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Everything posted by Mommamia

  1. Have you looked at Growing With Grammar? It may be the right format for your daughter. We do sort of a mix....I read the lessons from R&S and require no writing. I do this casually and not for long. I then will add a grammar worksheet 2-3 days a week(either GWG or similar). Maybe you could continue to read from GI, but also add in a workbook. Best of both worlds.
  2. We have tv, Wii, and computers in our home. The only regulating we do is saying "time to turn off___" if we feel it's been on too long. In fact, yesterday my ds(8) turned his Wii off after playing for a while and said "I think it's time for a break." We believe in teaching our dc balance. As long as they get outdoors, do their school work, are kind to each other, and whatever else we may decide, then they are able to play as they like. I am amazed at what they know about the computer and what interesting things they have learned via tv or the Wii( Yes, it's true!). One of my dc taught himself to play a song on the piano because of Wii Music. I've also noticed that when the dc of our friends ,who do not allow tv or Wii, come over..that is all they want to do (play our tv and Wii).
  3. Anyone ever use this? I noticed that our local private school uses this in 2nd grade. I'm curious:bigear:
  4. I'm just curious what is being taught for grammar and vocabulary in public/private school. Specifically for 2nd or 3rd grade. How about math too? thanks!
  5. Thanks so much for your input! Are you reading a chapter a day....a week?
  6. I like and have each of these titles. My problem is that I cannot decide which book to use when?? Boys and Girls of Colonial Day History Stories For Children Stories of Pilgrims American Tales-biographies by Hewitt American Pioneers and Patriots Abeka 3r grade-American Heritage Living History of our World by Angela Odell Study of Famous Americans by Calvert I was thinking of reading 1 book at a time, 1 month at a time(or more).I would also add in various history readers to go along with what we were reading. Which books would you choose for 2nd grade? Which for 3rd? I was thinking of: 2nd- Boys and Girls of Colonial Days, American Pioneers and Patriots, Study of Famous Americans 3rd-Stories of Pilgrims, Abeka, History Stories for Children Because they are long books-I would read LH of our W and American Tales ongoing(maybe designate 1-2 days a week to each) Is this crazy? Too complicated?
  7. I'm finding the very same to be true in our home. I would love to get up early. I'm just not a morning person. The more I fought that, the more stressed I felt. Our day didn't flow and our joy was out the window. The more I allow our natural routine to take place, the more our day flows well. Whether we do our work in the morning or any other time during the day does not matter. If you are like me, it's this feeling that you are the only one with a non-morning school routine. I know we are not the only ones!! It sounded clear to me which routine/schedule brought you peace. From experience, if you are feeling peace it's the right routine for you. I don't believe that you are encouraging laziness at all . If you are, then I am:glare: :001_smile:
  8. Thanks for your input. We actually used FLL 1/2. I'm wondering about FLL 3. We are reading through R & S 2 as a refresher until I decide what to do for level 3. With that, I like all of the choices that I have listed:tongue_smilie:That's my problem, I can't choose. I was thinking of purchasing R&S 3 and use it orally while doing GWG3. Too much? Now I'm wondering about FLL3:glare: I want them all!
  9. Thanks for sharing this. My ds has auditory processing issues as well. I just had an "a-ha" moment when you shared this. Thanks again.
  10. FLL is also available for older grades:001_smile: I believe it is in workbook form(but could be totally wrong about that)
  11. Hmm, thank you. I have been leaning this way.
  12. Which grammar did/do you like best? FLL Growing With Grammar Rod and Staff Easy Grammar Thanks!
  13. I know. I feel like I am just paying for babysitting.
  14. I'm the only parent that stays. I'm leaning toward doing our own thing too.:001_smile:
  15. Thanks for this info. This was our first time. I'm thinking that my expectations were too high.
  16. Nope. It was 2 siblings who were doing the laughing . They were laughing at the kids who struck out. Definitely not with. These are nice kids, I'm guessing they don't know any better. My dc are trying to learn the games and play fair. Having a hockey stick torn out of their hands, getting laughed at, or bear hugged during a game is not ok.FYI-I sit in the hall reading a book while they are at class so I hear it all.
  17. Yep, I think that is why I'm annoyed...because the class is not meeting it's goals. Honestly, I know that kids will be kids, but my dc don't like it when other kids tease(anyone) are rude or hurtful. They know that this happens, but we would rather not deal with this in a gym class. The coach is on staff with the Y. He teaches many different classes. I believe he may not really know how to handle the situation and may feel uncomfortable about it. I overheard him talking to his boss about a cooking class for kids that he was about to teach. He stated that he doesn't even know how to cook. Ummm? I'm disappointed, but as long as my dc enjoy the class(for the most part) then we will continue. I guess I can think of this as another "learning experience" for my dc.
  18. I guess you would call him a coach. Maybe he is a teacher? My dc participate in a small homeschool gym class at the YMCA. The class is supposed to teach different sports skills as well as good sportsmanship. The children are between 7-9yrs old (6 of them). There are a couple of kids in the class who goof around in a way that is annoying to my dc. For example, today they were playing floor hockey. One of the boys grabbed my son's stick out of his hand, threw it in the goal net and yelled goal.:glare: As we were signing out my son explained what happened to the coach. I was standing there...the coach said nothing. He sort of laughed and ignored my son. I told my son that we could talk about it in the car(which we did). I feel that the coach should be correcting this behavior. Something like this happens every single week. One week, they were playing baseball. The other kids would laugh whenever someone struck out. Do you think the coach should be doing something? The coach looks like he just graduated from college. One more thing....when my dc came in today they said "hello Coach". He said nothing...just kept looking at his Blackberry. Eventually he said "oh, hey guys" very low key.
  19. :glare: A-hem, you could have vented that during our call earlier(just kidding).I would have reigned you in....or not....depending on the details. That would have irked me a bit too. Especially because she seemed so obvious about it. Did she win all 3 bids??
  20. Are you asking if anyone switched from SOTW over to Sonlight core 1 & 2? If so, I'm curious too.
  21. I love you!! Thank you so much. Umm, I may be pm'ing for further google search needs:lol: You are awesome!
  22. I'm totally confused, but determined to figure this out. I was just chatting with a homeschool mom at my kids gym class. She shared that they use a curriculum guide called Son light. I spelled it like that because she said it was not the Sonlight that I was thinking of. She said that she didn't think they even had a website. She shared that it's an all in one guide(Christian based). I did a google search and everything leads back to Sonlight. Has anyone heard of another curriculum with the same sounding name? I have no idea how it's spelled, if it's 1 or 2 words? help!!
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