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Everything posted by MistyMountain

  1. I would take him in since he is a newborn and was a preemie. I would try smaller feelings too to see if that helps.
  2. That weather is considered very hot where I grew up. When temperatures got to the high 90s with humidity it was hot and uncomfortable. It isn't temperatures we would ever see where I live now. To me it is very hot. On the other hand I hate when it gets below zero but temperatures in the 30s feel so balmy in the spring.
  3. My dd really liked the Ramona series. She read every book in order. It may not be classic literature but they are better then a lot of other similar chapter books. I do not like characters like Junie B Jones but I was ok with Ramona. I was glad that it got her into reading a whole series and that she was excited about what she was reading.
  4. I think my almost 9 year old would not know about the double r but the rest of it would be correct. She is pretty good at spelling though. I am not sure if my ds will be able to at the same age. He struggles a lot more with decoding and spelling.
  5. I finally read the article. If they stuck to just the first page with a different ending I think it would have been better. It started off fine and it is true in a general sense. These trends are also not new trends they have been going on for quite a while now. It got long winded and patronizing as it went on.
  6. I haven't read the article yet but the term spoiled whiny brat bothers me a little. I do not indulge my children or let them have stuff because they whine but they are challenging children with sensory issues and add tendencies who are on the slow to mature side. They get upset easily still and whine sometimes. They have gotten better over time but it has been a long slow process. If you compare them to children their age maybe people would be judging. For the most part I see parents who try even if they have different methods of doing so. I have seen over indulgent parents out there or parents who do not try. It is less common in my area then where I grew up. I agree that each generation has some issue about it that could be better but I do not think people on a whole are so much worse today then in the past. Things were never perfect and in some ways we have gotten better. The materialism and helicoptering is in general worse but other things are better now like civil rights, there is less corporal punishment, no slavery, blatant racism is not looked kindly upon, women have more equal rights and crime in general is down from the 70s.
  7. My dd actually did not have a bad experience at all with having a tooth pulled. She only was restricted from eating while waiting for the numbness to wear away and then she was fine. I gave her some ibuprofen that night but she felt fine the next morning and did not need anything.
  8. He will be 7 in the fall. He will be on the older end of his group. I live in a cold climate but there are recreational leagues that play during the colder months indoors that develop skills. Part of the problem is that he hasn't really just practiced shooting around or done much with it until now. He has done some things really early like riding his bike, he climbs well and has good stamina for things like running but other physical skills he struggles with. It is hard to tell if his lack of skill at the moment comes from just not doing much with it yet or if it will just not be a sport he will have great aptitude at.
  9. Ds really want to be in the Airforce when he grows up. He is still really young and I know he can change his mind down the road but I can also see him keeping this interest. He is very passionate about learning about different conflicts, the different military equipment they use and how rockets are made and used for space travel etc. I know being in shape and having a sport is helpful if he still wants to be in the Airforce when he gets older. Money has been tight but we are letting the kids try one extra curricular sport at a time this year. Ds liked the idea of soccer and tried it this summer. He is not very good at it yet but he did just start and they have barely played actual games yet. He has not really practiced with us either. His team played other teams for the first time and they were really unskilled compared to some of the teams. We do not have money to try out lots of things. How do you know if it is worth putting time into something to gain skills or when to try something else? He does not have a natural althetic aptitude but can a kid with practice get good enough to be so what competitive if they put time and effort in and do not give up.
  10. I lived in the NYC metro area on September 11, 2011. We went to the city that weekend and talked about going to the twin towers. I could see them smoking from certain vantage points nearby. I knew people who worked in them. I was a nanny to a family who had parents that worked in NYC but not in the twin towers. There were lots of families in that town that did though. My first college class of the day was not cancelled but the teacher who was usually very grumpy did not hold class and let everyone answer the few phone calls that could get through. We all just talked to each other about what happen or people we were worried about. In the time period afterwards there were memorials and missing persons signs all over. My dh was on the highway when a 2003 wildfire in California jumped the highway. He was close to it and had to be ushered onto a base. Part of my campus burned but all of the buildings were fine.
  11. 8-10 dpo are the most common days for it to occur. It can happen as early as day 6 but it usually does not. It is possible though. I implanted on the late side with one of mine and that is also less common.
  12. It could be a period or spotting since you do not know when you truly ovulated. Maybe you geared up to ovulate but it was a weak one with a short lp so your cycle is light. I had spotting with my oldest with red blood. Without looking for fertile signs other then cramping or charting temps it is hard to say. You would only be 6 dpo at the most if you got pregnant from the 4th though and implantation generally occurs between day 8 and 12 I believe. I would wait a few days before testing.
  13. I always dreaded it. I did not like the end of the summer when there was a countdown to go back. I was really bored at school but not in the summer when I had freedom to run around. I liked getting supplies like trapper keepers and Lisa Frank folders and clothes at back to school sales but I did not like that it meant school was coming.
