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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. Wow, pretty bold exclamation by your SIL! Don't listen to her....you are doing what's best for your kiddos.
  2. Umm...what is tot school? Is it just pretty much homeschooling a preschooler and blogging about it? I feel out of the loop LOL.
  3. Me! I was born and raised on one side of town....lived there till I was 10 years old. Then we moved to the neighborhood that I currently still live in....on the other side of town from where I was born. I've lived here since I was ten years old. My parents live just on the other street (where I lived from 10 - 19 years old). Then I married my DH and we moved onto another street in this neighborhood. A few years later, with a growing family, we moved to our current house....in the same neighborhood. So I've lived a total of two different areas, both in the same town. And three houses in this same neighborhood.:D We're going to be looking for another house soon - our forever home where we will live and grow old together. But it will still be in this town.
  4. Cool! Where do you get the specs on that? It looks like basically a giant iTouch. Because it does not have phone or camera capabilities, right? Does it have a full computer? For instance, can you download things onto it, run something akin to Microsoft Office, etc? I'd be interested. I absolutely LOVE my iPhone. However, I love my iPhone because I do not have to carry other things around with it. Such as a seperate phone, camera, computer, etc.
  5. With friends, mothers tend to talk about their children and families a lot because that is their main focus at this time in their life. If the parenting choices are drastically different, I think it would make it pretty difficult to discuss most aspects of parenthood. I don't think I could be friends with someone who parents drastically different than I do.
  6. With the near passing out, I definitely would have taken him in too. I hope that the bloodwork can tell you something!
  7. When I'm sick, I do not ask DH to take time off of work. I call my mommy LOL! She lives right around the corner. If I'm so sick that I cannot really care for the kids (mine are still young at 5 and 2), then I'll ask my mom to either watch them at her house or to come over to mine. But I do not do that unless I'm REALLY sick.
  8. It kind of just sounds like a random virus to me. If he had the same syptoms all three times, I might would take him in. But the other two times, he was diagnosed with totally different things. If it were mono, wouldn't it be ongoing with the same symptoms? Possibly with no break in between? DD5 had a run of "bad luck" when she was around 3 years old. Every few weeks she was getting some sort of new illness. She ended up with like 3 or 4 different things within about 3 or 4 months and we were at the doctor several time. For some reason, she was just more prone to catching things right about that time. She hasnt really been sick since.
  9. A school supply store should have it. You could probably use bulletin board paper and you cut off the legnth as long as you want it.
  10. I like to school in a central area. So going down into the lower level and into a room would not really work for us. I think we'd get a lot less done. I like to be able to wash a few dishes while the kids are working, or tidy up a bit. I'd do school in the kitchen. As far as materials, can you get some sort of basket to put your materials in and slide it under the kitchen table or something?
  11. That's exactly what I was thinking. We're having our DD evaluated for OCD and that sounds like a lot of things I have read up on.
  12. Something similar happened to us before. I purchased two degus from the store. I made sure the employee knew that I wanted both degus to be the SAME SEX. He checked them and told me that I had two boys. A few months later.....there were tiny babies in the corner of the cage. Hmmmm....definitely NOT two boys!
  13. UPDATE ON DD...... Last night I she acted better but I still ended up calling the doctor-on-call. She said that her symptoms didn't sound terrible and that if she had been like that for 6 days, then it could probably wait till morning to be seen at the office. I took DD over to my parents house for a change of scenery and to maybe perk her up and she acted great over there. And last night was the big test.....no throwing up! Yay!! I slept sitting up in the recliner with her. Today she has acted totally fine. No vomiting, no laying around, no nothing. Maybe she was just having trouble getting over this virus. I did not end up taking her to the doctor this morning because now Dh and I are sick. :glare: And she was acting totally better. If she had still be acting lethargic, I would have asked my mom to take her in for me. Thanks for all of the replies and advice!! I will probably sleep sitting up with her again tonight, but if she doesn't vomit tonight, we will go back to bed sleeping tomorrow. :D
  14. Yep, first I'd go to the doctor and ask for a full blood work up. Everything from thyroid levels to vitamins/minerals to iron. Wait on those results and then go from there. In the meantime, I'd make sure I'm drinking pleny of water, eating plenty of fruits and veggies and an overall good diet. Also, make sure you get outside and go somewhere. I know that if I have a few days where I stay at home and do not go outside, I start getting tired, run down, and achy.
  15. I'd continue to treat him as pleasantly as you've always treated him. Like others have said, just be sure that you do not allow your children alone with him. We found out there was a convicted sex offender at a church we used to go to. He has kids, married, nice as can be. You never know the whole story. It could have happened when he was 18 years old and he had a 17 year old girlfriend. You just never know. Just be cautious.
