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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. I had several parakeets growing up all could be handled but none really enjoyed it. My friend had a rescue cockatiel that was tons of fun. Huge parrot sized personality in a little bird. Lanny, we had a parrot for years. Ours ate what we did. Loved spaghetti and tacos. Wonderful pet! :) I envy you -- wild parrots in the yard. I can't tell you how much I would love that.
  2. Also look at what exams are needed for the program she wants to enter and try to get a comparable AP. The student we know will be going with with math and chemistry A levels for a chemistry degree which is required I believe. Can't remember the other A levels she is doing.
  3. A pp suggested trying Alcumus which is a wonderful free program from AOPS on their website. My dc's both enjoy it. I would definately try that first. My dc's have for lack of a better desciption played with AOPS. The NEM / DM sequence has worked far better for us. We have used a whole assortment. ;)
  4. For a British University they mean the American AP so I would assume the European English speaking programs do too. It is simply the only option most Americans have that is somewhat similar to A levels. A few want SAT II's FWIW. I suspect when they say 4 AP exams they mean it but do not realy know. The Dutch program has become very popular with British students due to a huge rise in tuition costs in UK so they have plenty of people applying. The Dutch option is substantially cheaper and people are using it. One of dc's friends will be there next year, can't remember which program. I would continue trying to get a answer in writing. It needs to be spelled out very clearly that the high school she is attending is unique. Remember college here means high school unles you are talking Oxbridge type University's.
  5. All these reviews of Dexter novels prompted me to finely try and check one out of a library since I am a fan of the show. The library I use for my kindle checkouts has what appears to be the whole series for kindles. Not sure if this is helpful or not but I thought I should mention it. I checked out "Darkly Dreaming Dexter".
  6. When I googled I came up with one of her videos. Haven't watched any others but that girl makes it look easy. Fascinating trend and a great gift idea for Christmas! Thank you.
  7. Quizlet should have lots of practice cards for each test. This website has helped both of my dc's so much! Here is a link for a vocabulary set for unit 1. http://quizlet.com/24697341/apologia-physical-science-module-1-flash-cards/
  8. I couldn't find the Stress of Her Regard but was able to find the sequel http://thebooksmugglers.com/2012/09/hide-me-among-the-graves-a-chat-with-tim-powers.html Which sounds interesting. I requested it. :) Bhai
  9. Jane -- Congratulations on reaching 52 books!!! Also I hope your recovery continues to be speedy.
  10. I finished "Bones of the Lost" the latest Temperance Brennan by Kathy Reichs. It wasn't fabulous but for fans of this book series the ending is good. A bit of a surprise that has me looking forward to the next one! :) I read "Love Bites" the second Argeneau vampie book by Lynsay Sands very early this morning. They are definitely fun easy reads. I am resisting the third so that I can get my other books read. I am really afraid that I will read it if it is availiable!
  11. On the subject of dh's and libraries. I use dh's library card as my own. I know his number and mine at three libraries with small checkout limits.I just can't remember which card belongs to which adult. Poor man has been picking up alot of bodice ripper vampire book covers in his own name lately. Occasionally I get a gentle hint that it is very embarrassing when he picks those books up! :lol:
  12. Dd has serious issues with "old fashioned " clocks. She is never at all sure what time it is when faced with a clock face. Ds loves to ask her what time it is when we are places where she might mess up - he finds it very funny. Dd also holds her scissors oddly. Extremely accurate but looks painful. No big deal except she is an expert quilter and frequently demonstates for our club. As soon as she cuts something everyones attention is completely diverted.... Ds likes to make me panic about potential huge gaps in knowledge especially related to history and geography, subjects I know he has never enjoyed. Fortunately questions like where is Germany(he has been there multiple times) are usually just shared with dad. I never know if he really doesn't know or is teasing. He definately has a huge block on oceans and bodies of water like Atlantic, North Sea, and English Channel.
  13. Just in case you couldn't find the course University of Michigan has a Fantasy and Science Fiction Coursera that started on Monday. Nice selection of books including Dracula and Frankenstein.
  14. I finished "A Quick Bite" by Lynsay Sands. It is the first of the Argenau Vampire series which I have heard of before. This is definately a romance novel with vampires but done with a bit of an entertaining twist. It was about a beautiful hemophobic (afraid of the sight of blood) vampire whose mother kidnapped a handsome psychologist to cure. Interesting vampire origin theory given and very different vampire "rules". I enjoyed it but I love an occasional humorous romance novel. Definately not "The Historian" more Lara Adrian Midnight Breed. I have the next in the series ready to read! :)
  15. I finished "W is for Wasted" by Sue Grafton. It is the latest in the Kinsey Millhone series and quite a good addition to it. I couldn't resist starting "The Quick Bite" the first of he Lyndsay Sands vampire series that I discovered yesterday. So far it is of the fun/light/romatic catagory for vampire fiction. Pretty much just what I needed! :lol: Eliana, Thank you for the "Sunshine" recommendation. The library has it and it is hopefully on its way! LostSurprise, I hope all is well! :grouphug:
  16. I plan to just read and listen too. :) I am pretty sure that is fine. I know in other courses you grade only if you are participating in the writing portion. I still need to do my download -- dd has made a list of exactly which ones I need to read.
  17. Hi Tress, it's dd again. One of the links does lead to a paid thing, but there is a free link if you go into the couse syllabus tab and scroll down, there should be free links to all but two of the books. Somebody has posted a list of all the stories you need somewhere in the discussion forums, but I can type it out here if you can't find it. I think there's about fifty to read.
  18. Hi Tress, this is dd. The Grimm's fairy tales you need are linked to in the course syllabus, along with most of the other readings in the course. The book is called Household tales, but I think you want the edition they linked to,since I think the stories included varies between editions.They just posted the videos an hour ago, so if you go back on you should be able to get them. I hope you have a good time!
  19. I went on an unsuccessful search for The Finno-Ugrian Vampire which sounds great after The Historian. I loved all of the Hungarian scenery and want to go there too! :lol: I am looking forward to the review! While hunting I ran into this rather prolific vampire romance author http://www.lynsaysands.net/ and am going to try one of her books. Starting with A Quick Bite which according to another list is the first in read order.
  20. Slowly making my way through the waiting list for this one. I love reading everyone's reviews. :)
  21. Someday I need to try Stephen King again. I quit reading his books years ago and cannot even remember why. I have enjoyed your reviews of the Dark Tower series and will try it when my stack shrinks a bit. You did manage to get me to add my name to a hold list for Urban Shaman. Looking forward to it. I finished The Historian this morning!!!! I love e library books but the pressure when they go overdue... I hate not being able to go online with my kindle. Anyway I hope you enjoy this wonderful book. It was my second reading of it and I was completely captivated once again!
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