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Everything posted by MistyMountain

  1. My ds has several passions, intense interests, obsessions or whatever term you want to use. He never had just one at a time but usually a few and they can be somewhat related. I think having a passion is a positive thing that I do not mind encouraging but I can see how there is a line where it interferes with life or hurts them socially. My ds has had instances of perseverating. He can go in for a really long time about something that interests him. This summer he was going on and on in the car about one of his passions he just watched a documentary on and a friend of my dd's who was with us goes you know I am not really listening to you I am listening to the music. He still prattled on the whole rest of the way. That same friend though will see a book she thinks he will like at a garage sale and suggests that he will like it and that they should buy it and give it to him. I help find books, we watch things relating to passions and if there are lectures on topics we attend them. I think it is helpful to get lessons on knowing your audience and paying attention to others social cues and to not let them completely take over. Passion, grit and resilience are qualities though that can lead to good careers down the line and not just for gifted kids. There may not be a lot of dragon related careers but I am sure there are similar interests and places where a passion can lead to down the road.
  2. The problem is the people who do not qualify for Medicaid but who can not afford the drug. Lots of people fall into this catagory. A lot of people do not have great insurance. Even having great insurance that covers the cost of medication the costs will be passed on with an increase in price. It does not matter that The condition it treats for is nowhere near as common as heart problems so less people need it.
  3. As my kids were growing up I have known a few stay at home dads. It is a complete non issue for them to hang out with other moms. Parents just talk. It does not change the dynamic at all to have men there. Everyone knows that everyone is married. It is crazy to exclude a dad who stays home with their kids. How else would he and the kids get out if the house and do things with other kids.
  4. My oldest is the same way. She likes a lot of fluff. I make suggestions but that does not usually work. I read aloud from good books and get audiobooks for the car so she is exposed that way. I also get good picture books from the library and she will read what interests her from those.
  5. I have never heard the phrase but I have never watched the Godfather and have no interest in doing so and I have never seen You Got Mail either.
  6. Yes it is true. I was a vegetarian for nearly a decade because of it. I gave up meat only for environmental reasons. I now seriously cut back on dairy especially hard cheeses and eat poultry. I had too much of a hard time coming up with meals that did not take too long, everyone ate and the convenient vegan stuff was out of my budget. I feel a little guilty for eating meat again especially when the two vegans I know post yummy meals they make. I am ok with sustainable hunting and fish that are on the green list but I only tolerate fish. I don't really like it much.
  7. I had bleeding around 5 weeks into 6 weeks with my oldest child. It started off red but slowed down to brown spotting. I had an u/s at 6 weeks 2 days to check on things and only a yolk sac was seen. I thought the worse and knew from the interwebz that usually you can see something at 6 weeks. 2 weeks later at the follow up there was a little baby bean with arm and leg buds and a strong heartbeat.
  8. A place around here uses speech therapists and they are able to get it covered under that for some people. Our insurance covered it 80 percent but speech therapists charge 3 times as much as a regular tutor so it still was costly for us. Also only 30 sessions were covered which does not go far. People who have state insurance were probably covered but we are just over that amount.
  9. Yes I know the size they would be currently wearing. When they need to get new ones I do not know what the new size would be but I can usually guess.
  10. Yea I would not worry about an accidental incident. My ds accidently kicked other kids instead of the ball during games. Kids have incidents like that in sports but the only time I would care is if it was intentional.
  11. I used to make pizza but i never loved all the steps involved with making the dough especially when I was grinding the grains. It was definitely not my easy dinner night because of the dough. We mostly order out for pizza when we do get it which is not too often any more.
  12. I did that for practical reasons. I wanted family there when we got married but we wanted to start trying for children and he had health insurance. It was hard to travel out if state and expensive to have one. We were already planning on getting married but it made sense to just get it done.
  13. I always wanted more kids. My kids are spaced 2 years apart. I like that age gap. Studies even show that parents with 4 or more kids are happier plus there is less chance of 1 child feeling left out. Congrats on the new little life! I am sorry your family is not more supportive.
  14. If you and you husband want a child have one. You will not regret having a child down the road even if they do not end up homeschooled. You do not know where you will be 7 years down the road. Life sometimes hands us curveballs. You may be in a different location or some new possibilities will open up locally. I met a mom at my kids' school who homeschooled her oldest all the way through and now with her much younger child she has him in an alternative school. There is a new option in my area that is a mix of homeschooling with an option for kids to take classes. You may find homeschooling so much easier the second time around. You can also just take things one day at a time. If it is working continue but when it stops find another solution.
  15. I voted for Margaret because I like the nickname Maggie better then Trixie. I think Beatrice and Margaret are both lovely though. I like Alice too.
  16. My son loves books on this topic. Even my dd read the Magic School House fact tracker about the Revolution and liked it and wars are not a topic she typically likes. The If You Lived in the Times of the American Revolution or You Wouldn't Want to books related to that time period are good. I also like the Maestro book about it and Paul Revere's ride. Ds has probably listened to nearly every book in the library on the topic. I cannot remember all the good ones but the Weapons and Gear one and Let it Begin Here a pp mentioned are two of his favorites. Liberty Kids is really good and it is usually cheap on Amazon.
  17. I will not listen to Michael Jackson's music even though I liked his songs. I never looked up to him though.
  18. You can't go wrong with either of those names. They both fit in with your other kids' names. I really like both of those names.
  19. They are doing testing but the teacher was not happy about it and how it means more documenting for her. I thought it was too early in the year to meet with his teacher. They sure made me feel bad but they will do testing. They are not very positive about him possibly getting help and said that you need to test really really low for that. I was going to ask more specifics about what test will be run in each category but they ran out of time.
  20. Does it bother anyone else how there are so many memes and discusions that put people down because of how they spell, construct sentences, use grammar or similar basically calling them stupid. So many people have difficulties with spelling, using the correct homophones or writing etc but they are bright otherwise. I know I am not a good writer but I am intelligent. Most people who have learning challenges did not have access to proper intervention. If someone did have a lower IQ then typical it definitely does not make it ok to look down on them or make fun of them.
  21. I was reading a book about electricity that mentioned film cameras to my son. When I told him that I used film cameras he was like wow mom you are really old.
  22. My kids sensory issues were there from birth for one if mine and a few months for the others. They had plenty of free play time and unstructured times with friends and I never rescued them or gave in. Their sensory issues have nothing to do with lack of free time. I had sensory issues myself growing up but there was no label for it then. I dislike when everything gets blamed on diet or patenting. I do notice a difference if my kids do not get active time or if they eat certain things but the issues are always there and not caused by that.
  23. This is what I am most worried about. I do not even know what the options are and what kinds of testing would be best for him.
  24. That would be hard for my noise sensitive kids. One of the reasons I did not pick some of the child led programs here was that they had open classrooms with no walls between classes. Two of my kids would have a hard time in a loud chaotic environment with less structure. I think noise canceling earphones would help but I am not sure if it would be enough.
  25. My sensory kids are a mix of avoiding and seeking depending on the area.
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