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Lori in MS

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Everything posted by Lori in MS

  1. I like Analytical Grammar for 7th grade. For 4th I like WWE 3 or 4 and FLL 4
  2. Anyone know how it compares with IEW Elegant Essay or Essay Intensive?
  3. 2 of my dc have done Analytical Grammar season 1 in 6th grade. My 7th grader is almost finished with Season 2. It is challenging but I made it more doable by not doing 1 lesson per week as suggested. That is a lot of grammar! My sons would parse the sentences for exercise 1 one day. Diagram the 10 sentences over the next 2 days, etc. So they took almost the whole year to do the first season with only doing a little per day. 20-30 minutes per day of grammar was manageable. I really like the program and they have learned a lot!
  4. :iagree: Both my sons have done well with this program. Around 6th or 7th grade it seemed to just click for them and they understood it. Before this they were just memorizing definitions and doing it by rote.
  5. I have 2 boys that were late bloomers. My 10 yr old is finally close to grade level in reading. Last year he jumped from 2nd grade reading level to 4th grade in a few months. I had been consistently working with him a little each school day since he was six. He struggled until he was 8 1/2. My 8 year old son is still doing phonics. He is reading, but not fluently. For both boys I did not start formal school with them until they were 6.
  6. I did another math program with 1st. It worked fine. I did not supplement any LA but you could if you wanted to. You could do the oral lessons in FLL 1, you would not need the narrations or copywork as that is in 1st. (You narrate the Bible stories and eventually write one to two sentence summaries of the stories for the Bible notebook.) This is exactly what WWE 1 does so it would be a liitle redundant to do both unless MFW writing portion is moving too slowly for your child. I am actually doing WWE 1 with my 2nd grader this year as he needed more practice with these skills before moving on to dictation. The one thing I love about WWE is the step by step instructions and comprehension questions. The lessons are short and do not take a long time to do. I think you could alternate between WWE 1 and the writing in MFW and do what you like better but not feel like you need to do all of both. My son has enjoyed the story excerpts from WWE 1 so much that we have read some of the books they came from. I can see how this would be a nice variety to the Old Testament stories and provide some great read aloud material during the reading time in MFW 1st. Also, from second grade on, doing your own LA works fine with the other MFW programs. I am doing WWE 1-4 and FLL 1-4 for LA through 4th or 5th grade.
  7. :iagree: I do WWE for grades 1-5 and begin IEW in 6th with SWI B. When my oldest 2 dc were in 5th and 6th grade I used the WWE hardback textbook to help them get the basics. I did the placement tests in the book and then started them in WWE 3. They did the lessons in the book for each level (about 6 weeks per level). That was enough for them to be ready for IEW B.
  8. For the younger grades I use WWE and FLL 1-4 I do use their spelling recommendations, R&S 2 in 2nd and Spelling Power grades 3rd and up For the older grades I use Analytical Grammar, IEW, and Progeny Press lit guides.
  9. The YWAM missionary biography would be appropriate. It's called Corrie Ten Boom by Janet and Geoff Benge.
  10. We are doing 1850 to modern this year. It is my personal favorite. My dc have enjoyed all of the MFW years but I think the last 2 years have been their favorites as well. It's fun because they are so interested in the topics. The read alouds are great and they have read on their own from the extensive book basket list. The books selected for Bible have been perfect for them. Young Person's Guide to Knowing God has communticated spiritual concepts in ways they can understand. And Tales of Persia has given us a totally different perspective of Iran and what God is doing there.
  11. SWB is planning to write middle and high school writing programs that would follow WWE but will not continue the FLL series. I use IEW for writing after WWE and Analytical grammar after FLL 4. My dc completed FLL 4 in 5th grade so they were able to go directly into AG in 6th. If FLL 4 is completed in 4th grade I would recommend doing Junior Analytical Grammar in 5th and wait to do AG in 6th-8th. I love AG. It is pick up and go. I go over the new lesson with them, do a few sentences together, and the rest of the week they work independantly.
  12. The written form is the textbook for Writing With Ease. She goes through all the stages of writing, what not to do, what to do, and why other writing programs fail. There are placement tests to see where the dc need to start. Even if you don't do WWE. it would show you how long the narrations should be, if you do copywork or dictation etc. My ds sounds exactly like your son. We started with WWE 2 in 3rd grade with me spelling most of the words for him. Now he is doing WWE 3 in 4th grade and I can see progress. This program was perfect for him. He has to work very hard at the dictation but can do the narrations and summaries beautifully. I can see the fruit of this in our history readings. We are doing SOTW4 and he can answer the questions and do summaries of that even though it is at a higher level. Even in WWE 3 you are still his scribe. The first narration you write down for him while he watches. For the 2nd one each week, you write it down and dictate 12-15 words of it for him to write.
  13. It doesn't use SOTW in Creation to the Greeks. It uses the Bible and Streams of Civilization. It does a great job of integrating history and Bible imo. But it does use SOTW in the future years, Rome to Reformation , Explorers to 1850, and 1850 to MT. SOTW is not the only book used, they also use some Genevieve Foster books and others. I wasn't sure if you only wanted to do the Creation to Greeks. If so, then it would be fine.
  14. I love Analytical Grammar. I use it for 6-8th grade. It is quick and efficient but thorough. Using this has freed up time to focus on writing.
  15. I plan to use a fairly independant high school program, but will have discussion time each week to go over their work. I would love to spend more time with them but I don't see how I can do it all. How do those of you with large families get to it all? I have five and have only been able to survive this year by having my 7th grader be mostly independant. I check his math and grammar,go over corrections, teach new grammar concepts, discuss his reading with him, help him with science experiments and study for tests, but that is it, He does everything else on his own except history and read alouds which we do as a family. Each year I am moving him to more independance. It's not really because I want to but I don't know how else to do it. I'm hoping that even with the independant program I will be able to have meaningful discussions each day even though the lesson plans are written to the student and he is expected to do it mostly on his own.
  16. I love MFW, that is what I use, but it uses Story of the world in 3 of the years. Would you want to do that again?
  17. I can't figure out how to do Singapore Workbook 5a Review 2 #22. I know how to do it with algebra but not how to do with with bar diagrams. Please help me so I can explain it to my son. Here is the problem. Ali sold 5 oven toasters and 3 rice cookers for $500. If a rice cooker cost $20 less than an oven toaster , find the cost of a rice cooker. Thank you.
  18. i use FLL 1-4 and WWE 1-4 then switch to Analytical Grammar and IEW. I use Spelling Power for spelling
  19. I do FLL 1-4 in 2nd to 5th grade and then AG 6-8. I found that my dc made the transition easily and didn't need JAG. They did find it very helpful to already have the definitions memorized from FLL before doing AG.
  20. I started WWE 1 with my 2nd grader and it is perfect for him. He would have been overwhelmed with it in 1st grade.
  21. I would like to do a Geography Bowl for our local homeschool group grades 5th and up. Last year we used A Beka's Geography Bowl quiz book which worked well. I want to use a different book this year but something similar to that. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  22. I do this too. I help make note cards of the questions and answers to the study questions and he studies those until he can recall all of the answers. Then he does the Summary (fill in the blank of each chapter review) orally.
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