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Everything posted by PrincessAriel

  1. That pen was recommended to us in the report for ds 11 after his last evaluation. It said something like "to help him take notes from his mother's lectures during homeschooling". Um.....so far I don't think I have given any lectures, at least ones he would need to keep notes on.;) But I am keeping it in mind for future use as he gets a bit older.:001_smile:
  2. :grouphug::grouphug: I am so sorry you are going through this with your dd. I wish I had advice to give you. You have gotten some thoughtful replies. I will keep you in my prayers!
  3. I know some therapy programs for TMJ disorder, which can include grinding, include a few sessions with a psychologist to try to change or bring to surface those behaviors that lead to the grinding. I am not sure how that would work with a child though... Was he given any jaw/mouth stretches to do? Sometimes that can help, too. Often the mouth guard has to be worn throughout the day as well until the behavior or habit is broken. Good luck!
  4. Thank you, AngieW. I really appreciate your detailed answer. I am looking at the PFR site and I think she could do fine at level 2. I am looking at your other suggestions as well. Thanks again!
  5. I so know how you feel. It makes me wonder at times whether or not to specify my dc's special needs as it seems to make them stand out even more. I am so glad people here are so understanding. I once posted on another special needs board how my 2 with adhd didn't seem to stand out at all from the rest of the cousins at a large family gathering. I actually thought they did pretty well. One responder told me that I was just in denial that they had adhd and the sooner I faced up to it the better.:001_huh: Thanks for being so understanding on this board!!
  6. Yes, I know how you feel and sometimes don't know where I fit in with all of the young moms. I am old enough to be the mom of some women on these boards. I am 53, my oldest is 23 and youngest is 9. No grandchildren but I am looking forward to being a grandma one day. I will be in my early 60's when we finish homeschooling.;) I will probably miss it a lot!
  7. Oh my, he is coming to my town March 10 and 11 for the IDA conference. I am thinking I may go as there are lot of workshops being offered. Did you ladies go as a parent or are you trained in OG? Just wondering what is the best way to register as this is only a week or so away. Thanks for the heads up!
  8. Is there a list somewhere that tells where he will be speaking in the future? Or tapes of his talks? His website has so much to look at as far as resources, etc. Thanks for sharing.
  9. Thanks so much for sharing all of your great finds from the conference you went to. I really appreciate it!
  10. I do not live in NC, but there is a really great yahoo group for all kinds of homeschooled special needs children living in NC. http://groups.yahoo.com/search?query=GiftsNC You could join the group and ask those moms as they are a pretty active group.
  11. I think that a NLD diagnosis can look differently depending on the age of the child.
  12. My youngest, also adopted, had a bottle until almost age 2. She was small for her age, had some eczema, and we were using a lactose free formula that worked well for her. I really agree it is not anyone's business except your own on what you decide to do. There is a lot of anti-bottle sentiment out there and a lot of stories concerning tooth decay, etc. My dd is now almost 10 and her teeth are just fine. Do what you feel comfortable with and enjoy your baby.
  13. Thanks much for the recommendations and it sounds like most of you have found something that works. I looked at Verticity but couldn't quite figure out from the website what it includes that results in the high cost. My older dc all used IEW in coop classes but I think that would take quite a bit of tweaking to work for this child. If anyone else wants to chime in please do.
  14. Coromega squeeze is a good tasting fish oil. My dd likes the orange flavor. You could mix it with the yogurt. It tastes like orange sherbet.
  15. As far as what to ask the doctor, I think your original post says a lot. Just take a copy of that or something similar along with you when you see the doctor and for the other appointments. You will probably be answering the same questions over and over with each appointment you have. I wish you the best. Let us know what you find out if you are comfortable with that.
  16. My kids have radar....they can be totally involved in something else but if I am going through toys, they always show up.;)
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