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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. I looked at her blog while we were down. It appears that she is just finishing the editing process. It is now availiable on Amazon for pre sale. She was surprised about that. I think the answer is soon.
  2. My Dd14 holds her scissors in a really strange way. She would not have passed kindergarten in our district because holding her scissors properly was required! Yes I knew someone whose child did get held back for that. It would probably not be a problem except we belong to a patchwork group and she demonstrates frequently. Unfortunately it usually turns into how she holds her scissors not how to make this block!!! I sit there and explain that she is very accurate...and if it isn't broken don't fix it...the "old ladies" look at us and whisper that she is home ed. I apologise in advance if my spacing is a nightmare. I am having huge problems posting with a kindle fire. The program is not spacing automatically for me. If I space it I end up with lines with two words. Trying a new idea.
  3. I am posting using a fire. This time I am able to use the proper box but things are obviously really not working overly well. No emoticons either. Have to use mobile option -- bottom left. Sign on as to be done through the registration board too.
  4. Ds12 said he thinks it is before but not really sure.
  5. What a beautiful little girl! Congratulations!
  6. If you plan to do the upper cores that use story of the world I would wait. We did and I was pleased with how things worked. I think it might be a bit boring second time through but that is me! Lots of book lists for time periods out there for additional reading. Take a look at the Veritas Press for some really good ideas. Lovely supplements. We loved Draw Write Now and History Pockets.
  7. Thank you for letting us know. I downloaded the samples and Dd can have a look later.
  8. We have done this sort of. We checked the supplies in the luggage and knew we had a library that we could use. Very spotty computer access for quit a while--more because we did not want to pay the cost of setting it up then availability. Our first housing was temporary. I mainly brought math supplies and the HWT paper because that was what they were used to. I had a blow up globe and a Sonlight foldable map. Not much else that I can remember. I bought a copy of Our Island Story for British history upon arrival. The rest came off the shelves of the library. If it looked good we used it. We found some great things. The dc's liked picking out their own curriculum. Nothing really matched or flowed but we had a really productive year and a half. At some point I stocked up with a huge Rainbow order that had things like MP latin and Christian Studies, Shirley English, and more math. This was before kindles. I think it would be much easier with e readers. Also using the online resources would have made things so much less stressful. I always buy far in advance when we return to the US for a couple of months. Our luggage is mainly books. Apologia cd roms are a easy way to lighten our luggage. Sonlight is an extra bag but the books are hard to resist.
  9. Praying for you and the little girl. What a difficult situation.
  10. Alternating chapters is basically what NEM (Singapore) and most of the IGCSE (British) prep books do. That would be the easiest method at our house because of catch up work if we miss a class period. My ds12 could remember to finish the Algebra chapter, maybe, but I guaranty he wouldn't switch to Geometry automatically without something major like the end of a chapter reminding him to.
  11. Great news--so glad all is well!
  12. I can't seem to do any of the fun stuff on the kindle fire. It won't give me a keyboard unless I use mobile setting and no choice there. So the little I agree guy is gone for me at the moment! So is smiley face
  13. My dh is really happy. He really misses Black Friday but I do not understand why.....no one here has ever heard of Black Friday. Certainly no one expects it.
  14. I always wait as long as possible with bulbs that way nothing has a chance to dig them up. Plant them! They will be beautiful in the spring.
  15. Not sure if this one will work but Dh and I have gotten several adults hooked on the Chicken Shoot game. People really seem to like it. The one thing is that it does require you to be able to aim the Wii remote quite accurately. It can usually be found used fairly inexpensively.
  16. I did the first section as a read aloud when dc's were 7 and 9. Nothing inappropriate but no one loved it. I felt we had to because we had just moved to England. No urge to read the rest. After Lori's review really glad I didn't try it! There are so many better books......
  17. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Praying for great news!!:001_smile:
  18. When people ask me what I miss most from the US I sat Taco Bell and Target. Pretty much true--I can't say my mom. They just opened a Taco Bell in Manchester according to the website. I wonder if Target will come to the UK too???
  19. We have not done apologia physics yet. Working on the chemistry course right now. The gpb videos appear to be great. We watched one last week and they loved it. :grouphug:
  20. We went through General Science fairly quickly. About a week per chapter so the co op is probably making it drag out too long. Also we had covered most of the topics at least one other time. One thing that we did do was learn good note taking skills during this class. Dd14 has science notebooks that are fabulous. Ds12 is no where near as good but does know what he should be doing.:lol: It sounds like he either needs to move more quickly or supplement with something else. If they are less than enthused about the topics we generally do something quite different as a supplement. Does he like math? One thing we have used are some TOPS units on space which are availiable on the NASA education website for free. These are pretty math intensive with projects where they make a slide ruler and learn to use it for example.
  21. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I am so sorry.
  22. The first one is The Tower Treasure I think. Like Diane said the old ones have blue spines and are much better. I am not sure that you can get the blue spine ones in Australia because I have never seen them in the UK -- well once in a charity shop.:001_smile: Take a look on amazon so you know what you are looking for. They do have some mystery series written at the same time by the same authors (one group of authors wrote several series under different pen names for one publisher way back in the 30's and 40's) for free on kindles etc. We have not read any of them but I did download samples on a kindle. I can look them up if you want me to.
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