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Everything posted by Mommamia

  1. I have never heard of this pulisher or text before. I was thinking of using their science for 2nd and 3rd grade. Has anyone used either? Thanks!
  2. I just rec'd this book and I am strongly considering using it for my 8yr old. It looks fantastic, but it also looks overwhelming. To those who have used it(or looked at it) is it as overwhelming as it looks? Were you happy with your year? I'm also looking into NOEO biology and chemistry. Could I incorporate NOEO into our Nebel book....or is that asking for trouble? TIA
  3. Thank you everyone! It was helpful reading how others are teaching geography!
  4. I'm feeling a bit confused about geography. We will be doing 2nd grade/3rd grade work next year. Thus far, we have worked through 2 Scholastic Success for Maps books. We also have Down to Earth Geography. I like DTEG,but I'm not sure if it's the way to go for next year. Will someone give me permission to put it on the shelf?:001_smile: Do I need a geography curriculum/workbook? Could I just read Robert McCloskey books and talk about geography? What grade should I make sure to cover geography in detail, or is it an ongoing thing? Sense my confusion?:tongue_smilie: What do you use...if anything?? Thanks!
  5. Has anyone every seen these guides? Purchased them?
  6. Thank you, thank you!! What a great bunch of encouragement before I go off to bed. My skin is getting thicker and thicker..or...at least I'm getting less insecure about our choice to homeschool:001_smile: Homeschooling rocks...and don't let me forget it:tongue_smilie:
  7. An old friend just told me(in an almost yelling tone) that she feels that homeschooling is wrong because her dc are getting so much out of ps. Those were her exact words. She said that her dc learn team spirit, how to act in a group, they get 45 minute art lessons, music...she went on and on. I replied "that's great, I'm glad you are happy with your choice. We are happy with our choice. Everything you mentioned...homeschoolers can have as well." It was a long and somewhat heavy conversation that has me totally drained. I have had some insecurities floating around in my head lately(about homeschooling)and her words just made them stronger. I know that homeschooling is wonderful, I see the benefits, I love it(most days:glare:) ....but I still worry that my kids may not be prepared for the real world. Even as I write this, I'm telling myself of course they will. Could you share a bit of encouragement for me? :bigear:
  8. Harcourt publishing has one called Spelling Skills (sold at Barnes and Noble). It looks great ...price is great too!
  9. Thank you so much Dorothy! Maybe we will cross paths and meet one of these days. I have twin almost 8yr old ds. I'm going to sign up for the yahoo groups. Thanks!
  10. Thanks for sharing that. We had been doing copywork, but I recently switched to their journal. hmmm, something for me to think about.
  11. Beyond the Code....hmmm, I'm going to have to look at that. Thank you! Thanks for all the input!
  12. I wish my children loved it:001_huh: I'm hoping with time it will just be a normal part of their day...and they will appreciate the memories they have logged. My dc don't enjoy anything writing related:001_smile:
  13. Thank you! We are in Morris County.
  14. We just started. I have my dc write 1 sentence about their day. They start with the date and then onto the sentence.
  15. My dc are good readers. We've used Phonics Pathways along with ETC. We do a variety of phonic related activities. They seem to just have a natural reading ability. I've rarely had a phonics issue. If I have natural readers do I still need to do book 6? I looked over the content and they seem to know most of the words. They are doing book 5 right now and it seems too easy for them, sort of like I'm just doing busy work.
  16. Jenstet-Check out the samples of ETC 7 & 8 on CBD.com. I was pleasantly surprised. Personally, we were getting tired of the strange pictures and other things.
  17. I noticed that there were several homeschoolers living in NJ on this board.....we are new to NJ. I was wondering if there was anything that we should be aware of, such as.... good book stores co-ops or homeschool groups great places to visit(museums, science centers etc) sport or special class opportunities ?? I'll take any info you want to share :bigear: TIA!!
  18. We have used ETC for a couple of years. We are currently on book 5. I had decided to drop ETC because I really didn't like books 4 and 5....however....I took a look at books 7 and 8 and think they look very different. Do you think it's ok to skip book 6 and jump to 7 and 8.Those who use ETC.....did you notice a change in the books? TIA
  19. I've been wondering the same thing. I'm leaning toward giving it a try(for 2nd grade). We are using GWG and really like it. :lurk5:
  20. Just wanted to suggest Phonics Pathways. Also, my boys are almost 8....we have done 1/2 of WWE1 and will do the rest next year. My guess is that if she is still learning to read that you should start with WWE1. HTH
  21. I just looked over Vocab Cartoons again. Maybe I could just use that, play Password, Crossword etc?? Anyone?:001_smile:
  22. I wouldnt' have stressed so much when my dc were 6 yrs old. I would have enjoyed our days more(like so many of you told me to). I would have ditched certain curriculum earlier. I most definitely would not have spent so much time wondering if we should join a group or co-op...wondering if my kids were going to be antisocial if we didn't join one. Been there, done that...now I know. Now if I could only talk to my future self right now...so I wouldn't waste another year worrying about certain things. :glare: How about you....What do you know now that you wish you knew then? *I'm pretty sure that sentence doesn't make sense:001_huh:
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