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Everything posted by alisoncooks

  1. :iagree: When my oldest DD was 6 months old, she was strictly breast-fed. It was around Christmas and we were specifically waiting until after the holidays to intro. food so that we could have that special 1st experience (and be more able to monitor/refuse food offered her.) Well, lo' and behold, I walk into the kitchen to find my dad (and all my aunts & uncles) giving her a first bite of food. I wasn't even there. I was PO'd, to say the least. So...I feel your pain.
  2. We're leaving Saturday for a 5 hr. ride to the beach. :) We're taking the following books on cd (my oldest is 6 and my youngest is 4, so these may be a little young for you guys...) Frog & Toad collection 2 other Arnold Lobel Collections (we *heart* AL) a Rachel Yoder book collection of classic children's tales (billy goats gruff, etc) Charlie & the Chocolate Factory was a fun cd to listen to. We also liked the My Father's Dragon trilogy on tape...
  3. Growing up, my dad had a chair (vinyl-ish recliner) that he sat in. We had to get up if he came in; he was a farmer and worked all day long. It was the only chair that was easily cleaned and he was always dirty. My house: DH does not have a special chair but I do. :p Funny enough, we also have a chair that my mom always sits in; we call it "Mama's chair" whenever we reference it, even when my mom isn't visiting. (Religion? IDK, I'd say we're non-denom., evang. Christian.)
  4. This is interesting because I'd never thought about it and all mine are from weight gain as an adult. However, this weekend, while visiting family for the 4th, I saw my lil' brother (he'll be 30 this year) shirtless and noticed a patch of stretch marks on his lower back. They weren't horrible looking....and he didn't even know he had them! But b/c he's so tan, they did show up in the sunlight. (I was just glad he got one genetic negative, since he's the thin, tall, blue-eyed, long-eyelashed, thick-haired child of the 2 of us. muhahahaha!)
  5. Wow, thanks for the detailed replies. I'll definitely keep thinking on it...
  6. I'm no help except to say that I have it and plan on using it this year for DD6. I got it quite inexpensively from one of the online used book vendors (thriftbooks or alibris or something). I generally love all things Karyn Henley, so I have great hopes (we also use many of her Bibles for kids).
  7. So the Anne of Green Gables thread linked some LM M. books that were available for download online. I have downloaded them ... but now what? How do I get them onto my Kindle? A little help? Please spare me the agony (:tongue_smilie: ) of having to go find & read my user manual....
  8. I've been eye-balling this book that a friend of mine is using: http://books.google.com/books/about/Let_s_Read.html?id=G2fTPICCTEsC It says it's a linguistic approach to teaching reading. Is that different than a phonics approach, and if so -- how? Thanks!
  9. LOL @ the OP because you described my oldest DD to a "T". Right now we have a unicorn picnic with Pet Shop furniture with Barbie food with Lego accents going on. Here's what I've done (which by no means is a solution because we still have a hot mess, but I've just learned to look away when I pass her room): DD's only allowed to do *that* sort of creative play in her room, where the door can be closed. She has a certain rug that she can set things up on -- I allow items on that rug to stay out overnight. Or overweek, whatever, it's fair game. The rest of the room gets cleaned when I say, even if "I'm still playing with that...." *whine* But the rug is Neutral Territory and does not have to be cleaned when the room is. We love those 1 ft. cube organizers with cloth boxes (have a 2x3). DD has a pony box, Barbie box, etc, etc. When things get picked up, they just get sorted into the correct box. Because some of the THINGS were so small, I bought her a smallish plastic container with lid and handle. Actually, we have 2; one for characters/PetShops/squinkies/animals...and one for their Accersories. :glare: It's easy see what's inside (clear plastic). And the lid snaps closed, she can tote it around by the handle to whatever area she's playing in/cleaning. Like I said, not an End to The Problem, but it's helped. I also cull toys regularly.
  10. I LOVE AoGG! I read the entire series almost yearly. I love following Anne as she becomes a young woman, and then an adult with her own family. I even love the books with her children as the main characters (Rilla of Ingleside is so fun & cute.) READ THEM. PRONTO! ;)
  11. I do sort a bit. I do loads for: whites (w/ bleach on hot), kid clothes & delicates together (washed on gentle cycle and tumble dried on low), regular clothes, then towels and stinky things together (color bleach and washed warm). If I have just a small bit to wash, I mix all and use a Shout color catcher.
  12. Yep, I just looked at the zinc from Walmart and it doesn't say ANYWHERE on it what it is....
  13. I tried Alphaphonics, too. :p I couldn't get into it all....
  14. No, I don't, but there's no need. No old flames. :p Plus, I came from a *very* small town and everyone I want/don't want to know about, my mom tells me whenever I visit.
  15. My 6 yr old has already started eye rolling! I don't know WHERE she learned it from, she's been HS'ed all along & I don't do it!
  16. Well, I have a teaching degree and I support your decision. So there, we cancel each other out. :D
  17. I used to use Thayer's brand and it's sold as a toner. I believe the directions say to apply with a cotton ball after washing one's face. No rinsing required.
  18. I started with OPGTR and struggled to keep it up (though I am saving it for a year or two from now, when DD is a bit older.) We're currently using AAR1 and occasionally ETC. AAR has helped because I can just open and go, and it's all ready to roll. That said, I don't think it offers anything that can't be thrown together pretty easily (just need some letter tiles and a plan of attack/sequence to follow...add some games and you're golden). I also just picked up Let's Read: A Linguistic Approach (Cynthia & Robert Barnhart) and I like the look of it. And I also really, really like the Scott-Foresman Phonics Handbook (you can pick it up on Amazon dirt cheap and it has all sorts of phonemic awareness games/activities & ways to practice phonics & word lists -- quite like the AAR approach).
  19. This is the first I've seen this! At 32, I'm getting tired of the niggling little breakouts. Has anyone found zinc helpful for hormonal acne (my break outs are pretty cyclical).
  20. I hear ya. It's that time of year where we turn into hermits and hide indoors all day long. My 6 yr. old is about to go to overnight camp and I dread the thought of her being there in such HOT temps.
  21. Wow, I think we might be parenting the same child.... :tongue_smilie:
  22. My 6 year old is like this and I am seeing it RIGHT NOW (she's spending the mornings at VBS this week.) DH and I have often talked that 3-4 days is the limit for our kids (in re: to travel). Away from home any longer than that and the poor behavior abounds.
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