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Lori in MS

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Everything posted by Lori in MS

  1. I started AAS last year with my 5th grade ds. He is now in level 4. He didn't want to use the tiles so I just write it on paper. You could also do it on a marker board.
  2. My son is in the 6th grade. He has dyslexia. He has 2 older brothers that do not have dyslexia. I am hoping to eventually use the same curriculum with him that they are using but am unsure if he will be able to do it. How do you handle the high school years? Do dyslexics ever get to the point that they can do regular high school work? He is in 6th grade and is currently doing: Advanced Language Lessons Writing with Ease 4 week 15 All About Spellling 4 Singapore Primary Math 5A Elementary Apologia Zoology 2 MFW Creation to Greeks English from the Roots Up Greek roots I plan to have him do all of the AAS books Writing With Skill once he completes WWE I read the history and Science books to him. He reads fairly well. He is currently reading Where the Red Fern Grows but he is listening to the recording from Learning Ally as he follows along in the book. I have him do the audio books for some books and others he reads on his own. I was hoping to eventually have him do Saxon Math, Apologia Science, and regular high school. But wonder if he will need to start a year later (or more) than his brothers did.
  3. The blank tiles from level 1 are used occasionally for a letter until the child figures out how to spell it. (such as the schwa sound)
  4. To be completed after FLL 4 or 5th-6th grade. I am going to use it with my 6th grader. He completed FLL 4 this year.
  5. When will the samples for Writing With Skill and Advanced Language Lessons be available?
  6. My Father's World WWE FLL IEW Apologia Science Elementary through High School Story of the World
  7. Jill on the Yahoo group recommended doing The Elegant Essay before doing SICC C. I was also thinking of using Writing With Skill with him but won't know about that until I see samples.
  8. Why do you say that the theme based aren't as good? I haven't used one but am trying to decide what to do with my 8th grader next year. He has done SWI B and is doing SICC B now.
  9. They how have pdf schedules to download which tell you how much of the dvd to watch and what to assign for writing. It also contains all the student handouts needed. It it enough for 20-30 weeks of lessons. They had several scheduling options but SWI and SICC combo could take 2 years or more.
  10. On the HSLDA site it said that Mississippi does not have an equal access law for homeschoolers so it would be up to each district whether or not they allow homeschoolers to participate.
  11. We live in a very small town. 2 of my sons love baseball and would like to play at the high school level. They are in a city league right now but that ends at age 15. What have your athletes done while homeschooling? I want to homeschool through high school so putting them in school is not an option at this point. What are your experiences with homeschool leagues, travelling teams, etc? Has anyone been able to play at the public or private school without attending classes there?
  12. We live in a very small town. 2 of my sons love baseball and would like to play at the high school level. They are in a city league right now but that ends at age 15. What have your athletes done while homeschooling? I want to homeschool through high school so putting them in school is not an option at this point. What are your experiences with homeschool leagues, travelling teams, etc? Has anyone been able to play at the public or private school without attending classes there?
  13. I use MFW. You can do history together from 2nd-8th grade. In High school they have their own program to do independantly.
  14. I recommend All About Spelling for anyone who has struggled with reading and spelling. You need to start with level 1 even though it may be easy. My 11 year old started with level 1 last fall and is now beginning level 4. They give tips on their website how to teach teenagers to spell. My son has never been able to spell even the most basic words but has made great progress with this program! http://www.allaboutspelling.com For Grammar he could continue with Analytical Grammar or try SWB's new grammar program. For writing I would recommend the Instructor's book for Writing With Ease. It has 6 weeks of lessons for each of the 4 levels. I had my older children just do the lessons in the book. They took the placement test. I think they both started at level 3. Then you could start WWS when it is released. Another option would be IEW. I like SWI B and SICC B for his age group.
  15. IEW SWI B and SICC B along with some outline practice SWB style
  16. I was considering Analytical Grammar as that is what my older boys are using. But the ds that is doing FLL 4 right now struggles with language arts but had done beautifully with FLL and WWE. If SWB will post 2 weeks at a time this fall I will be doing ALL.
  17. Will she be able to complete the levels one per year? My ds will finish FLL 4 this spring. I'd love to use this, but need to start in the fall. Will each year after ALL 1 be delayed as well?
  18. Where can I get audiobooks for free or cheap? Our library doesn't have very many.
  19. With the newest edition 87 includes prealgebra. If they struggled in 87, do Algebra 1/2 than Algrebra 1. If they did not struggle in 87, go straight to Algebra 1. Algebra 1/2 is the optional one that you can skip, not 87.
  20. I am trying to decide which phonics program to use with my son in the next year or two. He is only 4.5 now and is not ready at this point. I have 2 children with dyslexia but do not know if my youngest is or not. He is not showing strong signs of dyslexia at this point. I already own Barton Reading and Spelling, Phonics Pathways, and All About Spellling. Would these work with a child who is not dyslexic? It seems like he would need to know the sounds before beginning Barton. Money is an issue so I would like to use what I have.
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