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Lori in MS

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Everything posted by Lori in MS

  1. I don't require my 10 yr old do to narrations or outlines in SOTW 4. He is doing WWE 3 which is on his level. I believe the WWE series will adequately progress him to where he needs to be (and at the correct pace). For history he listens to SOTW 4, does the mapwork, orally answers the review questions, and tells me what he remembers in an informal way. His WWE practice is helping him to do this. He also reads extra books on some of the topics.
  2. My 4th grader is doing WWE 3 but we are not doubling up as it is a challenge for him. I plan to do WWE 4 when he is in 5th grade and IEW SWI B in 6th.
  3. That's about how much time my 2nd grader does as well. I'm pleased with where he is academically.
  4. The Last days of Sophie Scholl is an amazing true story, Good for the 15 yr old, my 9 yr old watched it but there is an execution at the end. No blood or gore though. The convictions that Sophie communicated and lived up to are inspiring. I had a great discussion about it with my 13 yr old.
  5. SWB will eventually write Writing with Skill, a writing program for 5th-8th graders. Until then, I am doing WWE then switching to IEW B.
  6. For my 12 yr old I did the lessons in the WWE instructors text for levels 3 and 4 in one year. This year he is doing the outlining in SOTW 4 but I am also occasionally giving him dictation. He can do a summary very well after doing WWE 3 and 4.
  7. My Father's World for me too. We've been using it for 5 years. I have 5 children 7th grade to 3 yrs old
  8. That sounds like it would work. My son did FLL 4 in 5th grade and went straight to AG in 6th. So far so good, but it is a big jump. I think having JAG in between would help the transition go more smoothly.
  9. I'm right there with you! Yesterday I fell asleep at 7:30, I could not stay awake. As a result we didn't do our evening read aloud. Oh well, try again next week.
  10. We love it here too. I have used it for several years and plan to continue through all of the levels. I love the 10 step studying process. But the best thing this year is that is has helped my ds9 in his frustrations in spelling. He is making progress for the first time.
  11. My sixth grader is doing level 4 but I am only going to do the lessons in the instructor guide unless he has trouble.
  12. Because it is a new skill for my son, I will not count the first few in his grade.
  13. There is a lecture for every lesson. They last about 20-30 minutes each. You don't see the teacher, it's like looking at a chalkboard. He teaches the lessons and has you work through several practice problems. After watching the lesson my son can skip the practice problems in the book and go straight to the mixed practice. I really like not having to teach the lesson. It makes Saxon for the upper grades totally independant. They can also email their teacher if they don't understand something or have any questions about the lesson. My Father's world http://www.mfwbooks.com has lesson plans for Saxon written to the student that tells them what to do each day. If they are doing well after 10 lessons, they tell them which problems they can skip. This has motivated my son to work hard to keep his grade up so he doesn't have to do all the problems.
  14. I debated back and forth between MUS and Saxon after Zeta. I finally decided on Saxon. My 7th grader is doing Saxon 8/7 with the DIVE cd. I am glad I made the switch for these reasons: He is totally independant with the DIVE cd and it still has a teacher to teach the lessons. He is learning to take notes on the lecture. Saxon has a lot of review but seems more rigorous than MUS. And a nice bonus that I didn't think of is that he listens to the lecture with headphones so the other kids are not distracted as they were when he watched the MUS dvds.
  15. I am Perfect Paula and I have one of each of the 4 types. I use the same curriculum for all of them. So far it works. I do know that my Competant Carl hates hands on activities that take a lot of time (lapbooks, etc. ) He wants to learn it quickly and be done with it.
  16. My son is doing Saxon 8/7 with dive cd and he takes 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours on most days. We are going to stay with it as it is totally independant, I do like MFW's lesson plans that go with each book. After the first 10 lessons if the child is making more than 80% they reduce the number of problems for each lesson. For example, he does 1-9 and evens for 10-30. It is not the same everyday so they really have thought through which problems are the most important to do. This has motivated my son to be careful to keep his grades up so he doesn't have to work as long each day.
  17. If you use the lesson plans on the website it takes 15 weeks to do SWI B. SICC takes more than a year, maybe 2.
  18. SWB recommends that you tell her how to spell any words that she doesn't know. Dictation is not to test her spelling but to help her hold the words in her head as she writes and to work on punctuation.
  19. I think it is worth the money too. My dc will actually write now and they love Mr. Pudewa. The SICC includes 9 dvds and a cd rom of all the handouts. I will use it to teach all 5 of my children writing. It includes 1-2 years of writing instruction. I did wait to start this program until middle school so I could start with SWI B.
  20. My middle schoolers are loving IEW SWI B. My oldest is doing more independant work and freeing me up to work with the younger ones. He is doing Saxon 8/7 with DIVE cd and Apologia General Science. Analytical Grammar has also been a big hit, he gets grammar now! My oldest doing well with his independant work and being self motivated is a big change and a big accomplishment for our family.
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