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Everything posted by jenL

  1. I would contact the place where you had him tested first (or your pediatrician's office) and explain that he's struggling with those specific sounds, and it is beginning to interfere with his learning as you are trying to teach him to read. I imagine (from our speech experience) that they will test him again and begin services. My eldest was in speech for a year around the age of 4, and once he began speech, he quicky picked up reading. I have a feeling my youngest will need speech therapy soon as well. Wishing you the best!!!
  2. :iagree: This is harder said than done, but I think your daughter has learned a great lesson in this, and I think you have handled it appropriately. In a couple of weeks, loosen the punishments slowly, and learn to trust her again. What she did was silly and of poor judgement, but perfectly normal teen behavior - even from the "good" kids.
  3. Although the room isn't big (10'x14'), I do love the square IKEA table and the workboxes we have in it. I wish we had more bookshelves/shelving. I would LOVE to have a cozy reading nook with one of those large beanbags that 2-3 people could fit in.
  4. :iagree: Enjoy your visit with your friend and to the science museum!
  5. Sorry you're having such a tough day! I hope things become better soon! :grouphug:
  6. Welcome! Enjoy the journey on which you are about to embark! :)
  7. I also agree to wait until the class is over, and then graciously tell the prof how he was educated prior. :)
  8. Gorgeous! I love how babies will sleep through all the photos... makes them so precious!
  9. Oh Bethany, I am so sorry! Praying for healing of your hearts right now... God bless. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  10. :iagree: I have a dh who is going through a busy time at work... I understand what you are going through OP. :grouphug: to you as you hold it together right now. My best friend is a pastor's wife, and I see how there are seasons where her dh is busier than others. Busy times are the nature of any job that is being done well. It sounds like you and dh are in one of those seasons. Thanking someone for working hard is not a sin and should not be treated as such. I'm sorry you are receiving harsh words over your post.
  11. Praying for all of you... I am so very sorry... :grouphug:
  12. Spelling. I decided to wait until the 2nd half of this year (1st grade) to let ds develop more; however, bad habits have occurred that we're now fixing. He would have been fine starting earlier... I just couldn't figure out how I wanted to teach him.:blush:
  13. SWB said in the Peace Hill Press YouTube video that it's going to be revised to reduce the redundancy of the copywork and narration since many families are using WWE alongside FLL. I think this is a good idea. I know we often skip narration lessons, especially if we just did one from WWE right before our FLL workbox.
  14. My son reads much higher than grade level, and he also has spelling issues. I'm trained in the Wilson Reading method which WORKS, but it's very teacher-intensive and requires significant planning, so I chose All About Spelling since it's almost the same. AAS is hands-on, open & go, requires constant review as part of the lessons, and you can see the issues as they are occurring, so you know where help is needed immediately. My son is thriving with it, and I'm confident his spelling will improve through this curriculum.
  15. We didn't buy the 1/2 books until ds needed them. He did 1 & 2 fine, but need a 1/2 book for 3. I do, however, like how they take the topic just a bit further, providing extra practice that is also a little deeper than the whole numbered books. I would still recommend buying them as needed though.
  16. Another PC owner here, and I love it! I recommend it to everyone!
  17. My ds is a strong reader, but he has difficulty spelling. I needed a hands-on approach since he does well with that type of learning. We use AAS, and you can SEE the results as they are happening because there is built in review for every step/lesson. My son asks to do spelling and is always excited when he sees it's next in line in his workboxes. We're very pleased with it here.
  18. I haven't read all the responses However, as a former teacher I feel I should share my experience with parents... I left teaching for many reason, one being because I couldn't handle the pressure anymore of trying to pick up the pieces for the parents who could give two licks, but they expected us (teachers/school) to "fix" their kids. I sat in more than one conference room where a parent came right out and yelled, "It's your job to fix my child, so do it!!!" This was in a "typical" middle-class town in NH, NOT the inner city/poorer towns where this type of mentality is far worse. Often the administration would side with the parent, rendering the teaching staff as powerless. Students and parents quickly learn how to beat the teacher down. I actually had grades changed by administration in order to appease the parents. When a child does nothing and earns a 38 in my class, he does not get to earn a D to pass when I have another child who worked his/her tail off for their D and earned their passing grade. I could go on and on with these types of stories. This didn't just occur at my middle school; scores of teachers throughout the country can tell you similar stories of how parents have passed the buck to the schools. Sadly, our educational system, as it stands, supports this behavior. I'm not saying all teachers are great though. I am saying that as the current school situation stands, parental involvement is KEY, and when you review the schools that are thriving, parental involvement is exceptionally high at these institutions. While I may not agree with how Bill Maher said it, or how he says most things, for this, I think he has a vailid point.
  19. Miss Molly is sleeping right now... I can't wait to see the new baby soon!!!! This is very exciting!
  20. :iagree: especially the bolded part. School lunches are a travesty. I'll definitely be watching this show further.
  21. We started out with the mindset that we'd do one year at a time, and eventually we'd put ds in school. It's such a wonderful lifestyle that I have no desire to go the brick & mortar school route anymore, and neither does dh. We'll be taking this journey to the end at this point!
  22. A letter of intent to open your homeschool 30 days before 7th birthday. Yearly standardized testing done & kept on file at your home. Record of immunizations must be kept on file. Keep a record of attendance - suggested school year = 178 days. I've heard no one checks once your NOI form has been approved.
  23. I was already roaring at SpyCar's answer, and then I read this! :lol::lol::lol: I love these boards!
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