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Tree House Academy

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Everything posted by Tree House Academy

  1. Depends on the curriculum. For instance, something like Calvert would sell great now! In two years, it may be the "older" version and not sell as well. I tend to sell things when I know I am not going to use them. Too many times I have bought something, sold it, re-bought it, and then...resold it! Chances are...if it didn't work the first time, it probably won't the second time either.
  2. You can get a personal account and not link your bank account, however, that limits you to buying and selling online. The only way to USE the money you get via paypal is to spend it on something else at a place/with a person who accepts paypal. Note that with a personal account, you also do not get to accept credit cards at all. It has to be someone that pays with a bank funded account or someone that has money in their paypal balance.
  3. ETC is really for learning to read. If your dd has done phonics and is reading, then ETC is totally not something I would do with her. As to the writing...my son hated ETC when we started. He also wanted to take the easy way out and not do the work...however, I told him he would do 2 pages a day and he has! And since he started ETC, his writing has improved 10 fold! He actually learned to write with ETC rather than his handwriting program, believe it or not. Now he LOVES his ETC. Another option, to get the ETC, but not the writing is to do the ETC online. You can get it through the Homeschool Buyers co-op for about half price (using a group buy). My son LOVES to do the online ETC even more so than the book work. https://www.homeschoolbuyersco-op.org/index.php?option=com_hsbc_epp_order&Itemid=896
  4. :iagree: This is what I was going to post as well. My progesterone is all out of wack and I can't take BCPs due to the genetic predisposition I have to stroke, so fun fun times for me around time for AF. :(
  5. Oh Oh, Me Me...I have one of those. Mine is 5.5. As an example, this is the child who cried when ET went back home. Oh, and yesterday, I was singing a song in the car ("Love Me" By Colin Raye) and my older son said, "mom...look at brother!" My 5 year old was BAWLING. Silently, but bawling. When I asked him what as wrong, he told me that the song I was singing was sad because at the end, the grandma dies and he would be SO SAD if his grandma died. Of course, I love my little tender hearted thing...he is just like his daddy! And about the mirror opposite of my older son! LOL
  6. If it is cold, he may not have much of a chance anyway. Look for him in places that are warm as he will likely be trying to heat himself. My friend had a ball python and his heat rock wasn't working properly. As soon as the snake got cold, he died. (I still remember holding that stupid thing on my belly to keep it warm as we drove home. Ahhh, the memories. :001_huh::lol:
  7. No, treat it at home and keep her close for 10 days. If she gets sick and/or dies, go get the rabies shots. Otherwise, you should be safe. An animal can only pass rabies through saliva when they are rabbid...which typically kills said animal in 10 days or less (hence the quarantine a lot of dogs are put under if they bite someone). Trust me...as a hypochondriac, I know all my facts on rabies. LOL
  8. Ewww...Kristen Stewart went there. Blech. Now I vote NO for sure! LOL I agree with other posters who have suggested not jumping right in to a DL school your first year homeschooling. Take it slow and easy in those first years and find your groove. I started with Calvert school which is also academically rigorous. I was SO GLAD I never signed up to use their "school" and we could go at our own paces. However, even then, I ended up realizing that my kids just didn't fit into one grade. They weren't level across the board and my whole reason for homeschooling is so they can learn at their paces. Now, my older is doing 4th grade math, 3rd grade grammar, reading on a 7th or 8th grade level, etc. My younger is mid-way through 1st grade and he is 5.5 years old. Those All in one, curriculums are not for everyone and you really want to think long and hard before you put your kids "in the box" so to speak. Just my humble opinion. We are here no matter what you decide! Best of luck to you!! :)
  9. YEP! Try placing her in the middle of the Light Units...for instance, look at the samples and start her at LightUnit 104 or 106 depending on where you see the items she has not yet learned.