  14. I am an atheist who was raised Catholic. One of my kids went through a phase where he was really into God and Jesus. I started going to UU after that. I never told him he was wrong. I did not even discuss religion much except general some people believe this and others believe this. When it comes up I let my kids know I do not believe in a God but I do not bring it up much. I read a lot of science and history with him and my other kids. I also have read books on the different belief systems out there and skeptism. He started on his own from the reading we do to not believe any more. If later down the road my kids want to believe in God it is ok with me. It is more important to me that they learn to be compassionate, that they do not judge people based on race or orientation and that they think about how their actions affect the planet. I talk to my kids a lot about how people have different beliefs about things and that is ok and I tell them to respect other people's belief systems. I tell them that a lot of their friends do believe in a God. On the more controversial science stuff though like evolution, the age of the earth and climate change I make sure that they know that they are backed by evidence and they are facts. When my kids are young especially I just do not want to push all my beliefs on them. I do want them to get certain lessons but I also want them to forge their own paths. I personally do not believe in pushing certain political or religious beliefs on young children in the concrete stage even though they can learn the agenda you are trying to teach them easily. I also do not worry too much about their beliefs too much at that age because they are learning and growing and changing so much still.
  15. My kids loved George's Secret Key to the Universe and the other books in the series on audio that others have mentioned. My dd even begged to watch a Steven Hawking documentary afterwards.
  16. I would tell the mom but in a non accusatory way. I would just tell her what you have been observing so she has a chance to work on it. If it was my kid doing the behavior I would want to know so it could be addressed. I would be completely embarrassed but I would want to know. I would not end a friendship over it if it were me. If the issue is addressed the child has a chance of learning. He could be a child where it will not be easy for him to learn and maybe the parents are overwhelmed. I think it is good that you addressed it with him. He is observing that other children are not acting like that and if you tell the parents then maybe they can address it and try to be more aware. I wouldn't write them off as hopeless even though the act itself is shocking. I do not think with a 7 year old that addressing something well after the fact is an issue. You can still talk it over with them or give consequences.
  17. I wanted to be a veterinarian who lived on a farm with farm animals and cats and dogs and have a dozen children. I wanted to live in a big house and also envisioned fireman poles and slides. Lol I have 3 children and could not picture myself as a vet or on a farm with lots of farm animals. I wish I had gotten a science degree. I would have loved more children and still long for more but it is not meant to be for various reasons. I prefer smaller houses now for environmental and simplicity reasons. I do garden and have a cat and a dog.
  18. This morning on HONY there was a brave little boy who was scared and sad because he was homosexual and he was worried about his future or that people will not like him. Having to discipline your children or tell someone their drug use is a problem is very different then not allowing a child to live his life with someone he loves and accepting the core of who they are.
  19. I have been after schooling my kids this summer to remediate and I live in a neighborhood with lots of kids playing outside. Do you have a fenced in yard that the toddler could play in with his older sibling? You could leave windows and doors open so you can see and hear. I find it easier to work with one child and send the others outside. If that is not an option then it is fine for them to play inside for a little while. It sounds like they do get plenty of free time to play outside and they do not mind too much so I would not worry about it. I feel a little guilty too at times but you are doing what is best for them. My kids also go to bed much earlier then the other kids in the neighborhood and that adds to the guilty feeling but in reality it is fine to have an early bedtime.
  20. I am mixed on this. I worry about guns for safety reasons. I do not know if I completely trust that the person has the gun secured in a way that it can not accidentally go off if the kids were rough housing. I know that a situation occurring in my home would be rare but some people shoot first and ask questions later for small threats and I do not feel comfortable with someone shooting someone on my property. I had a neighbor who was showing a friend a gun and pointing it towards our house while my kids were out. I was not cool with that. You do not point it towards people. How do I know if it is loaded or not. I also do not agree with threatening people with guns like the cleaning a gun when a boyfriend is over. I live in an area where having guns and carrying them on you is common. I know that the hiking groups around here have moms and dads who carry for wildlife protection. I worry about how people might store their guns if my kids go over and play. I am much more worried about the threat of an accidental shooting then the very small risk of a violent person threatening our lives with a gun. I am not against guns. I just want to be sure it cannot accidentally go off or my kids could get near it.
  21. I would not want one for safety because I only would want a gun that is stored locked and unloaded so there is no chance kids or anyone visiting could get to it and then it would not be very useful for defense anyway. Plus the last thing I would want to do is shoot someone unless our life was being threatened and that would take tons of training. I would consider it for hunting if dh was interested in that but only certain things.
  22. I really dislike proselytizing disguised as charity and I think it harms the people they are trying to help. A lot of those religious groups that go to other countries get low ratings for how the spend money on charity navigator. I read an article about unskilled people going to help in impoverished countries with a very different culture and it does not really help. Skilled labor where the purpose is teaching skills is different but a lot of missionary work or charity is not that.
  23. Uh so research says women get married later now and less people get married then the 60s. It does not say no one is getting married. It makes no sense to grant all sexual relationships the same rights. If people are marrying it is about more then sex.
  24. If it is totally fine to call people immoral and say they are making destructive choices because of your religious views on SSM I guess that means that if people say your own marriage is really destructive, bad for society at large and immoral that it is just totally fine and the family member or friend that is expressing their opinion and beliefs and is actually very loving. I do not see many topics on here where in laws or parents say things about lifestyle choices that have nothing to do with sexual orientation like how someone parents where people are like I am so glad to hear their opinion. Most people are not looking for praise but yea some people like to know people accept them and it really is not that out there. (The yous are general and not directed and someone specific)
  25. It is not loving to think that marrying someone you are in love with and are attracted to is immoral and causes human suffering and that someone should change a core of who they are or else God thinks they are immoral. I get that people believe that because of their religion but it IS hurtful to people and is not accepting that person for who they are. People just want to live their lives, to be accepted and not ridiculed or made out to be hurting other people when they are not.
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