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Everything posted by alisoncooks

  1. :iagree: It could be medical or it could be age-related? My DD went through a stage where she was eating toilet paper.... ??? (IDK if she was actually swallowing or just chewing on it...and ETA: it was clean toilet paper. :p) But salt & toothpaste could potentially be harmful (I would guess) in larger doses; perhaps calling your family dr. for suggestions/input?
  2. Haha, ours is! I could youngest DD doing "diving" off the couch and "swimming" on the floor. Oldest DD was practicing her "toe point" and "headstand". :D
  3. This exactly what DH & I said when we watched it on tv. :D
  4. I have a question for those that like http://WWW..... What year did you begin with? I'm curious is anyone started from the beginning. We'll be doing 1st this year & I've got other plans for writing (Draw...Then Write), but am considering picking WWW up in 2nd.
  5. Target has foam clocks with moveable hands in the dollar bins...
  6. I have CLE's Kindergarten II, and I really, really like the looks of it and can't wait to use it! Note: I have not used it, it's for my youngest's K year. I wrote a little about it here ----> http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/showthread.php?t=369511
  7. Um, my 6 yr old doesn't read yet and we're starting Book 1 this year. Now your DD isn't quite so far behind. :p Oh cr@p, now *I* feel awful. :eek: :willy_nilly:
  8. I have books 1, 1.5, and 2 currently. This year we are doing Grade 1 and just really starting a phonics/reading focus. What I did for Book 1 and Book 1.5 is go through and put stickies at the top of the workbooks, separating all of the short /a/ pages, short /e/, short /i/, etc. (They are grouped all together in the workbooks, I'm not sure about Book 2+.) That way, as our phonics program introduces vowels, I can pick and choose which practice page we want to do. Our program starts with short /a/, so I will start with those from both 1 & 1.5...then when a new vowel is introduced, we'll do some of those pages. At the end, I'll let DD do the leftovers for review or fun/play.
  9. Same here. Loved the idea, but ... great ... another thing I can get behind and fail on.
  10. This is a great one! Chapters are fairly short and each is pretty "self-contained".
  11. My only thought is, if your adoption is international (or even not), are you aloud to do that sort of traveling with the child within a certain time frame of the adoption finalizing. (I'm totally ignorant on adoption AND cruises...that was just my thought.)
  12. :grouphug::grouphug: I don't have any suggestions but my oldest (6) is a very challenging child. It is very stressful and discouraging, as a mother.
  13. My girls have really enjoyed Frog & Toad (my youngest is 4) and most Arnold Lobel audio books.
  14. Good point. My state doesn't require formal "registering" until age 7, so we're safe in that respect.
  15. Oh, great point! I believe we'll be hitting the Children's Museum!
  16. Poor girl. I've had plenty of bad haircuts and recall that feeling.... What about funky & bold barrettes to clip in the front. Big & hip headbands? Doesn't help much, but maybe she can "fake it til she makes it" (i.e. feel confident until it grows out).
  17. Here are some character-based Bible curricula that I've acquired (in fact, I'm not sure which we'll use first!): We Choose Virtues Sword Fighting by Karyn Henley Growing With Jesus by Andy Holmes I plan to include these devos with a daily Bible story from a kid's Bible. (ETA: I'll be doing these with a 6 and 4 year old)
  18. Thanks for all the feedback (on both sides). I believe I will add some spelling in for 2nd grade (considering R&S)... but for now, I feel fine NOT having a spelling program.
  19. We did a booklet for the first day of K...but now I think we'll do it yearly. And I love that you had your kids decorate their grade signs for pics -- wish I'd thought of that last year! And I love the treasure hunt! (So, all in all, I love just about everything you shared, LOL...thanks! :D)
  20. :bigear: Just listening in for cute ideas! I was just going to take DD's photo in our "traditional" spot with a sign for her grade/age... :blushing: But I would love to make it fun & memorable...
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