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Tree House Academy

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Everything posted by Tree House Academy

  1. CLE is the most complete and GOOD LA program I have found. The only thing we supplement is reading and writing. We use DITHOR for reading and WWE for writing. NOTE: Be sure to have her take the diagnostic test, if possible. My son placed in LA 400, but I put him back in LA 300 because I wanted to start from the ground up with Grammar again. It is easy for him and he is flying through it, but I can already tell that he is cementing the concepts much better this time around!
  2. I would not have confronted the parent, myself. It is his child and you have absolutely no idea what had happened prior to this or why this man was so upset. It is possible he is a great dad and just lost his job and therefore lost his temper. He may have turned to his son 5 minutes later and sincerely apologized. You just don't know until you walk in his shoes. I know that I have gotten angry with my kids before and ended up aplogizing for something I have said...particularly with my 9 year old. I had him when I was 19 and, unforutnately, we have sort of "grown up" together. Am I proud of it, no. Do I make a habit of name calling, absolutely NOT. But I can't say that I have never let something fly and been sincerely regretful later. Prayer is the way to go and I pray with you that this man realized that his behavior was hurtful and inappropriate to the situation. And also that whatever was on his heart or burdening him at the time to make him react this way will also lift. Peace be with you as the witness to this as well. :grouphug:
  3. My mom lives in Maryville, TN. :) And i lived in Knoxville all through college...then moved to Chattanooga. LOL
  4. Unless you are going to be going to Knoxville and poking around too, I wouldn't recommend staying in Knoxville. Stay in the smokies...in one of the awesome cabin rentals there. My dh and I got married there and stayed in a cute little cabin called the "Blue Heaven," We have stayed in others as well that were WAYYY up in the mountains. I bet with 6 people, you will actually come out cheaper getting a cabin than getting a hotel. Cabin Fever Vacations www.cabinfevervacations.com 2536 McGill St Pigeon Forge, TN 37863 Most of them have hot tubs on the back porches overlooking the mountains too. :) And there are lots of things to do in Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg. Pigeon Forge is less crowded (not as jammed together) as Gatlinburg, but both offer a "strip" type walk with things to do here and there...mini golf, helicopter rides, zip line tours, neat shops...like the Chirstmas Shop where it is Christmas all year. Then, in Gatlinburg, there are all sorts of neat shops (just really jammed together and no real parking), skiing, just so much to do!
  5. No, but I lost the taste for cigarettes as soon as I got pg with my oldest son and i never went back to having the "taste."
  6. Where he has the commas is not so much the issue for me...it is how many times he takes the "aside" and validates his point with said aside. I think many of the sentences with comma abuse could be re-written with less disclaimer and no comma.
  7. If I stopped to list all the things *I* have worked myself into thinking I or my kids had, you all would be reading a book. I am a hypochondriac...not just by self diagnosis....I actually, truly have this disorder. It is MISERABLE. Google is your worst enemy. :(
  8. We have enjoyed Singapore as well, but we are switching to CLE Math. Mainly, it is because 1. I need the TG to help me teach my older as things get more difficult. and 2. I need to be told when and how to teach what. Singapore just assumes I know how and when to teach things and sometimes I don't. Does that make sense? For instance, we just stared Singapore 1A (okay, we are about 20 lessons into the book) and yesterday I read something in the HIG that said my ds should now know by memory the addition facts. What??? I mean, he is doing well, but he has not committed them to memory. As a matter of fact, I had no idea I was even supposed to be doing this just yet. I was thinking "exposure" - you know...concrete, pictoral, abstract. Well, it appears we went from pictoral to abstract REALLY fast. :( Anyway, I am torn, but my heart is tugging me in the CLE math direction, so we are going to switch and give it a try. If it isn't a good fit, Singapore is always there to go back to. KWIM? Best of luck to you.
  9. I agree. That is a bit odd. I am probably old fashioned, but I have never really liked boys teaching girls and girls teaching boys in sports. I much prefer my son learn from a male coach and that my daughter (if I had one) learn from a woman. A woman knows a girl's limitations and strengths and a man knows a boy's. Not to mention, my son tends to listen more to a male coach. I think it is the male bonding thing...
