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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. My girls are 4 and 7 and really like Playmobil. We have several sets, nothing huge. They have the camper (because we camp), one of the pirate sets, the penguin pool, the fire truck, etc. I'm looking to add to their collection for Christmas. DD4 is very into princesses so I thought of the princess or fairy sets. My girls aren't really into the Egypt stuff, or things like that. What sets do your little girls enjoy?
  2. We buy the Arnold Sandwich Thins. Whole wheat, no high fructose corn syrup, 100 calories. We all like it. I even make toast out of it. It's a bit thin, but it's better than buying a loaf that we won't use all of.
  3. 1st pregnancy - didn't have morning sickness....just a very tiny bit of queasiness here and there. 2nd pregnancy - I was sick from about 6 weeks until 15 weeks. I threw up sometimes. Sometimes I felt fine. Most times I felt queasiness. This pregnancy - I felt like I was going to die in the beginning. I was pretty much on the couch from 6 week to 13 weeks. Always nauseous, nothing sounded good to eat, threw up often. Ick....SO glad that is over with.
  4. I let outside activities go first. It's a pain to get everyone ready and out the door at a certain time multiple times a week.
  5. Guinea pigs are very sweet but very messy. I had them growing up and ours would kick the shavings out of their cage all the time. There would be scattered shavings a few feet out from the cage. And their cages need to be cleaned often. Their cages begin to smell quickly. And you do have to watch that their toe nails and teeth do not grow too long. We had to have our guinea pigs teeth cut. It wouldn't chew on the things we had in its cage to keep its teeth from growing too long, so they grew so long it was having trouble eating. The vet had to cut them. Yes, they are very sweet animals but we found them to be a lot of work.
  6. DH is asleep so I'll have to ask him tomorrow but I thought it was incredible. The Kendrick brothers are awesome. Very touching and had very funny parts as well.
  7. I had never heard of play-aways. I had to look them up. Cool! Our library does not have those though.
  8. *Definitely* the man. It's a MUCH less invasive surgery. And plus, the woman has had to go through pregnancy and labor....the least the man can do is get a little snip.
  9. Okay, this is a really trivial question LOL. We've just started letting our 4 and 7 year olds listen to audio books at night. They began Charlie and the Chocolate Factory this evening. DD4 fell asleep in the middle of it. DD7 listened until I came and turned it off. If this happens, do you just begin it where you turned it off? DD4 will be lost in the story line since she fell asleep. Not sure that it would bother her though. I know that DD7 won't want to hear what she's already heard....not to mention, I have no idea how much DD4 has heard of the story. See, totally trivial LOL.
  10. I'm due the day before you on the 27th. I'm possibly going to be induced on the 20th though, if I make it that long. I feel like I'm going to die. This has been the most uncomfortable end to a pregnancy that I've had yet. Everything hurts, I feel nauseous sometimes, I feel hungry, the baby's head is engaged and she feels like she's going to fall out.....my most used phrase is "I'm sorry, mommy can't do that right now, I'm not feeling well." I've basically stopped leaving the house. A trip to the grocery store leaves my sitting/lying for the next two hours. Yeah, I'm done LOL. We're still plugging along with school. We get it all done once in a blue moon. I make sure the three R's are done nearly every day. We just started our science curriculum last week. I have big plans for it that I know are about to be put on hold. I'm nearly finished making our artist study lesson plans too. I'm really excited about them but I know they are about to get put on hold as well. I get around to schooling my 4 year old about once a week. Not a big deal, but I do want her to learn her letter sounds and some basic math before kindergarten. I've had DH start taking the kids to church and I've just been staying home. I attempted homeschool group this morning and came home halfway through it. I give up LOL. I so understand where you are coming from.
  11. My philosophy? Never wake a sleeping child. If they sleep later than I do (which is rare at the moment because my pregnant self is exhausted) then I get up and do some chores before the wake up.
  12. I have hospital births, an epidural, and I'm always hooked up to a contraction monitor. The midwife always tells me when a contraction is coming on and when to push. That being said, with DD#2, I automatically knew when to start pushing despite the epidural. I didn't feel any pain or pressure, but I knew that something was happening and that I felt the urge to push.
  13. Definitely. I can hear him on the other street and I usually say "Shhhh! It's the UPS guy....let's listen for if he's stopping here." And the kids get quiet LOL.
  14. LOL, my 7 year old doesn't write anywhere close to an hour a day. And as for my 4 year old? LOL....yeah right. She writes whatever letters we are working on our her Explode the Code book and that's it.
  15. For the "other" people....your perfect poll. I like "other" because....choose one option from the poll. (brought to you by the letter O and from the corporation for making the first page become an entire page of polls)
  16. My kids got iPod Touches when they were 2 and 5. They've taken excellent care of them and use them often.
  17. I'm not the type to let my baby fuss and disturb anyone's show. If she fussed, we'd try nursing or a pacifier and if that didn't work after only a moment, I'd quickly exit into the corridors.
  18. Oops....duplicate post....is there any way to erase this?
  19. Wicked is coming to our city and tickets will be going on sale soon. They are EXPENSIVE.....but I've never been to any type of stage production show (well, unless you could Sesame Street Live LOL). DH saw it in New York on a business trip and said it was awesome. I've heard nothing but good reviews about the show. I'm wondering if DH and I should go see it. Only problem is that I will have a 3 month old at the time. I don't leave my babies so we'd only be able to go if she didn't require a ticket. My parents would watch my older two.
  20. I was just wondering this today LOL. I'd love to hear everyone's answers.
  21. I guess that's better than my DH always telling me not to go into labor on the day of a Jaguars game. :glare: It would be okay if he said it once, but EVERY single time I talk about having the baby, he says it. :confused:
  22. I can't believe the nurse didn't think it was the pred. I know that hyperactivity can be a side effect. DD4 used to have to take it a few times a year when she'd get croup as a baby/toddler. Thankfully, she had no side effects from it, but I know that side effects are *very* common.
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