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Tree House Academy

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Everything posted by Tree House Academy

  1. Day wise, no...finishing curriculum wise, yes. I just sped things up, did a bit more, and figured out how to finish when we need to. Our problem was that we started with Calvert and switched after 8 weeks. That put us behind on almost everything we are doing! :(
  2. We do easter baskets with a small chocolate bunny and some spring-type toys. This year, ds9 doesn't believe anymore...so he picked out a computer game at Wal-mart to go along with his chocolate bunny. Little ds is getting a "bug collector" and a small, inexpensive microscope with his chocolate bunny. :) Oh...and with dh, all bets are off! I got him a 1 lb chocolate bunny, Resee cups, snickers eggs, and some blue easter M&M's. :D (Did I mention that I get to SHARE with him???:tongue_smilie:)
  3. My son is in CLE LA 300 and he does one lesson a day and finishes in 15 days. I do not need the TG just yet, but I assume that when we get back into the harder grammar concepts, I may be able to find some "help" for him in the TM. ( I have an English degree and sometimes it is hard for me to explain to him what came naturally to me.)
  4. We use explode the code and explode the code online for phonics. At the same time, we have used LLATL Blue and will be using LLATL red to finish phonics. It has worked well for ds 5.5.
  5. I would let this opportunity pass you by since you plan to be at the birth of a newborn baby in the coming weeks. I wouldn't take the risk. My youngest ds had the vaccine at 18 mos, but has yet to get the booster. We are hoping he gets the chicken pox before he has to get the booster...but, like you, if he has not had them by the time he hits 11 or 12, we are going to have to get the booster. You definitely don't want your kids to have the chicken pox in their teen years or as adults. P.S. I hate the chicken pox vaccine! LOL
  6. I use tampons now in normal sizes...but, when I was a teenager, I used the "slim regular" made by tampax. Those fit more correctly for my size at the time.
  7. That is a neat idea. My husband would never go for it (he hates DC and we are 6 hours from you anyway), but the idea is a grand one! I know that people do it a lot for the NASCAR race that comes to Bristol. People actually leave their homes for the weekend and either rent out or trade homes with out of towners that want to see the race.
  8. My good friend in Denton said she could see ash falling on her car. :( I can't even imagine how awful it smells and such. I pray the rain comes soon. We are having rain right now...I will send it your way. ;)
  9. Oh gosh, Aubrey...I bet it is the fires (or the smoke in the air from the fires). Poor baby girl! Bless her heart! I hope she feels better soon. Maybe you should put that movie in she was wanting to watch...LOL. Is she breathing okay? Maybe take her in the bathroom with steam and see if that helps any (it may make her sinuses clear a bit?
  10. It never ceases to amaze me what other people will say online. Would love to see this comment made face to face. :glare: I think you did the right thing waiting for the neighbor since the guy DID leave and all. I am like you...I watch for things that are weird, but I don't want to go calling the police and reporting stuff when I am not even sure of what happened. How totally weird that the neighbor didn't care!:001_huh:
  11. Hope you are all staying safe and breathing okay! I have three very close friends in Texas, near Dallas, who are really feeling the effects of the fires looming so close to them. My thoughts and prayers are with you all (and your forestry firefighters) tonight. :grouphug:
  12. I have had many cats in my life and did rescue for cats and dogs for some time. Hon, it is time to end the suffering. You are not doing anything more than prolonging her life for whatever time you can get. She is not going to "recover" and be her once healthy self ever again. I think you know, in your heart, what the right decision is...but only you can be the one to make it. Hugs and prayers for you during this time.
  13. Are you taking any kind of medication (that may cause dryness in that area)? I know you said it is plenty lubricated, but maybe not the kind of lubrication that "sticks" if that makes sense. Maybe it is thinner than normal due to some kind of med? Have you had routine paps? Hoping those were all normal. I am surprised your dr is not concerned at all. How irritating!
