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Everything posted by Mommamia

  1. That's what I am thinking. Since watching the Alvin and the Chipmunks video my dc have been talking and asking about General Custer and Sitting Bull. Previously they showed little interest in the story. Go figure.
  2. We are enjoying A living History of Our World by Angela O'Dell (found on Queen Homeschool). I also just ordered American Tales Reader(Rainbow Resource). Looks like a great collection of biographies and info(3-4 level).
  3. For 6 weeks we have been reading through our history curriculum(American History). 6 weeks of reading, chatting, activities. We watch 10 minutes of Alvin and The Chipmunks Thanksgiving and my dc act like they are learning American History for the first time. Like they've never heard these stories/facts before? Amerigo Vespucci, Pilgrims, Columbus...they keep saying "did you know this....did you know that". Yes! I read that to you last week. Hmph. :tongue_smilie:
  4. Growing With Grammar. It's easy to teach, good review and does not make my dc cry. :) CLE made me cry.
  5. :001_huh: 4 hours....I couldn't imagine my guys sitting and doing school for 4 hours. Is that one subject after another? We usually do Bible, History(reading) over breakfast. Our daily seatwork is Math, SWO, maybe cursive, some sort of sentence writing, R&S Eng. orally, and a map skills workbook. That could take us as little as 1 hour. We may spread it out through the day doing math and spelling and then english/map later. We read or play learning games throughout the day as well. Fridays are for science experiments, art and music. Do we have to put a time limit on it? Meaning, if they get their work done in a day and it only takes 1 1/2 hrs...isn't that ok? I ask this because I'm worried that we are not doing enough. Though, when I see our pile of work I know that we are:tongue_smilie: And this is where comparison and it's cousin worry come to visit.
  6. We love it!! It's the answer to our history woes. We do not use the journal(maybe next year with vol. 2) Basically, we read about 2 pages a day. From there we tie in some science or add in other books. Love, love it!
  7. Wow, I actually just did a google search about the diet and her book today! My MIL was promoting it. If you google her/it I believe you will find some interesting info. I can tell you that it made my decision to stay away from the diet clear. I would suggest the book The Makers Diet by Jordan Rubin instead. Very interesting!
  8. Thank God, it's a new day. I was having a bad evening. Moving on.....probably without FB. I'm pretty sure that I'm going to deactivate. The only thing it has brought me is an ex boyfriend pm'ing me and asking to see me:tongue_smilie: , a friend who is a Beach Body coach constantly trying to sell his shakes or announcing how obese everyone is, a couple of gals sharing TMI, etc. On the flip side, it has reconnected me with a few old friends, but it only made me realize that we had grown apart for a reason. The rest of the friends, I connect with in person or by phone/email. 2 close friends deactivated this week-for different reasons, but along the same lines as mine. I feel better now. Carry on. :)
  9. Ummm, I needed a :grouphug:. Now I'm feeling like more of a loser. Not really, but a little ..."yeah sista', I know what you mean" might help.;) Anyone get what I'm talking about?
  10. Hmmmm, I'm not sure what age range I'm suspected of being in:glare: Maybe it does have something to do with that? I'm leaning toward thinking that it has more to do with currently being hormonal. Really, the only reason I'm feeling discouraged is because I'm letting myself feel that way. YKWIM? I'm just in a mood. I remember reading some amazing stuff on a FB friend's page. I left thinking "wow, they really have it all together". Then, I happened to see their post on a message board...they were pretty much admitting that things were not all together(far from it). That's neither here nor there, just an observation.
  11. I'm not really sure why I'm asking this. I guess because I just visited FB and came away feeling discouraged. I have an account which I barely ever go on. I like to post pictures for friends and family. Also, I always wonder if there is that chance that some long lost friend/family may find me. :tongue_smilie:I'm a dork. So basically, I have a love/hate relationship with FB. I need to just deactivate, but I can't get myself to. I'm worried I may miss something. Again, :tongue_smilie:I'm a dork. I really do have a life. I'm just a tiny bit curious about FB and will visit friend's pages to see all that I'm missing. Ugh. The problem is that I usually get discouraged or unsettled with my own life after reading the fabulous things other people are sharing. Even if it's something as trivial as the fabulous dinner they just had with friends, it still makes me feel blah. I'm just curious if I'm the only one? Or am I just totally pathetic. If that's the case I could use some :grouphug: . And now I promise to stop posting all the smile faces. Amen.
  12. I tried LHFHG HOD a couple of years ago and it was not a good fit. I then tried Beyond the next year and realized within a week that I needed to find another plan. This year, I once again tried Beyond HOD:glare: I kept feeling drawn back to it. I really wanted it to work. Oh, how I wanted it to work. After a couple of weeks I have realized that I just need to close that door and move on. With all that being said, I have finally realized that we are an eclectic family. Not sure if that helped:tongue_smilie: We also tried SOTW a couple of years ago. It did not go well. My kids glazed over. We tried it again this summer and it went much better. I believe that it will go great during the logic stage. In fact, I have a strong feeling that TWTM way may be the best way for us to go during the logic stage. My dc are late bloomers.
  13. I know just what you are talking about. I feel like all the co-ops and homeschool groups are kept hush hush. I went to the local convention and it was like pulling teeth getting people to share info. Have you found anything? We are just doing our own thing at this point.
  14. I'm bringing up an old post here:001_smile: I was curious if the original poster (or anyone) ended up trying/using CC at home. If so, how did it work? Thanks!
  15. Thank you for sharing this. I found it really encouraging.
  16. I just rec'd it this week. So far, I really like it. I'm using it for 2nd/3rd grade. I read a couple of pages a day-it doesn't take long :001_smile: Can you tell that I'm tired? Sorry for such short answers.
  17. Bought and tried HOD 3 times. I keep trying to make it work, but it just is not a good fit for us:tongue_smilie:
  18. Phew, this thread is encouraging. My dc(8) are having the same problems.
  19. Do most people download and print or purchase the text book (thinking for next year). I'm wondering how many pages each printing would be. Thanks!
  20. :tongue_smilie:Me too. I like the one we are currently using, but I really like the look of the one I just purchased as well. I have 3 or 4 spelling curriculums, a couple grammar, a few science, etc.
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