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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. She's beautiful! It must be such a bittersweet time. I guess my time for that season will be coming soon enough.
  2. Wow!! I'm 38 weeks pregnant and there is NO way on this earth I could do a marathon....I don't even want to walk from the couch to the computer. :tongue_smilie: Even when I was 24 years old and pregnant with my first and jogged 3 miles a day up until I was 6 months pregnant, I still couldn't have done that at 38 weeks. Baby felt like she was going to fall out around that point.
  3. Great story!! Although it does freak me out a bit since I'm so close to delivering LOL....this is my biggest fear since I live 45 minutes from the hospital. :001_huh:
  4. Awww!!! Congrats! I'm so glad that everything went smoothly!!
  5. DD7 began speech therapy at 20 months. She "tested out" right before turning 3 (so around 34 months) because she was now speaking (she was only saying like one or two words when she went in). However, she was not articulating well. The therapist said that if that still continued when she turned four, we should seek more therapy. It did continue. So we went through the public school system. She attended speech at the local public school for her pre-K and kindergarten years. It wasn't working, and we began noticing things that pointed towards dyslexia, so we began seeing a speech language pathologist who was also trained in vision and auditory therapy. We've been seeing her for the past year. DD's dyslexia issues have improved, but her speech is still very difficult to understand. I'm beginning to get worried that she will be talking like this forever. She'll reach an age where people will make fun of her. She cannot go into adulthood with people not understanding her. She's already been diagnosed with selective mutism and I believe that's because she doesn't want to talk because she's afraid that people will not understand her. I really don't know where to go from here. We've done private therapy, public school therapy, and the speech/language pathologist. Where does your child attend therapy? Public? Private? We really don't have the money to pay for private therapy. This vision and auditory therapy have really cost us a lot of money over the past year.
  6. If you are already having a conversation surrounding that person (one of their movies, status, their business, etc) then I would not consider it name dropping to mention them in the conversation. Now if someone just randomly throws it out there, then that's name dropping.....to me, anyways.
  7. My girls are 7 and 4 and definitely still believe! We are very conservative Christians, and we definitely stress that Jesus is the main reason for the season....but I love the magic of Santa and that the month of December brings. I'll never "out" Santa. They'll have to figure it out on their own.
  8. I've heard "get your goat" instead of "get your goad." I'm like "What goat? I don't have a goat."
  9. Since mine is due around Halloween, I bought a cute Halloween themed outfit.
  10. I say no way too. I'm letting my daughters make that decision when they are old enough. I'm glad my parents never pierced my ears. I didn't end up getting it done till I was 18, and even then, I let the holes close over and still do not wear earrings. It's just not me.
  11. Unless you are extremely close with them, I'd be miffed. I mean, who in the world comes in someone's yard and uses their things???
  12. :iagree: This. It's a good thing they are listening but they've already lost some of our business.
  13. Oh....and totally jealous LOL. As you can see from my signature, we're a family is Disney fanatics. We live about 2.5 hours from there.
  14. I was wondering about this. The Life of Fred elementary books look really neat.....but where do you go if you are between that and the higher level books?
  15. I would think that any unwanted physical contact, done in anger, towards a parent is assault. As for the action taken, there's lots of things to take into account. Was there any injury? Was the teen antagonized (sometimes fathers can antagonize teen sons to anger....it's no excuse though)? Did the teen learn their lesson? Were they remorseful? Has it occurred before? Do you think it will happen again? Does the teen have a history of anger issues? All of these are things to take into account.
  16. I use several writing programs. I like different things about each one so we just switch between them. DD needs a lot of handwriting practice due to dyslexia.
  17. Years ago, I was referred to as my husband's daughter (this was before we had kids). :001_huh: We're only 3 years apart, but he is graying early and I look sort of young....so I guess they just spoke before thinking. I try not to make assumptions on how people are related.
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