  14. Teachers tried twice to bully us into having my son on medication. While I did give in and try it when he was only 5 years old, I stopped it after 3 months to never go back! I knew in my gut, as his mom, it was not what he needed all along. I do think he truly has ADHD, but I also see that he is thriving in school and in social situations, and the rest, he will have to learn to get a handle on. He can't learn what he needs to learn to control himself if the medicine is controlling him. That said, I know there are cases where medicine is needed, warranted, and wonderful for the child. If my son was struggling to learn or focus so that he could learn, I would not hesititate to give him the meds if they helped. In my case, the meds didn't help and he wasn't struggling, so why do it? KWIM? I actually had a special ed teacher in ps approach me and tell me that I had better give up and just give ds some medicine because he was going to fail 3rd grade when he got there. She said that K-2nd were easy and I would have real problems in 3rd with him. 3rd was the best year he spent in ps. Not only did he not fail, he was tested for the gifted program, despite his ADHD - and he made straight A's the entire year (he was one of 4 kids in the entire grade level to pull all A's all year long). On top of that, he won award after award for academics at the end of the year. That same sp ed teacher came up to me at the final banquet and told me that they were releasing my son from Special Ed behavior services...obviously he didn't need her anymore. HA!
  15. Kitchen- -floor - slate colored tile -cabinets - stained oak -walls - off white (eggshell) -curtains - none in there. My kitchen is mostly black and white and silver. Bedroom -bed - king bed. Mess of a comforter with the kids blankets thrown on top in the winter (pretty sure this is not the look you are going for...I'll stop here. LOL
  16. I like Secret (never using Clinical strength) - and most definitely the goes on clearn in a stick kind. I have used clear stick for years and accidentally bought the solid about a week ago...I totally ruined my shirts when I put them on! OOPS.
  17. I love mine. It is an HE and my dh (engineer that he is) built a stand for both of them so I didn't have to lean over to get the clothes in and out. If they weren't up high, I think I would abhor doing laundry ever more than I do already.
  18. We used GWG and I have to say that CLE is a far better and more complete program for my ds. GWG was just "worksheets" to him. CLE really gets in there and makes it click. I vote CLE LA all the way. ....but perhaps I am also a bit biased...LOL GWG is NOT spiral at all. CLE is. We actually do use the CLE spelling....but we also use Explode the Code.
  19. I love LLATL Blue and Red looks just as good. Both my older son and I detested LLATL Orange and I felt it was too light in the areas of grammar, writing, and spelling in the older grades to really call it "complete." In short, I think would be good/fun for your youngers. For your olders, I would go with something a bit more meaty. My older son switched to CLE Language arts with DITHOR reading and WWE for writing and we couldn't be happier. :)
  20. I saw a really cute style for cheap in the lakeside collection catalog last week. Their stuff is inexpensive...and I have not tried the adult clothing, but I would assume it is about wal-mart or Khols quality. Here is a link to the skirt. http://www.lakeside.com/details.asp?I=KST&N=36+4294964973&Nao=73&R=874109036KST4&product=Easy-Fit-Jersey-Knit-Skirts
  21. He is so so so so so good! For AI only do I wish I had CABLE! I actually loved his rendition of the Five for Fighting song "I just Love You" so much that I tracked it down on the internet, downloaded the MP3 and burned it to a CD so I can listen to it in my car. He is just so good. Too bad he is not into women. LOL
  22. I have gone on and off mine for years now. I wean off and it takes about a month to do so without me getting totally sick. Unfortunately, the issue I have that puts me on them will not just go away (OCD), so I often find myself resorting back to them. This time, they are working so well, I am just sticking with them for awhile. If I had diabetes, I would take the insulin, KWIM? This is just my version of diabetes, I guess. :(
  23. My dh is having an extended vacation with having Friday off for Good Friday, so today is our last day before the "weekend!" Boy, I needed it too! Anyone else?
  24. Could....could also be allergic to the grass. This is exactly what grass does to me.
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