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Everything posted by PrincessAriel

  1. That is a wonderful story! Congratulations to Zach and you! Sounds like you prepared him well for his special day.:001_smile:
  2. I was the youngest of 3 until my brother was born 7 years later. Now I am sort of a middle?? Dh is the oldest of two.
  3. No, for many of the reasons already mentioned. But mostly because I just don't get the trend of having to invite a friend to go along on a family vacation. It kind of defeats the whole purpose of a family vacation.:confused:
  4. :grouphug: I will keep you in my prayers. Please update us as you are able.
  5. Thanks so much for your replies. My dd is also being evaluated for possible autism spectrum issues as well as delays, possible FASD, etc. The psychologist said that several symptoms of autism and anxiety can overlap or be mistaken for each other so she will sort it out and come to a conclusion for a diagnosis. Yes, Sailmom, I am in MN so I will check out those resources. Thanks so much!
  6. I would ask who would be doing the actual testing. When my dc went to a large university, it was (PhD?) students doing the testing. Again last year at a private clinic, it was a student just beginning her summer internship at this clinic. I think she joked around with him too much and then expected him to focus, and was not real familiar with administering the actual tests. All the psychologist really did was meet with us and sign the report written by someone else. I would prefer someone with a LOT of experience doing the actual testing who knows how to work well with children and make good decisions on interpreting the results. Just my two cents! Good luck.
  7. Can anyone point me to some trusted anxiety resources? Either books or websites/articles would be fine. I knew dd 10 was having some anxiety, especially weather related fears right now, and the psychologist doing her evaluation witnessed it all first hand yesterday. She is suggesting therapy for her, with which we agree , and she has a lot of experience treating children with these issues. While we wait for that to get set up and for the results of the evaluation, I want to find out how to deal with dd's fears of storms and tornadoes as she is constantly checking the sky, packing her favorite things to head to the basement, etc. Trying to reason with her does no good at all. It is wearing me out and the rest of the family as well. DD is a very immature 10 yr old, (psychologist suggested yesterday she is more like 6-7yo). Thank you!
  8. I have an older son diagnosed in his late teens with Aspergers. He doesn't really want us to tell anyone. My mom, in her late 80s would not understand it anyhow, mil is always in denial that anyone has any kind of problem, and my sister just blames all of my concerns about ds and the rest of my dc on the fact that we homeschool.....if only we had them in school, they wouldn't have any problems...:confused: I sometimes wish ds would change his mind as I feel that an explanation would help others see him differently (they sometimes see him as being rude or antisocial). But he is an adult now and I made a promise to him.
  9. https://www.handwriting-solutions.com/guide.asp Take a look at this website and see if it might be what you are looking for. I did order the book but haven't had a lot of time to make good use of it yet. They do work with home schoolers, long distance if necessary. My ds12 was diagnosed with dysgraphia and he uses white boards a lot, dragon, and some keyboarding but prefers the dragon device. I am not totally sold on dragon as it doesn't punctuate or even always spell correctly but that is his first choice so we will work with it. My ds's main problem is that he cannot stand to touch paper so we have had to work around it in spite of a lot of OT and 2 years of play therapy to get to the root of it....we never did solve it so far! Good luck!
  10. I used LDA in my state to obtain testing for my 17yo last summer. I was concerned about a learning disability or dyslexia. She was given testing for achievement and IQ type testing over two mornings by a psychologist and a special education teacher. I was a little concerned when the psychologist called me back when setting up the meeting for the results of the testing. It appeared that he also works for Sylvan Learning Center and I was a bit afraid after seeing that on my caller ID. But he did not suggest anything to promote Sylvan and gave us some good feedback concerning her results and suggestions for the future of her education. We had to pay out of pocket but got in for an appointment fairly quickly and results shortly thereafter, a nice complete report, and we were satisfied with what we got out of the experience. It was not like waiting 5 months for a neuropsych eval which we probably did not need in her case. It appeared that they also offer a lot of classes for educators and parents as well as tutoring for children and summer programs. I was impressed with what we got out of our it especially since we were so late in seeking testing and help for our dd. As far as our experience as homeschoolers, I got the impression that this psychologist did not have a lot of experience with homeschoolers but he was very open to learning and probably expanded his horizons a bit in working with us. One thing he was not at all interested in, however, was dd's experience with VT. He was not convinced it was a "proven science" and not really interested in her experience with it in the past.
  11. I am filling out a lot of forms for dd 10 to have another neuropsychological evaluation in a couple of weeks. Does anyone else struggle with how to answer these questions or am I just over-thinking it ? I guess I am concerned about how much my answers as a parent factor into a diagnosis as I know this has happened in the past. This time they will also be looking to see if she may be somewhere on the autism spectrum so I want to be sure how I answer. Some things just seem too vague and some things I just do not remember, especially things from infancy. "Did she reach out to be picked up as an infant?" I have no idea! She is the youngest of 5 and I was pretty busy at the time! And sometimes dh and I don't agree on answers.:confused: Just wondering if anyone can offer advice so I can get through all of these forms! TIA
  12. :grouphug:So glad you found her! It can be so tough sometimes with our special children!
  13. My favorite mug right now is a thin Lenox one in which I like either my coffee or tea. It says "Home is where your story begins" on it with flowers and butterflies. I don't care at all for thick mugs of which we seem to have an over abundance. I like the way my drinks taste in this thin but deep cup so much better. My daughter searched all over to find one like this and gave it to me as a gift. And I don't like it when someone else uses it!;)
  14. I have a really sensitive stomach and I have had no trouble with GNC Women's Ultra Mega vitamins (without iron). I take them after breakfast and I have been just fine.
  15. We went through TT3 and are on TT4 now just using a whiteboard. It works fine this way for us.
  16. I have never heard of a church giving a baby shower. Maybe individual members who are friends of the expectant family but never the church itself. Congratulations on your new baby, though!:001_smile:
  17. My son is reading that book right now and we are enjoying it so much. We were actually wondering if it was ever made into a movie and then he told me he saw a commercial for it . I saw the commercial last night and I was so disappointed. I think we will save our good memories of the book and forget seeing that one.
  18. Have you considered gluten sensitivity or celiac disease? There is a rash that sounds very similiar to yours that can go along with this that is definitely a red flag for those issues. It is called dermatitis herpetiformis. I had it on my arms/elbows which showed up after eating gluten (wheat, rye, barley, oats). It can sometimes take days for this to show up after ingesting gluten ( or earlier depending on the person) and also result in the tummy issues. Blood tests are not always accurate for diagnosis of celiac disease and there will be no blood test result for gluten sensitivity. Try researching the skin issue and celiac disease to see if it might be something you want to look into more. If you do have it the only "cure" is avoiding gluten. Good luck!
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