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Everything posted by Mommamia

  1. Barb, do you mind sharing what you use/used instead of IEW? :001_smile:
  2. :lurk5: Been wondering the same thing.
  3. Thank you for sharing! Your posts were so nice to wake up to. I love that I can focus on the individual needs of my dc (and that I have the opportunity to recognize those needs through their school work) I love that my dc are not peer dependent I love that we can move without worry of disrupting their schooling I love re-learning all the things I missed during my education. I actually think this will benefit us all as we age. Plus, I cannot believe all the info I have forgotten. I now love history and literature!
  4. I just read a 4 page thread on another forum where people stated the reasons they loved that their kids were in public school. As I'm in the midst of the February homeschool blues, I was hoping we could start a positive thread about homeschooling. Could you please share something positive about homeschooling? Thank you!
  5. Is ALL on hold forever? I'm hoping it will be just another year or so. Or, should I give up and make a new plan? (sorry to hijack) I'm following as I'm wondering the same thing about FLL3 vs FLL4.:001_smile:
  6. Thank you! I do understand the "dress ups", etc, and actually do have a friend who could explain it to me. :001_smile:
  7. using the SWI or TWSS first? Basically, I'm wondering if I can just use our theme book without using SWI first, or watching TWSS? Thank you!
  8. I'm thinking of making this switch next year. Anyone else do this?
  9. Yes, Rochester and NYC (surrounding areas) are entirely different. Different accents, different attitudes. We live in a large city now. It is not necessarily unfriendly, just almost too large to be friendly. Everyone is rushing and not very outgoing. I've been meeting friendlier folks as I've ventured into the country a bit more. Maybe it's the stress of city living?
  10. yes, I own a hard copy. Looks really good. Sorry:glare:
  11. At this point, I just have the book. It's wonderful! So, you all are talking about the curriculum Essentials of English, correct? Has anyone put together their own plan just using the book?
  12. :grouphug: I see that you are pregnant (and you are schooling many). Could that have something to do with it.....maybe more exhausted, hormones unbalanced? I'm a gal that has hormone fluctuations that can suck all my energy and joy:tongue_smilie: Praying that you get your groove back!
  13. Easy Grammar Also, the Harcourt Flash Kids Language Arts books (Barnes & Noble) are very nice. I thought their spelling book was very comparable to Spelling Workout.
  14. I did a search and found only a couple of old threads about this book. I'm curious if there are newer reviews from readers. It looks like a great option to learn how, and then to teach spelling. Thanks for input!
  15. Never mind....answered my own question ;)
  16. Is this program for auditory learners? Or, does it not matter?
  17. Does anyone use Phonetic Zoo without the cd's? This would mean that the parent gives the word list, vs the cd. Thanks!
  18. I'm pulling up an old thread wondering if any of the previous posters tried IEW and decided it wasn't a good fit? Thanks in advance for any input!
  19. I'm really surprised by this post. When I've heard that comment I just assume they mean they've always homeschooled. In fact, I may have said it myself before....and simply meant my kids have never been in school outside the home. :tongue_smilie: Gosh, it's posts like this that make me second think everything I say.
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