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Everything posted by PrincessAriel

  1. I subscribe to HSLDA's struggling learner newsletter and this month it was all about writing with a struggling learner. I looked on their site and it hasn't been posted there in the archives yet, but if you subscribe (don't need to be a member, I am not) you may be able to get it yet this month. They gave lots of recommendations for curriculum resources as well as general advice on writing. I would link it here but I think I accidentally deleted it after copying it:( Good luck!
  2. Glad to hear you found out what was wrong. I had pneumonia a year ago and it seemed to take forever to feel better and stop coughing. My doctor has now recommended 5000 IU of Vitamin D every day and I think it makes a difference as I started to get sick a couple of weeks ago and it did not develop into bronchitis or pneumonia like it usually does this time of year. I am also in a cold northern climate and I am dreading winter especially after last year. I have the same thoughts as you do every February so I can relate to that a lot! Hope you continue to improve and know you are not alone! :grouphug:
  3. Your dd sounds a bit like my own dd. She is now, at age 10, diagnosed with PDD-NOS and GAD. And the anxiety disorder this past summer was pure torture for all of us. I can really relate to the "acting like a cat" thing. She told me at that age to please not tell the cats (our pets) that it was really her. I agree, get a neuropsych eval, be very careful who you share any information with, and try to find out what is going on. My own relatives are not supportive at all, telling me things like if she were only in school she would be just fine. I also have a 21 yo ds who was not diagnosed with Aspergers until age 19 and I really regret having waited so long to find out what we were dealing with. Good luck to you and as was mentioned above, come here for support.:grouphug:
  4. I am meeting the new wife of my neighbor for the first time this afternoon. She is young, has a dd about my dd's age (9-10 yo) and she is from a foreign country and does speak English. She would like my dd to to meet her dd and I am not sure if I should explain anything first about my dd. My dd is 10 but not a normal 10 yo, is on the autism spectrum, has some quirky behaviors and interests, is immature for her age. How should I explain my dd or should I even explain her at all? And will this woman understand what I am saying? I know she is looking for a friend for her dd and I think she is lonely herself having been a career woman in her former country. There are few kids in my neighborhood and the houses are spread out quite far so playing together will involve some planning. I need some advice on this one! TIA
  5. While he was working on his math, which can be challenging for him as he has dysgraphia, he said, "I have to make myself sad so I can think about this." I asked him why, and he said when he thinks of something sad, like losing video games for a long time, it helps him to think better. :confused:
  6. Thanks for your replies! I did get him an appointment this coming Friday with the internist at our family clinic. I am thinking a lot of this is anxiety/stress related but still needs to be addressed to rule out other issues. Hopefully we will get some answers or a direction started for him.
  7. Where do I get for help with my adult son with aspergers? He was not diagnosed until 2 years ago but there have been issues with behavior, sensory problems, social skills, etc., for many years. None of the pieces came together until my two youngest were going through evals and therapies, etc., for their specific issues. He is quite high functioning, in college living at home. He works parttime. He did go through OT in high school for a while and that helped some. He is now having some medical issues, stomach related which may be related to gluten/dairy intolerance but isn't comfortable seeing a doctor on his own. In spite of avoiding the two foods, he isn't doing much better. He dreads seeking medical help due to his social skills, etc. How do you handle this when they are of legal age and the doctors won't talk to you? He is in counseling, I think he is depressed, but I don't think it is helping and I can't talk to them either. If you have aspergers or an adult child with aspergers and would feel more comfortable PMing me I would be most grateful. At this point he just feels like giving up on everything because he feels so lousy. I am not sure who to talk to and he does not want to go through anything at his university.
  8. I am interested in that book but haven't actually ordered it yet. Glad to hear you are having such great results with it already! I am interested in hearing more as you go so keep on with the reports, please!:001_smile:
  9. Yes, I am the same way since I have been gluten free. And it has been six years.
  10. :grouphug::grouphug: and prayers!! Hope you get some answers soon!
