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Everything posted by Mommamia

  1. Magazines about homeschooling:001_smile:
  2. Which do you recommend? Do you purchase a subscription? Thanks!
  3. Curious if anyone has switched from WWE to WWW? I'm specifically interested in the elementary years. If you have switched....are you happy? Or, switched to Essentials in Writing?
  4. Didn't the Facts of Life gal (name??) write a parenting book telling people to use hot sauce. I think it was called Creative Correction. I'm pretty sure that she (what is her name-Blair??) used that method of discipline.
  5. We just felt it too (NJ, near NYC). Everything was still shaking even after it stopped. Very weird feeling!! My husband was in a meeting and said the table and room started shaking. Everyone just stared at each other. :001_huh:
  6. I've been wondering the same thing. What about purchasing used books online? I've suddenly gotten a bit worried about that as well:glare:
  7. Do you review the VP cards, history sentence, etc before your class day? Or, does your class introduce the weeks work and you review that work the following week? So basically, does your child go into class without having heard the history sentence or having reviewed any of that days work? Or, do you review all that will be discussed in class....before class. Thought I would word it 2 different ways:001_smile: Sort of confusing. Thanks!
  8. I have found many things on Currclick that I would love to purchase. The only thing stopping me is all the printing. Any suggestions about the printing?? I would love to be able to print off the many pages and bind them....just so many pages/ink.
  9. I love the format of SOTW 1&2 activity guides. They seem so different from 3&4. 1&2 are much easier to read etc. Does anyone know if there are plans to revise 3&4? I had read that there were no plans, but it was from a very old thread. Thanks!
  10. Thank you!! One of the links showed the page protectors....$10 for 50 :001_smile:
  11. I don't believe it's necessary to supplement MUS :001_smile:
  12. Best place to purchase 5 x 8 binders? Staples has them for $7.50. I was hoping to do better than that. Thanks!
  13. Thanks. I think I need to watch the DVD a few times;)
  14. I just ordered one by Carol Barnier that looks really good! It's called THE BIG WHAT NOW BOOK OF LEARNING STYLES.
  15. I really like MUS, we have used it from Primer level and we are currently in Gamma. I'm struggling with the double digit multiplication. We are on lesson 24 and I cannot wrap my brain around how this concept is taught. If I sit for a bit and stare at the way they do the problem I can figure it out, but man...it seems complicated. MUS users....can I just teach double digit multiplication the way I learned it (multiply up, across, carry, add, etc) or should I try and teach the way Mr Demme teaches and presents the lesson?
  16. We don't schedule. Never have. We basically just do the next thing (m-f). I have a notebook where we write what we accomplish each day. Sometimes I may write in what I hope to accomplish each day. Either way, it gets done. I tried writing a schedule one year, but it was just a waste of ink.
  17. Hmmm, wondering if we should just go slow and steady with WWE until we are ready for WWS. Honestly, my dc are hesitant writers. The idea of pushing too many workbooks on them, and too much heavy writing before they are ready may burn them out. Something to think about. I love the idea of GWG , WWW, and even SWS....but it just seems like too many workbooks(for us). Decisions! I'm going in cicles.
  18. Does the Essentials In Writing contain a DVD only? From what I saw, there was a cd where you would print of pdf files? Or, do I have this totally wrong?
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