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Everything posted by Mommamia

  1. Still trying to decide between the 2. I like the DVD instruction with Essentials in Writing, but I also like WWW. Help!
  2. Will it make you feel better that I have been contemplating the same madness for my 9yr old 3rd grader? We did WWE2 orally last year [dictation was done somewhere else]. To add to my craziness, I am doing FLL3 orally and possibly GWG3 as written. :tongue_smilie: I could see doing WWE orally with WWW as written. But, I don't think I would do both as written. For us, it would be too much writing. Not to throw in more trouble, but there was also that other new writing curriculum. Can't remember the name of it.....Essentials in Writing?
  3. Would this be appropriate for a 9yr old?
  4. Does anyone know if a printed guide will be available soon? Thanks!
  5. Loved your boards Birchbark! I'm following many of them:001_smile:
  6. I met the author's husband at our convention. He was so nice! I'm kicking myself for not purchasing the book then. Before I order....has anyone read it?
  7. Just realized that many of these posts are from last year. So curious about the write and wipe globe, and the 6 shelf thingy from Costco!!!
  8. Laziness loves company. I actually just went to the store and bought myself an Arnold Palmer. I'd say that was a decent accomplishment for the day. Now, I will probably turn on HGTV for a bit. :001_smile: We usually school year round as well. I've decided to take it really light this summer. I feel like I'm constantly playing hookie, which is ridiculous. Honestly, homeschooling has made me forget how to relax(without guilt):tongue_smilie:
  9. Please make me feel better. I have so many things I could be doing, but all I want to do is lay around. I have no desire to plan our homeschool year out. No desire to plan anything!
  10. Thanks. I was thinking that was how it worked.
  11. I finally figured a little bit of pinterest out. Curious, who are people's followers? Are they real friends or just people that started following your board. I noticed that some people have over 100 followers....I don't think any of my friends use pinterest. I am so out of the loop , and frankly I feel like a dork. Do you just follow other people's boards or is their pinterest etiquette? I'm avoiding things I should be doing by getting addicted to pinterest:tongue_smilie:
  12. I'm debating those 2 programs....would love to :bigear: any input. They each look great. They are different, but each very complete. I did notice that the diagramming is different. In GWG, the child makes their own diagram. In FLL, the form is already drawn. Anyway:lurk5:
  13. Just wanted to share that we are in the same place(and same wall) with MUS. We've tried Abeka, MM, TT, CLE....and always go back to MUS. I actually will use the other books now and then just to make sure they understand the concept (in a different style). FWIW, we are taking it verryyyy slow with Gamma. Is it the way MUS teaches multi digit multiplication? Or, is it just a roadblock with the concetp? BTW-I skip over the estimating part of the multiplication lesson. It just became too confusing for me and the kids.
  14. Yep, just re-pinned a ton of things. Nothing showed up. Someone please give us some pointers:001_smile:
  15. I am having the hardest time dragging bookmarklet to my toolbar. I am feeling so dumb. I can't figure out how to pin something, how to add a board, anything! Help!
  16. I have the 2nd edition as well. From what I saw, there are a few updates that you can print off (from the CC site). I may be wrong, but I don't think there are major differences. I do know that the layout is different.
  17. Amy in NH.... don't worry,I doubt it is the same person, but I'm pm'ing you:001_smile:
  18. Interesting thoughts, gals. It's been on my mind all day. I actually started feeling heavy hearted. I'm guessing that if she needs to make her life seem far different than it is she is a sad person. I could give you a long list of strange events with this person. We are friends, but not the gabbing on the phone close girlfriend friend. Though, I believe she considers me a close friend. I think she has a very different view of friendship than I do. Looking back, she lied to us from our first meeting (saying she would be living here for a few years when she KNEW it would only be a few months). I believe she was afraid we wouldn't get to know them if we knew they were moving so soon. Though we would have. Her blog is fairly new, and it seems that most of her readers are people she has met through their rv blogs or family. They never stay in one place for long so nobody would question their story. KWIM? Things have always been shady with her. My husband sees it, my friends see it. I feel sort of sadness and anger toward her. Our children love each other, and because we won't see them often I can remain friends. I've been thinking about how to handle the situation....still not sure. Now I want to know what blog y'all are thinking it is!!:001_huh:
  19. It was interesting how she stated they were staying in one city, when they were really in another (my city). It just sounded better to state the other.
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