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Everything posted by jenL

  1. None of those combinations are bad at all. I would continue to use the name you've chosen. Wishing you the best for a wonderful delivery!
  2. Dh and I use our bath towels for about 4 days. The boys get a new bath towel every 2 days because they usually use it for more than just after bath. Hand towels are every 1-2 days. Face cloths are after every use.
  3. Like others, I'd like to do it once a week, but it usually ends up being every other week. But when I change them, I wash and change everything: blankets, mattress pads and sheets.
  4. Ds7 is being one of the Knights of the Round Table, so we had to have a very specific costume (according to him). Thankfully, I found one on the internet of which he approved! Ds3 is being Batman. He's realized what Superheroes are and he's become obsessed.
  5. Ahhh, wine... that would be so nice right now, but I don't have any! Tough day here too. My 7yo is ridiculously difficult lately. He has attention issues, but he's over the top lately... and sassy... grrr!!!! He and his brother cannot seem to get along. I hear whining over schoolwork, asking him to pick up a toy, take a shower, get dressed, etc. Whatever he's not in the mood to do, he whines! Plus, I'm pmsing too, so that is definitely not helping my mood. ps - I'm glad your day got better! :)
  6. I started dating my dh when I was 18, and he was 19. We were in college so we didn't marry until we were graduated; however, we knew we would within 6 months of being together. It sounds so young, but I guess sometimes you just know. After 13 years, and some very tough times together, we are still going strong! Congratulations!!!!
  7. I recently came across this at our local library. I haven't started it with my son yet, but it looks like it will be helpful. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1433801345/ref=oss_product
  8. I am so very sorry for your loss. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  9. Bullying is WRONG. PERIOD. There should be no need to discuss it further.
  10. No new advice as you've already received wonderful advice already. My mama bear claws appeared as I read your post. You have every right to be angry. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Please keep us posted as to the turn of events as you address this.
  11. Krista ~ :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I'm sorry you are struggling with this, but your post hit me because this is something I think about often as my grandparents are 1000 miles away, and they are getting older. Like you, they were my life growing up, and we spent every weekend with them. I have not had to make this decision, but I know it will come at some point. Like you, I have no idea how I would decide because I wouldn't be able to afford it either. There are so many unknowns unless the doctors have given a timeline of how much time he has left. If he only has 24-48 hours, then I would go if it were me, and I would stay through the funeral if it was held shortly after. If you are dealing with several days and/or weeks, then I would wait until it were more dire. I would want the chance to speak to him if I could, so that is what would make me go sooner rather than later. I'm probably not much help here. This is something that worries me about my own grandparents. I will be praying for you as you struggle with this situation. :grouphug:
  12. My mother deals with this regularly with her siblings. I think it can be fairly common... hurtful though. I'm sorry. :grouphug:
  13. Rhonda, I am SO very sorry! :grouphug: Having to recently put a cat down for illness, I completely understand your anxiety and pain. I will never forget the day one of my cats (who was 16 and was experiencing the same symptoms as yours) needed to be put down (this was 5 years ago). The vet at the time said something that will stay with me forever: "Cats can be sick for a LONG time before they show any symptoms, and often it becomes too late or very costly to make them well. Whereas dogs tend to show signs of illness much earlier, making them easier and more cost effective to treat." Fifteen years is an excellent life for a cat, and it sounds as if you have treated her like gold. Do what your gut is telling you to do. If it's time to let her go, love her until that moment needs to come. It's so hard to let go though. :grouphug:
  14. Also, if you have a Lego store nearby, they have pick-your-own bins and a wall full of specialty pieces from which you can choose. I believe you can purchase add-ons online as well. eta: here's the online location. http://shop.lego.com/pab/?warning=false
  15. :iagree: One family's "all" should look different than another family's "all" by virtue of the fact that each child is different and each family has a different dynamic. I give it my all when I am schooling, but homeschooling does not run my life. I am also a mom, wife, friend, child, and church volunteer (a few of my "titles"), and I try hard to give my all to each of these when I am in the specific roles. Do I sometimes slack? Of course! Imho, it's all about balance. I also believe finding balance takes some time to find, especially if you are new to homeschooling. Each year, the child's needs, available resources, and family dynamic should be evaluated to make sure the "all" is being covered in a healthy way for all parties in the family.
  16. Praying for you! Please keep us posted! :)
  17. Oh no! I'm incredibly sorry! Definitely praying for you and your family. :grouphug:
  18. Definitely, definitely rent! We knew the area we were moving to when we made the 1000 mile relocation; however, we should have rented first and then picked a neighborhood. We love where we live in terms of town, but we would not have chosen to build in this neighborhood had we been in the area longer.
  19. I'm so sorry. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I am lifting you up in prayer and will continue to do so. Stay strong!
  20. I bought my son sketch books to try to alleviate his love of drawing and the excessive paper that results. It's helped some, but not nearly as much as I thought. His desk is chaos: the top has drawings and lists all over it, and his drawers are full of sketches, paintings, lists, etc. that he just cannot part with. Then, he feels the need to keep EVERY Highlights magazine even if he has completed everything in it. He's a chaotic pack rat!:001_smile:
  21. Thank you for your understanding. I'm definitely going to look into the diet aspect and research it at this point. I think right now I am struggling with "accepting him for who he is" as mentioned by another mom here. It's exceptionally hard for my dh to do this, so I feel as if I'm refereeing them, trying to help ds, and also trying to stay sane with our situation and his behaviors.
  22. No worries about hijacking the thread. Whatever I can learn from your situation has to help with mine! :lol: Ask away... I'm following.
  23. Oh, that's wonderful news! :D I'm so happy for you! Please continue to keep us posted!
  24. I'm at my wit's end with my 7 1/2 yo son. He's like a train wreck because he can barely focus on anything lately. His perfectionist personality and ADD tendencies are violently opposed to one another, and he is struggling in nearly everything: focusing on schoolwork, following directions, chores, even in how he treats others (often becoming easily agitated with peers and his brother). I'm looking for any advice. Is there a book that has greatly impacted your understanding of ADD and how to handle your child? A website? An herb? An activity? We're really trying to avoid medication. Thanks so much!
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