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Everything posted by PrincessAriel

  1. I have had 2 dds go through this and our hairdresser said to shampoo, rinse, repeat, and minimal conditioner on the ends. That has helped a lot. I remember as a teen using apple cider vinegar and that helped as well. Good luck!
  2. I think it takes time. I know one thing that finally clicked for my dh in recognizing ds's ADHD and other issues was ds's performance in baseball. He was concerned about the inattention on the baseball field. I told him that is what I deal with every. day. all. day. He was much more on board with our last evaluation and was receptive to the doctor's findings and suggestions. Prior to that he thought I was just trying to find things wrong with our children.:001_smile:
  3. My ds11 struggles with this also. We tried Melatonin but it gave him vivid dreams. His most recent eval suggested getting a sleep study. The doctor also suggested Intuniv for him, which we haven't gotten to yet, and said to take it at night as one of the side effects was sleepiness. Could she take it in the evening? Just a thought! Good luck!
  4. NOT a Maytag! We have had a couple of those and they are now made of cheap plastic in a lot of the parts and just do not hold up. My mom always swore by a KitchenAid and I know the one she had lasted a long time. My Maytag is in really rough shape (only about 4 yrs old) and I am waiting for us to remodel our kitchen before I replace it.
  5. I have quit a couple of times but always come back. I have gone cold turkey and would NOT recommend that as I felt like a had a really bad case of the flu, especially the headaches. I would first cut the caffeine by about a fourth of a cup every couple of days til it is either all decaf for a while or totally quit. I don't think I felt that much better off of it. I actually crave the caffeine and always came back. Right now I am doing 2 tablespoons of caffeine coffee with the rest decaf for the pots we make here. I will eventually phase out the caffeine altogether. I was told to cut out all caffeine for health reasons and I am slowly getting there. He never said to cut out decaf so I am sticking with that! Good luck!
  6. Oh, I just remembered JulesGlutenFree has videos on youtube where she demonstrates some of her recipes. I am pretty sure I saw the pie crust one. Maybe you don't need the extra info but I know I had trouble with gluten free baking when I first started (tends to be sticky). Good luck....it sounds delicious!!
  7. Here is a recipe: http://www.julesglutenfree.com/v/vspfiles/assets/images/recipes/pdfs/PieCrust.pdf Otherwise, our favorite is Gluten Free Pantry pie crust mix. Amazon sells them, too.
  8. I have a son who will "forget" things randomly at times. I attribute it to his ADHD.
  9. I would have him go to therapy now rather than wait. Good luck! :001_smile:
  10. Thank you. I googled reading fluency and printed out a few articles to read up on it (especially after I saw the prices of those fluency programs!) I also had been looking at Rewards and ordered it tonight. Thanks much!
  11. As a former classroom teacher with a couple of SN kids now, I am so sorry she treated your son like that. There is just no excuse. However, I am not surprised as I have run into a couple of those types back when I taught. If she isn't going to help, what is she there for?? Sounds like she chose the wrong profession. I truly hope things improve for him. Just think of all the kids who do not have a great mom like you to advocate for them. He is very blessed to have you for his mom!
  12. Thank you Marie! Maybe they just gave me an old form? I will look into it now!
  13. We have to fill out a 6 page form and were given two options: Student individual membership which is through a school and the school pays (has its own membership already) Personal individual membership which costs $100 Then it says in order to play RFBS digitally recorded textbooks, one needs to use/order specially adapted CD players or software. It says to look online under products and include it on the form when sending in application. That is what is confusing me!
  14. How much do you have to pay to use this? I am thinking it is going to cost us a small fortune to get this for ds. We got the approval from the psychologist who did his eval. It will cost us $100 just to belong and then more (around $250 and up) for the machine to listen to the tapes. Maybe I am just not understanding how it works. The doctor said it would be $100 for the cd player and the $100 cost to belong but that is not what I see when I look at the website. I guess I am kind of confused! Any suggestions? Thanks!
  15. We are going to try to begin next Monday. I have been ill with bronchitis and need to stop coughing and rest up or we won't get anything accomplished! Glad to hear we are not alone!!
  16. When we did VT with our dd, it probably took about half an hour a day. I didn't think it was too much and I wouldn't worry about it cutting into your schedule in a big way. You are lucky to have this opportunity! Good luck!
  17. I think it is very generous. I remember getting paid fifty cents an hour. When I asked for seventy five, the woman quit asking me to babysit!
  18. Oh, how I hate that job! We have always had exposed cabinet tops and I have climbed up and used the vacuum attachment with a brush and cleaned that way. It is usually followed by a wiping down with a cloth and maybe some cleaner if they are really dirty. I used to have the little over the shoulder Oreck and that worked the best for me. Have fun!
  19. I heard a nurse say once that statins should be added to the water supply. Yikes!!! What about the side effects some people suffer? I can make my own decisions, thank you very much!:glare:
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