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Everything posted by Mommamia

  1. You are not the only one......we are a "do the next thing" homeschool. I've thought about creating schedules. We've done it this way for 3 yrs now and it seems to work. We just keep working until the book(or whatever) is completed. I purchase curriculum that works well with this method....MUS, GWG, WWE, etc. Even science. There is a little planning with that, but mostly just organizing other books/materials. Enjoy the journey!
  2. I recently purchased some curriculum on homeschoolclassifeds. Before I purchased, I stated that I wanted to double check and make sure I was ordering the student workbook. The seller replied that "yes" it was the workbook. Today it arrived....and it is actually the student manual and not the workbook. I just wasted some money, but I feel like it was the seller's error. Should I chalk it up as a loss and move on? Request a refund? What would you do?
  3. Sending more :grouphug: and prayers your way.
  4. I'm pretty sure that Queen's is the only place. I think that Angela O'dell wrote it for Queen's...or they published it. Something like that:tongue_smilie:. My friend recently ordered and her shipment came pretty quickly. When you call to order, Sandi Queen or her children answer the phone.
  5. Thank you so much for sharing. This took my breath away. I've been reading a book about nurturing our children's strengths instead of focusing on their weaknesses....this video solidified that thought :grouphug:
  6. The heat must be getting to me. I never thought of just going to the office:tongue_smilie: Such a pain, but I guess it's my only option. I appreciate y'all taking the time to give me input.
  7. My dr sent me for extensive bloodwork over 2 weeks ago. I've waited...and waited...and finally called to find out my results. Every time I call the machine says that the office is closed. Then it lists the office hours which actually means that the office should be open. I have left 2 messages over 2 days and have not rec'd a call back. I also left a message requesting antibiotic for my dentist appt next week(I have a heart murmur)....and nothing, no call back. I'm really irked. What would you do?
  8. (My boys are younger). We switched from Horizons to MUS. Have you looked at MUS? Ooops, I just read your above post. Disregard my MUS thought :)
  9. I think it will be enough. There seems to be more than just copywork for spelling. I have the guide and I'm considering using the history portion for my dc(8). The K-3 yrs seem to be very gentle. I've heard that the yrs beyond those are really beefed up. Again, it depends on your style. To answer your question, I think that it is enough for 2nd grade!
  10. I found a mercury free dentist! We have an appointment tomorrow. They said that they do not use any amalgam in their office. I hope I'm making the right decision. Now we have to go back to the other dentist and get our x-rays back:tongue_smilie:
  11. Ugh! My son is in tooth pain and needs a filling(root pulpotomy?) and a crown soon. I have found a short list of mercury dentists in our area, but trying to get this all done quickly has caused me anxiety. I'm armed with my list, but all the offices are closed.:tongue_smilie: I've heard that putting in a composite filling needs to be done under strict conditions. Something about the area needing to be dry or infection can be trapped? I also heard that composite fillings can be endocrine disruptors. Double Ugh. It's like we all are stuck between a rock and a hard place.
  12. I'm so confused. My ds will be getting amalgam fillings this week. His dentist(and another dentist) said that amalgam does not contain mercury?? Now, I'm reading all over the net that they DO contain mercury? What the??? Anyone know the truth? Would you allow your dc(8)to rec've an amalgam filling?
  13. I'm just curious....did you take them to get their hair cut AFTER you found the lice...or before?? I've heard that Tea Tree Oil helps. *My bf had this happen last year....I hope y'all are able to send the lice packing quickly. I've also heard that the herb Tansy keeps them away. Supposedly in some countries they hang a bag of it over their bed post.
  14. I loved waking up to all this feedback. I've been homeschooling for 4 yrs (my dc have always been homeschooled). I'm not sad about these feelings. It was just something that I realized yesterday. For some reason, while sitting at the community pool it hit me like a ton of bricks. Sometimes it feels like everything is moving really fast around me and I'm walking slowly. This quote really spoke to me..... "Each man is afraid of his neighbor's disapproval-a thing which, to the general run of the human race, is more dreaded than wolves and death."-Mark Twain I grew up in a very preppy, public school focused, peer dependent town. I'm still in a process of de-programming my brain from all of that.
  15. Before homeschooling, I used to feel like I blended in with society....I was part of the "pack". I realized today that I now actually feel like an alien. When I walk into a room.....or the community pool....and share that we homeschool I get treated like I might actually be one. I also realized that I don't want to be part of the pack and I don't want to blend in. Though, it still feels odd. Just thinking out loud.:001_huh:
  16. Thanks so much for your thoughts! Yes, we are on chapter 4. I'm thinking of reading a chpt a day a few times a week.
  17. Yep, this happened to me with SOTW1(last year). I just tried picking it up again to just read over the summer. Not sure what to do at this point. Hopefully, someone with more insight will share some thoughts. Just wanted you to know that I'm with ya.
  18. Is it possible to skip SOTW1 and go right into SOTW2? We are reading SOTW1 right now and making up our own activities to go along with it. I'm hoping to be finished with SOTW 1 by the end of the summer. My dc already voiced that they are tired of studying about ancient Egypt etc. I'd like to start on a good foot in Sept. and I'd also like to get on track with the SOTW rotation. We are going into our 2nd/3rd grade year-I'd like to use SOTW 2 slow and steady -incorporating the activity guide as well. The following year I want to do American history(different source), but with the intention of starting the SOTW series again in 5th grade. Phew:tongue_smilie: My head is spinning. Does this plan seem logical? Any suggestions?:001_huh:
  19. :iagree: We tried a co-op when my dc were 7. It ended up taking a day away and adding too much stress. I've decided to wait until my dc are older.
  20. I tried SOTW ancients with my dc when they were 6 and then again at 7. They didn't seem to fully comprehend the text so I decided to go with something different. Because of that, we have not really studied Ancient times in full. I decided to pull out SOTW again and give it another try, now that they are 8. They finally seem to comprehend it a bit more(we've only read the first 3 chapters so far). I promise that my question is coming:001_smile:. This will be their 2/3 grade year....I was planning on covering American history this year. I'm thinking of reading SOTW Ancients over the summer and then starting American history in the fall. Then, when it is time to cover Ancients again(when is that?) we will read SOTW Ancients again. Does this plan sound ok? Does it even make sense? Would it be fine if I only slightly covered ancient history and went right into famous americans, pilgrims, colonial times, Indians for 2/3rd grade? My head is spinning! Could anyone list what history should be covered for each year? Phew! Thanks.:tongue_smilie:
  21. This thread has been interesting to read. Just something to share, for what it's worth. My dh played various team sports in high school and college and I played none-zilch. So we each had very different experiences when it came to youth/young adult sports. What I find interesting is that we BOTH can play on a team, have "team spirit", play well with others, have good sportsmanship, show courtesy to others, etc. Also, we are both physically fit and encourage our dc to be active as well(however they choose to be active-at the park with us or in a sports program). When it came to sports, we had 2 very different experiences. I don't know, just thinking out loud.:001_smile:
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