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Everything posted by Mommamia

  1. I have Rod and Staff 2nd grade science and Social studies. I was hoping to get some thoughts from home schoolers who have either used them or viewed them. I'm just not sure about them. TIA
  2. :grouphug: My boys are younger(7), but are very fidgety and don't like fine motor work. I'm not helping you here, but I wanted to send a hug.
  3. I've downsized too. I had a question....are you doing anything for history or science? Those are my biggest problems right now :)
  4. No replies :( Does that mean it's a lame plan or just boring ? :)
  5. I'm thinking.... MUS WWE1 Abeka Our America, plus history readers Abeka Enjoying God's World, plus Lets Read And Find Out About readers ETC 4 and maybe 5 FLL Either R&S Spelling or Spellwell Phonics Pathways(finishing from last year) Scholastic Success with Maps Grade 1 Art Adventures at home (plus whatever art we want) R&S Music and Story of the Orchestra Am I missing anything? Too hodge podge? Too much? Too anything:tongue_smilie: Thanks!
  6. Miss: I'm ready to put HOD Beyond on the shelf. Like someone wrote earlier, I'm not loving the CLP book and various other things. Hits: MUS I have a short list of hits/misses.....we are still testing things :) Where did everyone find the Berenstein's book?? I've been looking for that.
  7. :lurk5: I had the same problem. My only thought was that I would wait and read it later. Maybe start the cyle in 4th grade?
  8. :iagree:I'm glad that you said that. I'm the op and never meant for this to take such a tangent. I'm recognizing some of the women from the HOD board on this thread. I appreciate your support for the curriculum. It's a great curriculum for some..not all. As is the case with all curriculum. I want the curriculum to work for me...not me having to work for the curriculum. I'm still going to use parts of HOD, but I'm also going to use other things....that's what works for my family. I feel bad that openminded was getting so much directed at her. I appreciated her thoughts as I did everyone elses.
  9. Thank you! I'm going to go ahead and use it 2-3 x a week :)
  10. It sounds like I'm not alone in my HOD "struggle". I can't think of a better word. I realized that I am really only using the history box and storytime suggested questions. We are having trouble enjoying American Pioneers and Patriots. The readings are pretty long and full of fluff because of the story format. I'm adding in Truthquest History today and some reading from What Your First Grader Should know. I may just switch to Beautiful Feet. My girlfriend swears by HOD. As she decribes her day I wonder to myself "are we doing the same manual?". That's what's great about homeschooling...everyone does what works for them :)
  11. Thank you so much. I really appreciate the responses!!
  12. If you had to quickly come up with a plan for history(social studies,geography,history) and science for a 7 yr old what would you choose? I'd love input from any been there/done that homeschoolers? Also, I'd love to hear what anyone with a 7yr old is doing for those subjects. Thank you!
  13. Thanks for the input so far. Hmmm, I'm a little worried after reading that it may put students behind their ps peers. I still have time to abandon and switch to something else. Really, I would only need to find something for science and history.....any quick recommendations for a 7 yr old??
  14. I did not want to post this question on the HOD board, because I think I'd get chastised so I'm hoping to get some answers here. We have started HOD Beyond and for the most part, I'm happy with it. Does anyone change it up so much that you wonder if you are even following it anymore? Also, I feel like I'm just getting through the boxes and my kids are not absorbing the info?? I'm going to keep plugging along and give it a fair try. I'm just wondering if anyone else has started HOD and is not as happy with it as they hoped?? TIA
  15. I have WW1 and was planning on using it with my 7 yr olds this year. Now, I'm realizing that I have too much curriculum and I'm saving a few things for next year. Is there a recommended age range for WW1. Could I save it until they are 8 or even 9? I just don't want to put too much on their plate this year....writing wise. Thank you!
  16. I'm confused about Wordly Wise. Which book would I purchase for a 7 yr old? Is there a difference between Wordly Wise 3000 and Wordly Wise(same thing?). Do you need the teacher's manual? TIA
  17. We just started reading it....my kids love it.
  18. I'm not sure what we are going to do, but I was thinking about this exact subject today. I think it's something to really take seriously and think about. I'm debating about joining a Y program because of it. I know it's in our area, our friends baby just had it.
  19. May I ask what everyone paid? What was the pre printing price?
  20. I do FLL orally. I'm planning on doing WWE 1 and a handwriting book, but I will not do them on the same day. Not sure if that is a good plan, but it's my plan. :)
  21. Thanks for taking the time to share that Chris!
  22. I'm not sure what MBTP is? I think I'm stuck in the idea of how I was schooled and feel like there needs to be a workbook for different subjects. Though really, that is not what I think at all. :) I'm thinking of just reading through A beka My Ameica/My World, SOTW and whatever other readers we are interested in. Does that sound ok?
  23. I'm getting myself so confused. Should I be doing social studies, geography or history with my 1st/2nd grader?
  24. ELF mineral makeup is very inexpensive and has great colors. I've been very happy with it. I'm not sure of the website....http://www.eyeslipsface.com I think.
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