  10. ...you should probably even erase the top sentence...if she is anything like me when I go all HA (health anxiety), that alone may send her over the edge...
  11. Get off the internet (I am a hypochondriac too). Whatever the doctor ordered it for, he did it so he could have a good overall picture. I know that asthma in a child can make him/her tired. Maybe he was just getting a good idea of the lung capacity and making sure your ds is getting enough oxygen. Calm...relax....DON'T GOOGLE. (ask me how I know googling is bad :001_rolleyes:)
  12. I had a very bad smelling sinus infection once, but I think I was the only one who could smell it as no one else complained. I bet money he has something stuck in his nose. :)
  13. As a Christian, I actually struggle with teaching a religious curriculum. Not so much so that I won't do it (we are using HOD this fall with both kids), but I definitely tend to modify. I was looking at CLE math (which we are considering switching to for the fall) and by goodness if it didn't start out with something like "God made everything in a certain order...and that is why numbers are in a certain order." I mean...come on! Numbers are in a certain order because a mathematician figured it best - not because that is what God did! And I am a Christian, but I have to say...sometimes too much is...well...too much.
  14. My son is a lyric listener too! He listened to "I'm Going Home" by Chris Daughtery and cried. When I asked him why, he told me that it made him think of when someone he loves dies goes to heaven (he mentioned particularly a certain grandpa). :( The Giving Tree and A Tree Named Steve make me cry every single time. D*mn children's literature! LOL
  15. I can tell stories from when *I* was a freshman. They put me in a dorm room with NO WINDOWS with a girl who was my exact polar opposite. And she smelled. I had my mom come to the school and tell them my grandmother was ill and I had to return home to help care for her (my grandmother had been dead for 3 years by that time). About a week later, the fire department came in and made the school move all of the people out of the dorms without windows. It was a fire hazard! Go figure! If I had waited that week, I would have gotten a new roommate and everything. Blah! I never did go back to living on campus. I moved in with a guy friend, then got pregnant, got married (yep...in that order), and the rest is history...
  16. Our insurance reads like this: Exam only Limit 1st yr-6 visits 2nd yr- 3 visits Age 2-6 annually Age 6-12 every 12 months Age 12-30 -every 3rd year Well Adult: Age 12-30 every 3 years Age 30-50, every 2 years Age 50 and over-annually. It is confusing as crud too because it even includes well WOMAN visits...it pays for the PAP and the Mammogram...just NOT the exam by the doctor. Is that a crock, or what??? Personally, I would ask what your dr. office recommends.
  17. Honestly, as someone who suffers constantly from OCD over health issues and wears stress like a badge, this has been something that I have tried to do daily for the last few months. My mantra is..."what do I have to complain about?" I can nitpick this and that to death, but the fact is that we have a nice home, my husband still has a job, our credit cards are paid, our kids are healthy, we are relatively healthy (or so it seems overall), I have been given the opportunity to care for my kids and homeschool and I am blessed in so very many ways. I know this, I see this, and I try hard to thank God for the good things in my life and not focus so much on the bad. :)
  18. And...if you decide to sell Beyond Little Hearts, you can send me a pm instead of listing it cause I will snatch it right up from you. :)
  19. Just be glad she has crushes on people who are NOT in your immediate family. LOL My 5.5 year old son tells my husband that he wants to marry ME when he grows up. :lol::lol:
  20. Oh, me either! Gets me every.single.time.:iagree: I also find myself close to tears sometimes when we read history and happen upon stories of the brave men and women who fought, even in those early days, to make this country what it is today. George Washington, Ben Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luthur King Jr., and countless, countless others.
  21. We are almost finished with CHOW this year and we love it. We are Christian. I too had an issue with the start of the book. However, it is just those first few chapters. Van Hilyer brings lots and lots of Bible folks into his book and even takes a "We believe in one God, but the Greeks/Romans believed in many gods" approach. My son is 9 and has thoroughly enjoyed Child's History of the World.
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