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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. That should work. I have a tube of generic that just says zinc oxide. If you have to buy it -- pick the one with the highest percentage of zinc. Also it isn't overly kind to clothing and sheets. My kids were already in oversized tshirts for their attire and I prefer white sheets so it was not too messy for us.
  2. I just found this thread. Thanks for the update. I tend to agree with Jann they don't agressively treat at first. After my surgery my dr actually confessed how embarrassed he was because it was really bad. He drew it out for 3 full months. My MRI had not appeared that bad and I did not complain much. I am way too polite. If he had understood how much pain I was in he would have operated much sooner. I am only saying this so that you know to stick up for yourself -- if you are in pain say so! I know you don't want surgery but for me it was life changing.
  3. I know this isn 't really what you are looking for but have you tried the Fallacy Detective? My ds is a Traditional Logic failure. He could not grasp it even with the dvds ( my dd loved it). I had pretty much decided to skip logic with him because he is great at the puzzle type of logic just not the terms. Anyway this book was free on the kindle with prime. He loves it. He understands it. It is currently one of the best things we are doing. I do it with them. We go off on lots of rabbit trails thanks to the rather odd situations described in the questions--yesterday was how the electoral college shapes US elections. They learn a wide variety of odd facts thanks to the exercise questions but are also get pretty much every single one right.
  4. My dc's had really awful cases last summer. Naturally they did it individually so that was summer. Lots calamine lotion and cool showers. The one trick I learned the first time around was as soon as the blisters start to dry put zinc oxide on them. It makes the clear up so much quicker. Dd (the second case) actually looked better then her brother did one week post chicken pox-- ds was 3 weeks past at that point. I used the zinc on ds but started a bit later. Both had it between toes, on fingers etc.
  5. This is so odd. My friend's husband fit the discription of the appendix you just gave. He was absolutely miserable for about a year. Poor man. Thay finally had to remove a portion of his intestine because of the infection caused by his appendix leaking gunk on it all that time. Anyway when I first saw your post and thought of that situation. I also dismissed it because what are the odds.....well if your dh's sister had that happen it makes sense. Tests kept coming back negative. At one point his appendix was inflamed. They treated with antibiotics. Apparently appendectomies are no longer the preferred treatment. I hope you can find a doctor that will take your concerns seriously soon. A four hour drive might be worth it.
  6. We had a children's bucket balance from learning resources that we enjoyed. It survived quite a bit of use by ds. Probably a pretty good recommendation. I want to second the electronic scale idea or at least a quality non electronic cooking scale. My Dc's love the one I bought last year when I finally decided to start using british cooking directions. It is fabulous for science projects too. Mine has a glass top so not the best suited for your needs. The ability to convert measurements from metric to ounces with the flick of a button is oddly captivating. Another thing that has been a big hit is an inexpensive old fashioned candy thermometer. For the barometer we spent quite a while comparing actual barometer readings to the pictures our cheap digital temperature device told us. We bought it at Target years ago for about $10. It will give indoor and outdoor readings if setup to -- we kept the outdoor tranmitter in our garage to protect it. It also shows pictures -- sunny, cloudy, rainy etc. These correspond to proper barometer readings and show the weather "about" six hours out. Enjoy your planning. Let us know what you decide on.
  7. We used both the dvd's and flashcards. I found both to be helpful.
  8. Is there any chance your dh could get an appointment with his sister's doc? They would be apt to take the problem seriously and investigate the gall bladder. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  9. Nance-- This happened to me too with the last miscarriage and I had the d and c. I think you are OK with the one hour but if it has not slowed by morning call and ask advice. If you are worried call now and ask--this is your drs job. This went on for me for several days, eventually a drug was prescribed that worked but was dreadful while taking it-- it was several years ago and I remember thinking it was worse than the problem. I am so sorry you are going through this.:grouphug:
  10. :grouphug:I am so sorry. We had the testing done with several miscarriages. The last couple were genetic. It was heartbreaking but helpful. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  11. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I am so glad that you are home. Your kids are a great age to help you with the bedrest. I was on strict bedrest from 18 weeks with my ds 12 but I ended up in hospital. Home is so much better!:grouphug:
  12. Just :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: It sounds like you are doing a great job. I think the staff will be really receptive to anything (within reason) comforting you want to bring for your fathers use. I spent a long time on strict bedrest in hospital when pregnant with ds. DH brought in my favorite quilt from home. The nurses were great about switching my bedding each morning for me. They probably liked the fact that it that I had it more then me. It made my stay much more cheerful. They wanted me to use the hospital stuff at night in case of an emergency but always made sure things were brightened up first thing.
  13. I started reading the thread and remembered how much pain I was in. Child birth was practically pain free--I knew when it would end. My ruptured disc was endless. While waiting for your MRI take your pain meds and try laying fairly flat ( one pillow) on your back. Do not move around. My pain level went down when I did this - I am allergic to many pain meds. Laying flat was the only way I stayed sane. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  14. Remember it is impossible to work with others and not have confrontation. Office politics can be awful. It depends on where you work. There are lots of types of accounting positions out there. The HR Block idea would be an easy way to discover if you like working with numbers and clients. I had an audit internship while in college. I quickly learned that I could not handle working from a briefcase. I hated being at a clients location, was happy at my own desk. I went corporate.
  15. I haven't read the whole thread but I know how to get lysol. You can walk to a Goodings grocery store from Downtown Disney. So a disney bus to downtown disney. You leave downtown Disney by the giant toy store and cross to the road that goes between all the off site hotels. The Hilton should be on your right. At the end of this road there are a lot of restaurants and a shopping center. Goodings which is owned by Winn Dixie is there. A taxi to Goodings will work too.;) I am a real germophobe too. We travel a lot. I do my best but can not do everything. Make your best start then sit back and enjoy the trip.
  16. When we moved to england I did the business cards too. People didn't always use them but they did keep them and use them after seeing us a second time. It was a year before we really even attempted to meet many people. We "knew" a few at church but just to chat with. I would make an effort to find one group to join. I would probably pick something that your son can go to also. My kids provide a great conversation opening. Which are yours and how old? After church is there a nearby park? Could you invite another family to join you there for a picnic the next week. Keep it pretty simple. Also is the youth group drop and go or do a few parents hang out in a different part of the church? It might be a good time to get something going there -- bible study, craft group....
  17. Dh and I still speak midwest american after six years in the UK. The kids have a slight Brit accent according to my mom. The oddest thing is I no longer hear Americans in crowds. I may spot them by their behavior then listen for confirmation. But I just don't notice usually. English is english unless really strong accent. Someone called me inquiring about home ed. Left a long message. I listened to the whole thing and wasn't sure how to handle it so passed it on to Dh for his input. The first words out of his mouth were you do know she is American -- well no, I really hadn't noticed.
  18. Fridays are our day with friends. We get up late, eat a huge brunch, and head off to my dear friend's house. She is very ill and a group of us spend the day with her and her family. They have been days which we all wish would go on forever. The older children are doing a literature study together so a bit of school is done. I may stress that we aren't getting enough done the rest of the week but I am learning about priorities, friendship is one.
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