. I only wanted to add that we use FLL in the LG years alongside TOG, not because I think the WA assignments are lacking, but because I really like the layout of FLL (and have now used it with 4 children - so I am very comfortable with it.) Ultimately, it will come down to preference...go with what you think will fit your family best. I prefer a simple copywork/dictation/narration approach to writing in the younger years. We jump into Classical Writing in the 4th grade.
  2. I like to bring soup or chili, because of its flexibility. You can dump it in a pot and heat it all or heat one bowl at a time. I like Minestrone because it has so many veggies in it. All I bring with it is a loaf of crusty bread and it's a complete meal. I think the meatballs with buns for hoagies is a great idea.
  3. The My Father's Dragon series has always been the first chapter books my kids read to themselves.
  4. I substitute coconut oil for almost any other oil in baking: muffins, pancakes, waffles, granola.
  5. My nearly 15 year old (5'10", 135 lbs.) ate 11 6-in. whole wheat pumpkin pancakes with 4 sausage links and a large glass of milk for dinner last night. These are hearty - like no white flour at all. He asked if there were more....or dessert...or.... Trouble is, I feel it will get worse before it gets better. He is only 14!! He's always eaten well. He's eaten more than me for quite a while now. But this amount of food is mind-boggling. It's a little scary. I am thankful my boys are spread out in age :lol: (For lunch today he will have an entire 12-in. pizza on whole wheat crust, an entire green pepper, sliced, and a giant handful of raw almonds and I guarantee he will ask for more.)
  6. :iagree: Exactly. I don't think your examples have anything to do with what we are talking about. I am happy to pay library taxes so that I can have access to the database. I am happy to pay PO taxes so that my mail gets delivered to my mailbox. If I so choose, I should be able to participate in the local schools where so much of my tax monies go. I am not asking to change offerings there, just participate in what my tax dollars are helping to fund. (And this from someone who does not use the PS for anything, sports or otherwise. I still think it should be an option if I desired to use it.)
  7. My two smallest go to bed an hour earlier than the older three. I use a fan and a Jim Weiss story CD to block out the sounds of he older kids. However, the olders know that they need to be quiet after 8PM. They usually read or play games together. It was a struggle in the beginning when my olders began staying up later. Now everyone is used to it and know the drill...I hardly ever have a struggle any more. My kids are like yours. They do NOT sleep in, and they get grumpy when they are under-rested.
  8. My son is 8 1/2 years old. His stats: height: 55" weight: 73lbs. shoe size: 5 He's always been huge for his age. He was 10.5 lbs at birth. He actually just came down onto the chart. He had always been above the 100th%. He's now 95th%.
  9. Family of 7 - we run once a day, after lunch. My 13 year old empties it before dinner during afternoon chore time. I hand wash pots and pans. We all have a special cup (color-coded, thankyouverymuch!) that we use for dinner, breakfast, lunch, and snacks. Then they get loaded in after lunch.
  10. I switched for a few reasons: 1. The lack of teacher support. I just did not have the confidence teaching at the higher levels. 2. My son was confused by the lack of explanation. He does better with deeper explanations - he's not one of those who learns by working the problems. 3. With 4 younger kids, I really needed something that was less hands-on for me. Chalkdust Algebra I has been a perfect fit.
  11. I have a history-loving 14 year old who eats up Henty books. My daughters are not really into them...they are definitely geared toward history and adventure-loving boys. I have found some soft-covers at Dover for a good price. Otherwise, I keep my eyes open for used copies. I just bought three hard-backs here for a decent price. HTH,
  12. Estes Park would be my first choice...stop in at Brownfield's Trading Post on the main street. It is owned by my husband's family :001_smile: We've enjoyed Steamboat Springs, as well. Either place has plenty of cabin rentals and lots of fun things to do.
  13. I am currently teaching 9th, 8th, 6th, 3rd, and PreK/K. I had a lot more time to post when my kids were younger. Now I don't even get a chance to come here every day. I think lack of free time definitely cuts down on posting time for those with kids at multiple levels.
  14. We're happily chugging along here. We've made no changes this year, but I've never been much of a curriculum hopper. We're using: TOG Year 1 (R, D, & UG levels) Singapore Math, Miquon, LOF, Chalkdust Pre-Algebra and Algebra I Phonics Pathways, ETC, copywork, narration, Classical Writing, Writing Aids Latin for Children, Latin for the New Millennium
  15. Well, I am technically only schooling 4 this year...the youngest is only doing phonics and math. We use TOG here. It is our 2nd year with TOG and I love how it is working for us. My oldest 2 (9th and 8th) are both working on the R-level and are combined for everything except math and science. #3 (6th) is working on D-level work and #4 is doing upper grammar. They are combined for science. We do memory work (Scripture, poetry, and hymns) all together at meal times. It is still A LOT of work and planning, but I feel as though I am more organized and have a better plan with TOG. HTH,
  16. I have nothing to add but :grouphug: We are currently going through the same with my father-in-law. It is hard. Blessings to you and your mom.
  17. Yes, we avoid all ball pits/Playlands like the plague...because I am pretty confident they CAUSE the plague. At least that has been our experience. Blech! I should also mention to the OP that my hubby has traveled twice a week by plane for work since February and has never gotten sick...not so much as a sniffle in that time. HTH!
  18. We fly frequently and have seen absolutely NO correlation between flying and getting sick. At all. Now I HAVE seen a correlation between Chuck E. Cheese and stomach bugs, but that's another story :lol:
  19. I don't think parenting and homeschooling are synonymous, though. My husband is a fantastic parent...very much involved in the lives of his kids. They occasionally discuss school-related issues, but frankly, his stressful job has him out of the house for the entire time we are actively homeschooling. The kids know they can ask him questions and talk to him about all manner of subjects...and he makes lots of time for them on the weekends, when we are not schooling. Does this mean he doesn't co-parent? Absolutely not. It means we don't co-homeschool. We are both completely satisfied with this arrangement. He does his job and I do mine.
  20. My best trick is to use a variety of apples. I like to use at least three different kinds: Granny Smith, Fuji, Pink Lady, Honeycrisp, etc.. I like the interesting mix of flavors in each bite. I also rub the crust down with milk and sprinkle with cinnamon-sugar.
  21. We have to ask on Southwest because there is no assigned seating for anyone. When we've traveled with Virgin America we choose our seats when we purchase our tickets and have never had a problem actually being in the seats chosen. I haven't flown any other airline in the last few years...maybe I'm just picking the right airlines?
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