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Lori in MS

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Everything posted by Lori in MS

  1. I think OP is asking about EIW Essentials in Writing, which is $40 per grade, not IEW, Institute for Excellence in Writing. EIW is tempting me as well. I have a 9th and 10th grader that are behind in writing. Can't decide if I should do EIW or continue with WWS 1 and 2. OR perhaps both?? They really need a lot of practice. We must spend a lot of time on writing for the next 3-4 years. I was thinking about having them do WWS straight through and then using EIW as needed. For example, when they are assigned a paper in their history curriculum, watch those lessons in EIW. Does anyone know if this will work? I love WWS and they have learned so much from that. There is such depth to that program, it's hard to explain, but it has greatly improved the quality of their writing and their ability to write on their own. But, WWS doesn't address research papers and persuasive writing, which they desparately need. EIW would cover this. Oh there is not enough time to do everything that they need!! I have 6 kids, and am teaching one to read this year. Sometimes I feel like my brain is going to explode having to teach to so many different levels! Did I mention that I have a 17 month old too? Help!!
  2. My oldest ds just finished AHL in 9th grade. This year he will do WHL in 10th and my 2nd son will do AHL in 9th. I haven't seen WHL yet except for looking at the samples but hope to buy it soon. My son loved AHL, but he really enjoys ancient history and mythology.
  3. I think finding a writing problem he can follow is the most important. Once I get WHL I will look through it to see what will work. Thank you for your comments Crystal. We must have been typing at the same time.
  4. I love MFW high school for all the reasons Crystal mentioned. The only con for us was that it did not include enough writing instruction for me and my ds. I am hoping that WHL is better. I am weak in writing and struggle with teaching it. I am loving WWS for my middle schooler. I wish that there was something like that for high school. My ds did very well with IEW SWI B and SICC B. I wanted him to do SICC C but it is too much with MFW. I don't want to give up MFW's plan and format. If there are too many substitutions the beauty and simplicity of it being planned out for me is lost. I love the integration of the literature, history, and Bible. So I am planning to do MFW and hope that I can figure out the writing. I was thinking of doing some of the Lively Art of Writing along with AHL for my 9th grader. I just wish that writing wasn't such a struggle for us! As far as the credits, I am just formatting the transcript by subject rather than year.
  5. If her writing skills are good, I don't see why she couldn't do that. AHL basically focuses on the argumentative essay. If she does it in a later grade you may want to add to the writing as it might be too easy for her. Reading the entire Old Testament, Iliad, Odyssey, etc is challenging at any age IMHO.
  6. I am a little concerned about this. I found my son needed more writing instruction than AHL provided. I haven't bought WHL yet. Are you saying it doesn't teach how to write the reasearch paper, it just assigns it? How is Writers Inc.? Is it helpful? I love MFW but writing is the hardest subject for me and my children. Sometimes I wish it wasn't so integrated so I could do IEW's SICC C. It is just too much to add. My son is taking a speech class this year so he will already have 2 English credits with that and WHL. I just don't want him to flounder this year. I am not sure what to do.
  7. He is doing MFW high school. He just likes working independently.
  8. My 9th grader wanted to do his work independently. I don't know how else to say it except that even in 8th grade it was too slow for him. He was ready to move on at his own faster pace.
  9. I looked at this book and it looks really good! My son did AHL and really liked it except for Old Testament challenge. I'm curious to know how you are going to use the The Most Important Thing... I have another son doing AHL this year. I just don't know if changing the assignments would confuse him or do you just do the next thing and not worry about the AHL schedule? Will your ds read the whole Bible or just the portions to answer the questions? How long will it take each day and are you doing the whole OT in one year like AHL does?
  10. English includes literataure. writing, and grammar exercises that are planned out for you in the student manual.
  11. The Bible, History, and English take about 3 hours each day. My son took a long time with writing so when there was a writing assignment it was longer. The other subjects vary widely depending on what you use.
  12. I have a k'er, 5th grade, 7th grade, 9th grade, and 10th grade.
  13. This summer my dc are doing www.aleks.com They did the 48 hour free trial and did the assessment. A few days later I was offered the 2 month free trial. Once the assessment is completed it shows a pie graph that tells what they know and what they still need to learn. The child can select from the topics they don't know to work on each day. This has been a great thing for us this summer to fill in the gaps. There is also a comparison of what they know vs the state standards for their grade. There is a quicktables section if they need to work on math facts.
  14. We are not taking a break from math, just approaching it differently. I found www.aleks.com last week and did the 48 hour free trial. They give each child an assessment, than work on the weak areas. The nice thing is that it is totally independant with no papers to grade. After the 48 hour free trial they sent me an email link for a free 2 month trial. We are doing that now.
  15. Why do you only need the TM for the old version and not the new one?
  16. Jr AG is to be used in 4th or 5th grade. I've heard they have recently come out with a Jr AG usage book. The regular book teaches the same concepts as the first season of AG using sentences at a lower reading level.
  17. Is it possible to only buy the IM and 1 student book of CE 1 (new edition) to use with 3 students? Or do they each need their own book? Money is tight right now.
  18. My oldest ds is finishing up AHL and my 2nd ds is completing 8th this year. I much prefer WWS to WS and my 8th grader did WWS this year. WWS teaches similar things to WS 4 but with much more detailed instructions. I believe it is adequate preparation for AHL.
  19. I sent an email to the executive assistant that I wanted to be a beta tester for WWS 2 but I did not get a response. Did anyone get a response? I just want to make sure that my email was received.
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