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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. I didn't think I would find anything when I looked at meetup.com but lots of great stuff for ds at first glance. Thank you!
  2. ESV mainly. We have many different translations and occasionally use them. I don't write in my bible or any book but do highlight my kindle copy.
  3. Just really fine sugar granules. For most recipes I just use plain old granulated (regular white sugar) and have not see any difference. I only bother to use caster for sprinkling on tops of things.
  4. She hasn't started Frankenstein yet. I will let you know when she does. I agree with Floridamom, I think it will be more psychological too fwiw. The part in the asylum was scary and I have read it before.
  5. Dd said you can skip Alice and any others since you don't want a certificate. She does think you (and everyone) should read Dracula because it is really really good! Definately my daughter! :lol:
  6. Dd gave me a very kind little lecture that it was OK for me just to read what interested me for this course over the weekend. I felt a bit guilty but have never liked Alice in Wonderland and really didn't want to read it another time. Dd is loving it which is great and doesn't need me to read it all which is even better! :) I finished Dracula and plan to read Frankenstein soon....trying very hard to just read things I want to read for awhile.
  7. Not masks but thought I would post this just in case. When my friend was very ill my family needed to find a way to stay heathy in order to be with her but still attend our activities. We spend several days a week at various meeting halls with facilities including real dishes for hot and cold drinks. I started carrying my own coffee mug and ikea plastic cups for dc's and we stayed heathy instead of a new cold every couple of weeks. Not touching faces and hand washing/gel cleaner helped too I am sure. Even after her death we have kept many of these habits and are far healthier for it - when I forget the cups we do seem to get sick. I think dishes not properly cleaned with hot water was our main problem.
  8. I watch the show but am not a serious fan. Just started fourth season and I think they are making season eight now. I think I like it because it is different and somewhat (now in forth season not so much) unpredictable. I normally have a hard time with my books as TV shows but this seems to be acceptable. Maybe because I "like" the actors so am OK with their images in my book. The book seems very like the show thus far. I will let you know my opinion closer to the end.
  9. We have been watching documentaries or the speeches on youtube. Occasionally reading something online as prep. We have actually found some great stuff through youtube!
  10. Stacia -- yes the blood type issue occurred to me. I figured luck with a common blood type added to universal donor or two. I overthought.......
  11. Mainly marking the thread. Nothing finished because of the move. Dc's are basically moved so good start. :) Reading "Heartless" by Gail Carriger. It is very good for being the forth in a series.... I have also started the first Dexter thriller. No energy to look up the proper title...only a chapter or two in. Definately good enough to finish. Considering the number of abandoned books for me lately pretty high rating. ;)
  12. Secrets of Droon and original Boxcar Children (start with #1).
  13. The Henle answer key always has answers to the sentences etc. Does not always for grammar drills. I think you will be fine with the MP and Henle materials.
  14. I agree with the Dickens suggestion. Here are some other fairly clean ideas for your dds. My dd 15 is working on these series and I have been reading and enjoying them also. All are mysteries. These are not great works of literature simply enjoyable stories... Maisie Dobbs by Jacqueline Winsper and the Daisy Dalrumple series by Carola Dunn are quite interesting. Both series focus on young women in Britain after WWI who are finding a place for themselves in a changed society. Maisie is by far the better written and more serious topic wise. Another series that we just started is the Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes books by Laurie R. King. The first one was great. Some other ideas are Tolken and CS Lewis. Dd just read and loved Til We Have Faces by Lewis.
  15. If she hasn't already read them Trixie Belden is great fun. They are slightly harder then Nancy Drews. Both dd and I loved these at that age. If she wants more advanced some Agatha Christie's work. I hate to provide a list because what was fine for my dd crimewise might be different for your dd but Tommy and Tuppence are where we started.
  16. http://sheg.stanford.edu/rlh This isn't a curriculum but extremely helpful. I never found a curriculum that I liked and have been using library books and this against a timeline. Look at both US and World History sections.
  17. Just marking the thread. Bad wifi and can't watch. Thank you! :)
  18. http://www.capstonepub.com/product/9780756516963 They were part of a series called Animal Kingdom Classification by Steve Parker and Daniel Gilpin. Lovely books. We made notebooks,did drawings, had a fabulous time with Pagoo and several of those books. Could add Minn in with these too if you are lucky enough to have a library with a somewhat complete set. ;)
  19. http://www.anmm.gov.au/site/page.cfm?u=2006 We did this one when dc's were 9 and 7. I wouldn't normally recommend it but they loved it. Mapped it etc.
  20. That's it! Twenty One Balloons and Baby Island from Lori's list were also favorites at our house. :grouphug: Early readers are hard work! Dd was one. I spent years trying to keep ahead of her. The plus side is I read tons of great fiction.
  21. http://www.scholastic.com/teachers/book/dolphin-treasure This was a favorite of ours from Sonlight. Perhaps it would make a good companion for Pagoo (another all time favorite). When we did Pagoo we used a fabulous serires of books on invertebrates from the library. Learned an incredible amount of classification from them. For Paddle to the sea one of Gloria Whelan's great lakes books might be good. One had a logging theme........ For Tree in the trail the only thing I can think of is the book where the Newfoundland Dog that accompanied Lewis and Clark narrated. Can't figure out how to make it google. Anyway we liked it far more than the Beautiful Feet recommendation. Happy reading.
  22. It would probably be a good idea if you are used to carrying them but bottled water is easy to find to buy. Expensive but readily availiable. ;) You could also buy bottles when needed and refill in order to save luggage space. I have had the tap water in all three locations and it tasted fine -- at least I don't remember it which is a good sign. There are at least two Carrforr stores in Bruges. One is right on the main square and the other accross the street from the Novotel/Ibis hotels. They are great sources of reasonable snack foods and bottles of water. There should be Carrforr's near you in Paris also. The chocolate waffles in Bruge are not to be missed! Hope you have a fabulous trip!
  23. I just wanted to say thank you for posting the link to "a mind in the light". It is truly a wonderful resource for all of us. Very kind of you to share your hard work! I just requested the C.S. Lewis medieval literature quide you recommend for tenth from the library. I have never heard of it before and am looking forward to seeing it. Thank you!
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