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Everything posted by PrincessAriel

  1. I have no idea about that product but AAS has a CD which is fairly inexpensive that "says" the sounds of the phonograms for you. http://www.all-about-spelling.com/phonogram-audio.html HTH. Sorry if I am way off base.
  2. :grouphug: I can really relate and have been there many times! I am also waiting for two calls back and it is taking days. Not happy here, either. It is hard to be patient.
  3. Pia, wasn't my favorite and neither is Stefano, but I felt sorry for him, especially the way the judges reacted. Poor guy! Like, "it should have been YOU!!!!"
  4. My dd is allergic to wheat (different than celiac) and going off of it has helped her eczema a lot. We tend to do gluten free here.
  5. She is giving one away on her blog if you post a comment. Go see!
  6. Most of my kids have them but dd 18 got cavities in spite of getting sealants. Several of them....she is the only one of the kids to turn out like that but the sealants did not work for her! Our new dentist does not recommend them. He says he sees a lot of decay in spite of having it done.
  7. For my parents we had a family portrait taken of my parents alone, with us 4 children and some just with the 4 children. With my in-laws, we had the entire family, sons, wives, and grandchildren all in the same portrait.
  8. Seven years ago, we paid $4800 out of pocket for 10 months, once a week in-office therapy. Each session was an hour long and we were given exercises to do daily at home. It was at a large clinic specializing in VT. I would hate to see how much it is now at that clinic!
  9. I watched several of those yesterday! I thought they were great and very inspiring! Very good explanations of the how and why of TWTM.
  10. All About Spelling does teach the rules for syllabication. We are working on them now and they really do help ds11.
  11. No disrespect to SWB as I think she has done a tremendous work with her SOTW series. I am also especially grateful for the audio CD version for my auditory learner. I intend to use SOTW for my dc but will read it in advance and be sure to provide the Catholic viewpoint for my dc. I found this as a possible source for the Catholic perspective as we go through SOTW 2 next year. http://vmalott.typepad.com/blog/2007/09/medieval-histor.html
  12. Yes, they definitely grieve. We lost two dogs last year who had shared a kennel. I know the first one was not quite the same after the other died and she died 6 months later. We had added another younger dog to the kennel which helped some, plus the extra attention, walks, etc. Now the younger one is on her own and seems a little lonely but daily walks, extra attention help some. We just aren't up to getting another dog at this time. It is so difficult to lose them.
  13. I am interested and have been going to do it for a while. I just don't know if I could get through it quite that fast. But if everyone else is available to do it during those dates, I can try as well. :001_smile:
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