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Everything posted by Mommamia

  1. Thanks all! I actually am a long term boardie, but I stay fairly quiet. I have just felt so frustrated about selling curriculum lately. We had a local sale....I priced things so cheap and still nothing sold. I had like new, popular curriculum priced at $2 and still didn't sell. Maybe I should just donate it all (which would be a good thing).
  2. So I recently posted a number of books on the for sale board. I thought that I priced them pretty cheap. What had me going "huh?" is that I noticed that one of my items(for example-R&S 2 english books)was priced at $12($15ppd), but someone bought them from someone else for $20?? What do you think I am doing wrong? Should I raise my prices?:glare:
  3. Oh man, just reading through this thread and having flashbacks of first grade. I have never forgotten how I was treated by a classmate (and how the teacher believed her story) My mom never knew a thing. I'm so glad that your daughter has shared with you what happened....and that you are such a great mom. Just wanted to say that I am so sorry these things have happened to you guys. Errrghhhh!! :grouphug:
  4. www.gentlechristianmothers.com There are many relaxed, unschooling Christian women on the board.
  5. Has anyone tried this? This is not the all grades in one book. This one is by Curriculum Associates, has a student book for each grade, and a teacher's manual. www.curriculumassociates.com
  6. Lots of probiotic and garlic! Also, I swear by the homeopathic flu/cold meds.
  7. Why not Old Navy? I'm short (5'2) and they have petite sizes.
  8. Ditto. I'm just getting my energy (and it's 11am). I went to bed early and got up at 8am. Feel like a slug. Have you tried vit. D?
  9. I wonder if they don't wear shoes inside. They probably didn't notice. I mention this because we don't wear shoes inside.....I could see this happening in one of our photos:001_smile:
  10. I just wanted to throw in my 2 cents about MM.....I loved it at first and now it is just causing tears(me and the kids!). Sometimes I have a hard time wrapping my head around it. Have you looked at Christian Light?
  11. Lately, I have been thinking that my dc might benefit from seeing what school away from home is like. Thanks for giving me a reminder of what it is actually like. I'm sorry that happened to your daughter. :grouphug:
  12. Can you link to the post that Tina wrote. I'm intrigued as well.:001_smile:
  13. Very cool! Thanks for sharing this. Did you download it? If so, how? Or, were you planning on using it by page online as needed. I'd love to be able to print it off. Thanks!
  14. Maybe you could pay the additional $200-250 a month until you know for sure if you will move or not. You could then sign a lease when you find out you will stay for the year(and stop paying the extra $ per month). Or, you DO end up moving, but it only cost you $200 extra for a couple months vs thousands by breaking the lease. Make sense? You pay a bit extra, but peace of mind and not signing a lease until you know for sure would be worth it. *sorry!! Just read that you don't have that extra to spare. Such hard decisions. I totally understand (we are in a super high cost of living state too!)
  15. We are doing it (3rd grader) very low key. Just as an introduction. I don't have him fill out the workbook. Instead, we listen and read together.
  16. We have someone who is pre-diabetic in our home. After little info from our endocrinologist and much research of my own-we are trying to stay low-glycemic. There are many wonderful info/cookbooks about eating low-glycemic foods. I was surprised that potatoes were an issue, but sweet potatoes were good. Cinnamon is supposed to help lower the inuslin levels(I think-it does something good). Fiber and protein!
  17. No school here either. My dc were sick. Most probably sick from the homeschool field trip we took on Monday(as we sat in front of a family coughing like they had croup). Nice to know we are not alone.
  18. I could have written your post (the OP's). In fact, I pondered those same thoughts when we started homeschooling. To sum it up, yes :iagree: I felt that there was so much emphasis on history. Thoughts and decisions about it truly stressed me out. We decided to use living books for history and it has worked out great(my dc are under 9). More of a low key approach to history and science.
  19. I just want to share that I love our printed version. I purchased the download in the past. Having it all printed and bound for me is wonderful!
  20. I agree with Jennefer and AutumnOak. I have found this thread very encouraging as well. So, maybe we are not oddballs {thinking we are the only homeschoolers not in a co-op} We are not the only ones. I think it's just that many people who are involved in a co-op are more vocal about it. YKWIM? I know several homeschool moms in real life who are not part of a co-op. Including homeschool moms who have graduated dc and never participated in a co-op or group. Hope I'm not taking a tangent with my reply. Just wanted to share some encouragement.
  21. :lurk5: I'd love some coffee to go with this popcorn. Anyone have suggestions as to what I am doing wrong?
  22. I love coffee, but I can not make a good cup of coffee:tongue_smilie: I grind my beans, measure with TB, and try to follow the directions. It's always either too weak or too strong. I've also tried just winging the measuring. Still, I get a bad cup of coffee. I made a pot this morning and it's so weak. Now I need to re-make the pot. I'm becoming a bit obsessed. How do you make coffee? Measure? Don't measure?:bigear:
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