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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. I finished "Heart of Stone" by CE Murphy. Totally enjoyed it. http://www.lovevampires.com/cemstone.html I also read the new Agatha Raisin "Something Borrowed, Something Dead" by MC Beaton. I feel like I know some of those characters. :lol: I made the mistake of stopping to drop a book at the library last Friday on my way to a village fundraiser. I had picked up this book up while at library and when I set it down to drink my tea was informed by a couple of ladies that they were waiting for that book to be available. I returned it this morning with a big sigh of relief. I don't want to keep anyone waiting especially if they know it's me! ;)
  2. So many of you love Heyer. I have been curious but didn't know what to try first. I put a request in for Black Moth, a few are ahead of me which is good for my stack! :)
  3. I was in the low forties for both the Children's Lit and the English Student list. My score disappeared and I don't feel like clicking again! All I can say is having read Shakespeare was a huge advantage. Not sure about all the author repeats.
  4. One unique but handy thing a smaller library does that we use is all reference books are shelved together except for picture early reader types. This makes it incredibly easy to browse the shelves and get something for everyone on a subject. All Lincoln biographies, children and adult, are in one place. All books on frogs etc. At first I was a bit appalled but now it makes life so easy. I can quickly find an appropriate narrative but I can also pick the book with the best pictures. Love it.
  5. Dh writes one that people tell us they love receiving. ;) Basic formula is one page only. We include a current picture of the kids which has a story which is included in letter. Generally something historical that we have visited. A short paragraph about what each member of the family is doing. Then whatever else fits on the one page limit. Pretty short and reasonably high interest.
  6. Robin, I have read most of the Hollows series. I will attempt to figure out where I left off and join in if I can source them. I think I need to read the last two but it might be three in the series. The books are normally entertaining and I actually enjoy the demon parts which are normally pretty cringe worthy in other series for me. I am still reading "A Tale for the Time Being". Really enjoying it. My kindle book is the first in CE Murphy series - Heart of Stone. Like the gargoyle, still trying to figure out the mythology behind it all. Different but good. :)
  7. I have a really hard time searching the board but Hunter has started and participated in some great threads concerning things like what to pack in a box to home ed for years, 10 items for two years, etc. These are fun threads which I would recommend reading. Curriculum won't be a problem except in terms of space. Sites like Currclick will be very helpful in terms of extras I suspect. I would not hesitate to do the trip. What an adventure! We moved to the UK when my kids were 7 and 9. The hardest thing for me has been the need for me to be social so my kids meet people and make friends. I have had to become far more extroverted. My personal reaction would be to look at the lovely scenery with dh and read for entertainment but because of the dcs we actually need to talk to people too! Which can be hard but incredibly rewarding.
  8. My dc's both enjoyed The Secrets of Droon series. Libraries frequently have it.
  9. I am so very sorry. Praying for you and your family. :grouphug:
  10. I finished the first in a new series by Carolyn Hart called "Ghost at Work". It was a fun easy cozy mystery. I have read many of her books over the years, especially her Death on Demand series. The bookstore in that series always has great mystery author suggestions...might have to start rereading them. :lol:
  11. I just picked the first Inspector Gamache book up this morning from the library. Everyone here has made me curious. ;)
  12. My kids loved games made by a company called Thinkfun. River Crossing has a junior version I think.
  13. I think there are two more in the Wicked Autumn series. I recently was able to get a card for another system here and they have Wicked Autumn so I will be able to get it. :) Thanks for prompting me to look again. Death of Cozy Writer was pretty good. The conclusion to the mystery was fabulous and the order of clues were not in the usual formula so pretty good. My biggest complaint was I wanted to learn a bit more about the lead detective. It was hinted that his background was interesting but never developed to my satisfaction. I have the next in the series waiting for me to start so should hopefully learn more. The Wicked Autumn Detective character received a great review in something I read a few months ago as being really good character development, the reviewer loved him and a former M15 agent turned village vicar does sound very fascinating. Was he?
  14. Floridamom, I hope you recover quickly from your procedure and aren't too uncomfortable. I had back surgery back in the dark ages and remember the pain. I think I spent 5 days in the hospital 20 years ago.... Just wanted to let you know "The Goldfinch" did improve vastly after the boring 50 pages or so. I finished it this afternoon. :)
  15. Now for "The Goldfinch". I don't want to do spoilers but at roughly 70% through it has turned into a bit of a bore. A character that I did not care for has returned and I am not enjoying the book currently. I will finish it because the first part was wonderful and I have read almost 600 pages..... I am curious how Floridamom is doing with it. Hopefully it is just me. I had a late night, could not sleep, kindlefest last night. I read "A Bite to Remember" by Lynsay Sands. It was great! A fun vampire romance.
  16. Eliana and Negin, Many of these titles sound fascinating. I will add some of them to my 2014 list! Robin, I already wished you a Happy Birthday over on the other thread. I hope you have a great day!
  17. Amy, I am glad to hear the new baby boy is doing so well. Congratulations! As for the hostess gift, a nice bouquet of flowers and a gift certificate that your friend will enjoy.
  18. I totally agree. I am at roughly the same point and spent a good chunk of yesterday getting to that point. It is not what I expected from the description but so good I don't care!
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