  10. I think it goes both ways. I have bought and re-sold 2 homes. The first one didn't sell until I moved and it had been striped...however, I think this is as much because we were picky about when we showed the house while we still lived there because I had a young child at the time and I worked full time and so did my ex-h. So, when it was empty, it got more traffic and sold. The last house I sold, we kept it furnished and, apparently, the decor was what sold the woman on the house. We sold it in 4 days after putting it on the market! She walked in and loved my decor, bought the house, and then called me to ask where I got my furniture so she could duplicate the look! LOL So...it just depends. Is your house decorated beautifully, or is it a hodge podge? It is neutrals? Or is it bright orange with green curtains? KWIM? I think it depends on LOTS of things.
  11. I don't have a daughter, but my best friend has a 10 1/2 year old daughter and we have discussed this shot at length. Young girls have died from this shot and I am sorry, but HPV is a common virus that CAN cause cervical cancer. That doesn't mean it WILL and cervical cancer is most easily discovered and treated when caught early by having routine paps. I am so afraid this shot will make young girls decide they don't "need" regular paps because they are "protected" when that is just not correct at all. I also would not want my friends' daughter to be one of the few that have a reaction and actually DIE for something that was not a death sentence were she to get the actual disease!
  12. My prayers for your friend. 52 is very young to have such a bad stroke. :(
  13. My does...and I cancelled my appointment today. Ha! LOL I am sorry you are in pain. Is there not an emergency dentist anywhere for people who are really in need?
  14. I am hoping you are only referring to the mom that is in the abusive situation. She, being an adult, can make these choices and all you can do is be there for her. However, if there are children involved who are being abused as well, please please please call the police, CPS, or someone to help the children.
  15. Yes, please take her in to the hospital today. This has gone on much too long and she is much too miserable. Your gut is telling you to GO...GO!
  16. My prayers are with you. My youngest son had a migraine headache when he was just over 3 and they had to do a CT scan because migraines are so uncommon in children his age. I was absolutely terrifed and I definitely know that feeling of fear. I pray that God will hold you both close during this time and that your daughter has something much different than a brain tumor and much less serious.
  17. I am finished. THis, after buying a whole other plan full of curriculum and re-selling them all to go to what I have planned now. Husband was THRILLED. :glare: "5th" Grade Bigger Hearts for His Glory w/ extensions (History, Science, Read-alouds) DITHOR 4/5 CLE LA 3/4 (we are working on 3 now and will finish around October and start 4) CLE Bible 3 CLE Math 4/5 (same as LA) State and Capitals/Spectrum Geog of the US Typing Instructor for Kids Spanish for Children Primer A "1st/2nd" Grade (little fella is already doing 1st grade, will finish in December and start 2nd) Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory (History, Science, Read-alouds, Reading) CLE LA 1/2 Explode the Code books 4-6 or 7 CLE Math 1/2 Map Skills Geog. CLE Bible 1/2 Song School Latin
  18. Did you notice that a couple of the letters on the whiteboards were written BACKWARDS? There was a "f" in "of" that I remember in particular. That video was totally useless. "We need to create by using texts, blogs, ipods, and I love love love the one about how English teachers don't use Story Telling software. Oh my God...how could anyone ever tell a story without using STORY TELLING SOFTWARE? *gasp* :rolleyes:
  19. I have seen these type shows before. How sad that is. :( Some kids are definitely just born larger - my best friend growing up weighed 250 pounds when we were 14. She still has to watch what she eats and be very careful as obesity runs in her family and she is framed much bigger than most ladies. It is SAD what she had to deal with as we grew up. I can remember one instance in particular that just CRUSHED her ego and self esteem. She has struggled all her life with self esteem issues over her weight. If only these parents realized what they were doing to their kids. Healthy eating habits start NOW.
  20. That is part of the reason we switched from Singapore. My little guy was like yours and doing great, but I didn't even realize he was supposed to be memorizing the facts yet. We went to CLE Math (not that I am suggesting you switch at all...) and the TG tells you when to introduce each math fact. Then you flash them every.single.day. My younger thinks it is fun. My older thinks I am some kind of slave driver. LOL But it is working!
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