  11. I think it's great. Maybe they get to a point where they are finally really frustrated enough to do something about it. My young adult with aspergers finally decided he was miserable enough to go back to being gluten free after feeling really awful as college started back up this fall. No matter how many times I mentioned it, he didn't want to hear about it but finally felt so sick he was willing to give it another try. He actually came to me and asked for help with food and supplements to try and heal his digestive system. I was surprised but I am willing to help all that I can.
  12. Our pediatric dentist has a room next to the exam rooms with a large glass window where parents can sit and watch their children. They did allow dd to sit on my lap a few times when she was little and scared. We have to sign before any procedure is done and usually have to schedule a separate appointment for that type of thing. I would look online for this practice and write a review so others can know what they are really like. I would also complain further as others have suggested in previous posts.
  13. Magnesium glycinate, up to 800mg/day. Magnesium can help relax muscles and can work nicely with those in the pelvic area.
  14. Dh did our '70's brown tub and it has not held up at all. It has peeled a lot and is an eyesore. I think he is going to end up with a sledge hammer and just get rid of it. :glare: Thank goodness we have two other bathrooms. I think we will just replace it with a shower.
  15. Thanks, so nice of you to ask. After talking to both the psychologist and CNP, they suggested adding in guanfacine because they felt that now that she wasn't as anxious, the autistic features from her PDD-NOS were coming out a lot more, which made her behavior seem rather odd at times. We did have some problems the first weekend on the guanfacine, as the recommended dose was too much too soon. She actually had ringing ears, weak legs, sleeping all weekend, etc. They cut it back to one fourth of a 1 mg tablet twice a day and she is now doing a LOT better. I came to appreciate what the meds were really doing for her after we missed a day accidentally and she was in really rough shape by dinner time. She can now continue with her therapy and actually learn some techniques for dealing with the anxiety. Right now, she is at the right dose for her and we are all much happier!:001_smile:
  16. Thanks to both of you for the links. Looks like I have a lot of good reading to do! I am passing the bucks.edu site to my two college kids. Wish I had known about that one earlier.;)
  17. Heart's joy, that site looks very interesting. Thanks for sharing. I am bookmarking to read more of it later. I also have 2 dc who struggle with EF but I haven't focused on it like I should in the past. OhElizabeth, I was looking for some of the Nan in Mass recommendations. I can only get 250 of her posts when I do any searches, and she has a LOT, so I didn't have any luck yet. If anyone finds it please link. She is a wealth of information.:001_smile:
  18. Try a mini trampoline, a treadmill if she can handle it, an exercise video, dancing to music. Good luck to you. There is a yahoo group called ADHD Drug free that I joined a while back but at that time it seemed many were reverting to using the drugs. But they may have some good ideas in old posts or the files sections.
  19. We have a dog with the same name and we will pray for you and your dear dog!:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  20. :grouphug::grouphug: I know exactly how you feel. But I feel I am the one who needs the break the most (as compared to my kids). My last two at home are both struggling with everything and it is exhausting at times and I am not getting any younger. I am getting ready to start up again and hope this year will be better. I also have to do standardized testing as we just did not get it in last spring (and that is always so hard to deal with). But I have to say coming here to this forum and knowing I am not alone makes a huge difference as I don't know any home schoolers IRL who understand what it is like. I think I would be lost without all of you other moms on this same path!:001_smile:Thanks for all of the sharing that goes on here!!:grouphug:
  21. I am so sorry. :grouphug: I went through 3 mc and the first two, at 6 and 11 weeks, involved very heavy bleeding, the first needing a trip to the ER. It lasted for several days in both cases. All required a D&C. The first one also began in the car on a shopping trip. I would not have wanted to be traveling during any of them. I know everyone is different, but I would recommend staying home.
  22. I am confused after being given a list of resources to call for ds and just want to make sure we do this correctly. How would I know it was completed properly? I think we assumed ds had one of these evals in the past but now I am doubting it.:confused: Thanks!
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