  16. Could it be the dyes? Such as Red 40? Does she normally eat things with artificial coloring in it?
  17. We have a pop up and love it. Of course, we do not get to use it as much as we would like. I do not like to go just for a two day weekend.....too much time to pack up, set up, take down, clean, and unpack for one full day. Hopefully this year we can take some three or four day weekends and go more often. I grew up camping and really wanted my kids to grow up camping as well. I have a lot of great camping memories from when I was a kid.
  18. I remember those days! I always thought that he was SOOO cute!
  19. Thanks! My kids (and I) love Crocs!!! I think they love them because they are so easy for them to just slip on and go. I love them for the same reason.....no shoe tying!
  20. Also, I really do think this stems from a stomach bug. Last Saturday evening we saw my parents and sisters. On Sunday night (well, early Monday morning) both my DD and my 16 year old sister woke throwing up. And both were sick all day long on Monday. My sister was fine by Wednesday. My little one is not. I don't think it could be a coicidence that they were together on Saturday night and both got sick early Monday morning. It just really has me worried. And it is hard to rely on my gut as far as going to the ER because I'm such a worrier. As someone mentioned, our doc-on-call usually tells us that if we feel they need to be in the ER, then we need to take them. There' an urgent care down the street, but our doctor tells us not to go there because there's been a lot of bad stories come out of there. I will definitely be taking her to the doctor tomorrow, but I'm trying to decide if I should do anything in the meantime.
  21. Thanks for all of the replies!! Wow, there's a lot to think about! She's sleeping right now.....which is a little strange for her. She hasn't really been herself today. Kind of mellow. But not listless or lethargic or anything. I'm trying to decide whether or not to take her to the ER. I may wait until she wakes up to see how she feels. As for the vomiting while laying down....she doesnt vomit if she happens to nap during the daytime. Like right now she has not vomited and she's sleeping. And she was not lying down on Thursday evening when she vomited either. I have not been sleeping well at night because I've been sleeping with her in my arms so that I will know if she throws up. So far, she has not done it in the middle of the night. Ugh, kids really know how to scare ya, huh?
  22. Should I really take her to the ER if she is up and acting totally fine during the daytime? She is running around, playing, eating, drinking, etc. I've been giving her pedialyte to hopefully counteract any electrolytes that she's losing. Other than the night time vomiting, she acts absolutely fine. Even after she vomits at night, she's her normal smiley self. If her electrolytes were out of whack, wouldnt she be listless and tired?
  23. I posted last week about my 2 year old DD having a stomach bug on Monday. Well, it has just turned weird now. Here's what happened. Early Monday morning, like 3 AM, she vomited once. Didn't vomit again till 11 AM. Then didn't vomit again till about 3 PM, then around 4:30, and then about every 20 - 40 minutes for about 2 hours. She laid around all day, of course. Tuesday - laid around all day, vomited one time around 8 PM. But did't vomit at all during the day. Wednesday - gets some energy back. Up and playing some today. No vomiting at all. Thursday - laid around all day again. Took her to doc due to lack of energy. Doc says she's probably on the upswing and that she's small so it may take more time to get energy back. Thursday night she vomitied four times between the hours of 7:30 to 9 PM. Friday - energy back....up and playing. Vomitied around 10 PM, when she was already in bed asleep. Scared me to death, she was gurgling and couldnt seem to get it out of her throat since she was asleep. I yanked her up and cleared her throat. Threw up one more time. Saturday - up and playing. Vomited around 12 PM, when she was in bed asleep. I was in bed too (she sleeps with us) so I heard her this time. Sunday.....today....I'm so confused! What is wrong with my baby and why is she only vomiting at night? And it is not only when she's in bed....because on Tues and Thurs she was not in bed. Anyone dealt with this or have any ideas? If she vomits again tonight, I'm taking her back to the doctor tomorrow. I'm a worrier and this has me a little freaked.
  24. Wow, thanks for all of the awesome suggestions!!!! I think the M&M one will work out really great LOL! And I love the color of the day suggestion as well. I think I'll choose my fave suggestions and give them a try this week!
  25. I'm so sorry! A previous poster is right....this doesnt sound like a MIL problem. This sounds like a marriage problem. Your husband needs to be standing behind you and taking YOUR needs into account before his mothers. That's why the Bible instructs a man to LEAVE his parents and CLEAVE unto his wife. Hence, making your needs come first. Honoring your parents does not mean letting them take advantage of you or treat you in a wrong manner. It means being respectful to them despite all of this, and still treating them with respect while sticking up for yourself.
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