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Tree House Academy

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Everything posted by Tree House Academy

  1. And around dinner time too. WTH? That is pathetic. I am so sorry you all had to have it happen at all...but especially this way!
  2. We are using CLE Language arts with my oldest, Bible with both, and are getting ready to do CLE math for both. So far, we are really enjoying it and CLE is working for us. :) I prefer a living book approach to History and Science, though, so we use HOD for that. :)
  3. From what you have, I would use FLL, WWE, and ETC books. That is what we used (except we did LLATL blue instead of FLL) and it has worked wonderfully!
  4. I think that is a great plan! If you need help with DITHOR, just ask. It is really easy once you get into it. :) Has your dd had a lot of Science previously? My thought is that you really want to go with the Science in the package (because Carrie does a beautiful job of tying in what you are learning in Science with what you are learning in History). However, you can always enhance what is given in the program by getting extra books on topics of interest and having her read those/doe experiments from those as well. I bet Carrie will have some great ideas for you.
  5. I agree with this post as well (even though it is opposite of my original thought). However, had he ever (EVER?) been told not to use the silpat to cut on? Did he know that it was only for use by you? If so, I think that changes things. I don't make my kids pay for dishes or clothes, but they are also allowed to use those things, so I take responsibility for knowing that those things could be ruined in the process...KWIM?
  6. I would have him work for half the cost. My son left his bike out in the driveway the other night and when DH came home, he accidentally ran over one of the tires which left it bent and unusable. ds needed a new bike anyway, so we made a deal with him that, if he will save his yard mowing money/allowance, when he gets to $50 we will match that $50 and meet him halfway. Ds is 9. For your son, yes, it was a mistake. However, mistakes also have consequences. Now, he needs to at least HELP you replace the property he damaged. Let your good heart/serene mood help you meet him halfway, but don't let him off with just an apology. Real life is not nearly that easy...
  7. Those are soooooo tiny! Thanks for sharing them with us. Such cuteness!
  8. Yes...it is called my husband with a bottle of Seven dust. :) And it works GREAT!
  9. Nope. We are about halfway through book 3 and no talking animals yet.
  10. Yes and yes. My ds5 asks for it. :) We only schedule it twice a week. I alternate with the ETC book that we are on at the time. 2 days, book - 2 days Online. I also only require him to get 3 blue coins and then he can stop. It goes fast, but he has learned a LOT and really likes the program. Defintiely get it through Buyers co-op though. Much cheaper!
  11. Hmmm...you just never know. Maybe he had a bad divorce and lost custody and never got to see his own daughter grow up? You know? My MIL's husband always took an interest in my older son and I actually found it weird. I mean, she has only been married to her dh for 6 years or so, and he is in his 70's, so there is no history there. Well, later I found out that he had a grandson my older ds's age that he hasn't seen or talked to in over 8 years because the child's mom took him and ran off. His preoccupation with my older son was really just an act of love and longing for what he had missed with his bio grandson. BTW...my dh is in his 40's! LOL Please, don't use "older man" and 40 in the same sentence...LOL PLEASE.
  12. I did Singapore with my kids this year and we enjoyed it. However, we are switching to CLE for next year because I need more teaching help and I felt like Singapore was not great at telling me when to teach things. For instance, the 1st grade manual mentioned "your child should have now memorized all of the addition facts to 10" and I really hadn't even started trying to teach him to memorize them! It really never communicated to me that this is what I needed to do, yet it expected me to do it. However if CLE doesn't work for us, then I will definitely go back to Singapore. We liked it, but I am looking for a bit more teacher hand holding, I think. I have heard good things about CLE..not to mention, I got my materials yesterday, and I really like what I see.
  13. My recommendation is for HOD. If you have not previously done CHOW, I would start with Preparing (w/extensions). Really it just depends on what you want for History as your DD could fit into Bigger, Preparing, or HHTT with extensions and such. Bigger is American History Preparing is a 1 year history overview from creation to modern times HHTT is from Creation to the Birth of Christ in the 4 year History Cycle. There are 3 more manuals scheduled after HHTT to cover the rest of the four year cycle. HTH
  14. Hmmm...well, I had this same issue...only my kids are 1 year farther apart in age and are younger than yours (will be 10 and 6). I decided to split them into two programs, doing Beyond with my younger and Bigger with my older this year (so my older can have Am History). Then, next year, my younger will do Bigger and my older will jump to HHTT (because we did CHOW this year). Clear as mud? LOL Are you going to do the whole program or just the Science and History? That makes a big difference in which one you use, IMO. In all honesty, I would do Bigger with your 9 year old (and add the extensions if he is advanced) and do HHTT with your almost 12 year old. That is where they fall on the placement chart and with them being almost 3 years apart in age and ability, you may find it easier on all of you to do it this way. The best suggestion I can give you is to go to the HOD foums (click on message board at the top of the HOD website) and ask those wonderful ladies. Most of the time, Carrie herself (the author and creator) will hop in and share her thoughts too...and since she wrote the curriculum, you can't go wrong with her advice! :)
  15. Very rude! I was in the library one day and this woman was talking about the Twilight series with the Librarian. She was deciding whether to check out one of two of the books. Being friendly, I chimed in and told her that I had read the books in 3 days and they were hard to put down (thinking that would help her make her decision). She looked at me, said NOTHING, and then told the librarian she would just take the one book. Let's just say that the word Witch came to mind (and almost came out of my mouth...only the W was a B). ;)
  16. We struggled to find something that really interested and engaged my young 1st grader (who is 5.5 yrs) and then we finally found CLE. CLE Bible is perfect. The stories are short (1 pg) and there is an activity of some sort after each one. I am just pleased as punch with the curriculum. :)
  17. I schedule one week in advance (making sure that I know how many days "off" we can have before we get "behind" in that subject). For instance, our Science has 34 lessons, but we take, roughly, 2 mos off through the year at different times. Ummm...errrr...that doesn't quite work. So, I schedule to make sure we finish on time. That way, I know if I need to double up one week or what have you. I also schedule so I know what we NEED to finish that week and also, if something is NOT done, I know what to add on to the next week. I do mine in an excel sheet. Most of it is listed like you said...Subject - lesson 1, day 1...lesson 2, day 2, and so on, but it really helps me keep it together.
  18. I have never "met" Ree, but I do read her blog on occasion. What a great ministry!
  19. Yes. What kind of fish are in there? If they are goldfish and the like, they are freshwater. If they have a baby shark or something, saltwater.
  20. NOW I see why I just got three requests in a row for my CWP 3! LOL
  21. I didn't realize it was done by someone here! Who?? What an amazing ministry, IMO!
  22. :iagree: They are SOOOOO much better stale! I open them and let them sit for 2 days mininum before I will eat them! :D Those were great! There were definitely some strange ones (like the kill room, etc), but I just passed those more quickly. The Pee Wee Herman, Price is Right, the "who done it" scene, and the dr/nurse/hospital ones were so cute. I was amazed to see some with the twin towers though...
  23. A friend of mine posted this link on another board and I was just touched! I know that I have read so many stories here of people struggling to get the curriculum they need. This ministry tries to help EVERYONE! If you need help, or want to donate used materials, here is the link. :) The Book Samaritan
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